God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1099: The ruler of the green grassland is invincible to destroy the pan

Wiping his mouth vigorously, Gray Wolf looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you so much! Thank you so much! I finally know what mutton is like!"

"You're welcome! You are satisfied!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and was about to leave!

But at this moment!

"Alas! It's a pity that even lamb can't make my wife the gentleness she used to be!"

Grey Wolf has a sad look on his face!

And the Red Wolf has already roared directly!

"Big gray wolf! You're finished eating, don't you go to clean the dishes!"

"Yes, yes, I will go now!"

Big Gray Wolf hurriedly agreed!

Jiang Fan already asked curiously: "Then what was your wife like before?"

"She used to be gentle and shy. I remember that when we first fell in love, she blushed when I held the hand..."

Big Gray Wolf said bitterly!

At this moment, the roar of Gray Wolf had sounded again!

"Big Gray Wolf! What are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry! After washing the plate, hurry up and make tea. I want to treat Jiang Fan!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Big Gray Wolf promised and was ready to work!

But at this moment!

"Do you really want your wife to be what she used to be?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Of course! Huh? Could it be that you have a way?"

Grey Wolf was stunned!

Jiang Fan had already smiled and drew a card directly!

That was actually from the world of "The King of Comedy", the last prop!

The longing of first love!

Longing for first love: an unforgettable first love! It's really sweet and green!

Note: With this item, you will relive the feeling of first love!

"System! Use props, targets, Red Wolf!"


The card instantly turned into a white light, shining directly on the body of Red Wolf!

next moment!

"Dang Cang!"

The pan in Red Wolf's hands suddenly fell to the ground!

Big Grey Wolf shivered in fright, and suddenly screamed!

"Wife! Don't be angry! I'll go right away—"

But before he finished speaking, Red Wolf suddenly rushed to his side with a distressed look!

"Husband! God! Me, how could I do such a cruel thing to you!"

"You are my first love, my sweet and beautiful first love!"

"I admire you the most!"

"Ah! Just lying on you, my tail will stand up with excitement!"

The red wolf touched the face of the gray wolf sweetly!

Grey Wolf was stunned!

My wife has really become the appearance of her first love!

Are you dreaming?

Big Gray Wolf pulled himself a big mouth hard!


"Oh! It hurts, it hurts!"

Big Gray Wolf rubbed his cheeks vigorously, but his face was happy!

"Wife! You, are you really willing to **** your tail for me?"


"Then, don't you think I'm useless and can't catch the lamb?"

Big Gray Wolf tentatively asked again!

"Of course! I feel ashamed when I think of the past!"

"I even let you kneel down on the remote control! And let you kneel down on instant noodles!"

"I still scold you like that every day! Scolding you is useless!"

"The most exaggerated thing is that I actually knocked you with a pan!"

"I, I'm not a good wife, I'm sorry for you!"

"Husband! Please forgive me, please? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Red Wolf looked guilty!

"Forgive you! Of course I forgive you!"

Grey Wolf is completely excited!


I no longer have to be beaten every day!

But all this is Jiang Fan's credit!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! Thank you so much! Oh! Jiang Fan! You are my gray wolf, best friend!"

Big Big Wolf hugged Jiang Fan and wept with joy!

Xiao Huihui on one side looked shocked!

My mother has actually become gentle!

This is even more incredible than sheep eating wolves!

The point is, how did this man named Jiang Fan do it?

This is something that ecstatic people can't do!

And Jiang Fan directly patted Big Big Wolf!

"Okay! Let's live your life well in the future, I wish you happiness forever and have endless mutton!"


Grey Wolf and Red Wolf nodded vigorously!

Jiang Fan waved his hand directly!

"System! Back!"


At the next moment, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1314 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the gratitude of Big Big Wolf-the ruler of the Green Grassland!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the Red Wolf's thanks-all invincible to destroy the pan!"


The reward this time is simply a couplet!

Shanghai Federation: Ruler of Qingqing Grassland!

Bottom line: All invincible to destroy the pan!

Horizontal batch: people who eat melons!

These two are amazing!

Look at the rewards first!

Ruler of Green Grassland: If you want to live a good life, you have to have a little green on your head!

Note: With this item, your combat power in the grassland area will be multiplied! The growth of the grassland is scheduled, the more the multiplier increases! Lasts until you leave the grassland!

Damn it!

This thing really deserves to be the ruler of the prairie!

It can actually multiply its combat effectiveness!

Too fierce!

It's just that there is a line of small characters below the item!

Warm reminder: When you use this item, in order to absorb the grassland energy, your hair color will inevitably be affected by the grassland!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan threw this thing to the ground in one hand, and then stomped on both feet!


No wonder how the name of this item looks and connotation!

This is really green on the top of my head!

But after all, so strong...

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and stared at this thing for a long time. Finally, his desire for strength was finally crushed by his shame, so he put it in his backpack!

I hope the next items are normal!

Unexpectedly, the pan turned out to be a piece of equipment!

Unbreakable pan: Silver level!

Silver level!

This black and inconspicuous pan is actually a piece of silver-level equipment!

Jiang Fan was immediately excited, and continued to look down!

Level requirements: none

Attack power: sluggish

Seeing this, Jiang Fan directly lost his interest!

The attack power is dull, not to mention the silver rank, even the legendary rank can't kill people!

This is so special and invincible that it doesn't live up to its name!

But when he saw the attribute introduction, he was stunned!

Attribute: This is a terrifying weapon that can destroy the opponent's willpower! Once hit by this weapon, the opponent will instantly have unparalleled fear of you!

Tip: The effect will only be triggered when the opponent loses combat power! And the opponent must not be higher than the host by one level or more!

Note: Don't reason with me, I haven't reasoned! To be more reasonable, I will use a pan to cut you!

Looking at this piece of equipment, Jiang Fan was speechless for a long time!

Although the attribute can only be triggered when the opponent loses combat power, and it must not be higher than two major levels of himself, this thing is simply against the sky!

Because it is not a weapon at all, but a tool of torture!

What it says is invincible, not physically, but spiritually!

As long as the opponent loses combat power and is knocked by this thing, in fear, there is nothing that he can't ask!

The key is that you must not be higher than your own two major levels. That is to say, it is useless for you to use this thing to force a confession to the Legendary level, but to ask the Gold level to force it, it is appropriate and no problem!

With this, it is equivalent to having no secrets within the control of your own strength!

Moreover, he can do more things while the other person is afraid!

Unstoppable, really unstoppable!

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