Although I don't know what the use of this worship is, but it has been mentioned in several worlds before!

For example, in the Galaxy Team World, it is very likely that you will get the sacrifices of the aboriginal people when they worship.

"Those who believe in me will be saved!"

Jiang Fan smiled with kind eyebrows!

"Follow me!"

After saying this, he jumped and went directly to the outside of the cabin!

Originally, he planned to save only Breslin and it would be finished, but now it seems that he has to save everyone in the remaining time!

Jiang Fan had just jumped out of the cabin, and several guards armed with guns had already rushed up. Apart from anything else, they shot Jiang Fan in one shot!

It's a pity that although these people have good marksmanship, for Jiang Fan, they are simply a group of people!

Jiang Fan casually took out the Desert Eagle, "boom" just a few shots!

With a flash of fire, the bullet suddenly rubbed the crotch of a group of guards and passed through it!

"Daddy spare my life!"

Several guards screamed and surrendered without saying anything!

And Breslin and Lotmeyer who were following Jiang Fan's eyes lit up, and they took the other's guns directly!


With more and more guards, Jiang Fan has collected more and more weapons!

When a group of prisoners climbed up the big hole, there were countless guns piled up at Jiang Fan's feet!

A group of prisoners were directly excited!

With these guns, with their number, it is enough to directly suppress the warden and the warden!

"Okay, I'll rely on yourselves next!"

Jiang Fan smiled at Breslin and others who were grateful!

His stay time has reached its limit, and he is about to return!

But at this moment!

Suddenly, there was a needle-piercing sensation between his eyebrows!

This is a sign of being targeted!

Jiang Fan's backhand is a shot!



A scream suddenly sounded from a short distance, and then a man fell directly from the side of the ship and fell into the sea!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Warden Hobbs. Reward drawing is in progress!"


With a single shot, you killed this big boss who likes to make butterfly specimens?

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

But the next moment!

A white light has fallen from the sky!

The white light disappeared, and Jiang Fan was also gone!

The crowd watching this scene was completely dull!

Then, under the leadership of Breslin, everyone fell to their knees with tears in their eyes!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 766 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining Breslin's worship-Heart of Freedom!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading Warden Hobbs! Successfully drawn-Butterfly Wings!"

Jiang Fan first looked at the heart of freedom!

The heart of freedom: It is not me who blows, this world, there is no prison that can keep me in! -Breslin!

Remarks: With this item, you can instantly escape from any closed environment such as secret rooms, prisons, cages, etc.!

This is kind of hanging!

Although it is said, it is not an egg!

Throwing this thing into the backpack, Jiang Fan looked at Butterfly Wings again!

This thing is a butterfly specimen in a glass box!

Butterfly Wings: Did I provoke you to provoke you? Specimen? Why don't you use your mother as a specimen! --butterfly!

Note: You killed Hobbes who killed the bloodthirsty butterflies and liked to make them as specimens, so you got the butterflies' gratitude! Using this item, your goodwill in the butterfly clan will be enhanced to the extreme!

These two props seem to be useless...


Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

If, if in that world, the value of this thing is simply incalculable!

For an instant, Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

Then carefully put this prop up!


After leaving the system space, Jiang Fan boarded the car again and hurried to the airport soon!

At this moment, Fiona has been waiting here long ago!

In order to conceal people's eyes, as early as when dealing with Qian Xianxin, Jiang Fan notified Fiona and asked her to pretend to leave first!

After a few people converged, they got on the plane directly without being verbose!

Accompanied by the roar of the engine, Jiang Fan left China this time completely silently!

Everyone's destination this time is the city of Victoria in Mexico!

It takes 14 hours to get here from Huaxia, and it is already 11 o'clock in the evening, that is to say, it will be the next afternoon at the earliest!

With the time difference, it was just early in the morning when everyone got there!

Jiang Fan was tired for a day, and Fiona drank too much. Although she had already forced her out of alcohol, she was still a little drunk. Everyone simply went to rest!

Jiang Fan slept dimly, and when he woke up, there were only two hours left before the city of Victoria!

Everyone washed up, and Jiang Fan only looked at Fiona while eating!

"Fiona, can you talk about the mission now?"


Fiona didn't dare to look directly into Jiang Fan's eyes. After all, she drank too much yesterday, and in front of her idols, she was too gaffey!

Taking a deep breath slowly, Fiona finally spoke!

"This time the mission is not actually in the Victoria City area, but in a mountainous area in the East Madre Mountains not far from there!"

"East Madre Mountains?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

The Madre mountain range is one of the most important mountain ranges in Mexico. It is divided into three parts: east, west and south!

The West Madre Mountains are composed of multiple parallel mountain ranges from northwest to southeast. They are a barrier to traffic between the inland plateau and the Pacific Coastal Plain!

The East Madre Mountains range from northwest to southeast, with many volcanic and lava plateaus!

And between the two mountains is the Mexican plateau!

"Well, there is a secret base of Solomon's Key in the East Madre Mountains. We only discovered it not long ago!"

"But because the evaluation is only thirteen levels, the points obtained are too few, so the few lords who are currently available are not very interested!"

"This time Master Isaac is because I helped you, so I have to arrange a task for you to take care of the emotions of the other lords!"

"One more thing, it's also because your lord, you have never given a mission since you joined the Sword of Thorns. It would have made some people dissatisfied, so I made this arrangement!"

Fiona explained it seriously!

"I said that the task is not important, I just rushed around because of Miss Fiona, and it was hard to go!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Ah, this, this, you, you are so kind!"

Fiona is embarrassed again!

And taking advantage of this moment, Jiang Fan raised another question!

"Miss Fiona, I want to ask, what is going on with the organization of Solomon's Key?"

When killing the gargoyle before, Jiang Fan had already roughly understood that the opponent was definitely an extremely powerful organization through just a few words of the opponent!

But he did not expect that this organization turned out to be the enemy of the sword of thorns for a long time!

"Well, Solomon's key..."

Fiona sorted out her thoughts, and then looked at Jiang Fan!

"Master Jiang Fan, have you heard of the Seventy-Two Pillar Demon God?"

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