God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1100: Quetzalcoatl and the Three Evil Gods

Jiang Fan laughed!

Leave the system space satisfied!

As soon as he went downstairs, he saw that the white horse and the golden water lily had eaten up a plate of lamb!

That speed is almost faster than the Big Gray Wolf couple!

"Huh? Jiang Fan, you, are you down?"

The two looked embarrassed!

What I ate just now is so unimaginable!

But, who makes this food so delicious!

I can't control myself at all!

"Huh! Huh? Where's the pancake?"

Jiang Fan was hungry a long time ago, but now he realized that the burrito was gone!

"Ahem! I accidentally knocked it over just now!"

"Yes, yes! Jiang Fan, um, can you make some more food?"

"Of course! In return, I will give you my blowing arrow!"

The two tempted Jiang Fan directly for Chinese food!

Jiang Fan laughed and started cooking again!

A few people just finished their meal, and there was a voice in the large courtyard downstairs!

Jiang Fan looked down and saw that countless members of the white horses were busy below!

It looks like something is being arranged!

"There will be a tribal gathering tonight. This is the only big gathering of our horse tribe every year! Many people will come by then!"

Baima explained to Jiang Fan!

"It's a pity, if it were in the past, you could celebrate seven days and seven nights in a row. Now everyone has things to do during the day, it's impossible to be so idle!"

Jin Waterlily sighed!

"The gathering you are talking about is to celebrate the harvest and sacrifice to the ancestors?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"Yeah! But not only the ancestors, but also Kukulkan!"

Baima looked excited!

"Kukulkan? Are you descendants of the Mayans?"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

Kukulkan is the Quetzalcoatl God, the supreme **** in the Mayan civilization, in charge of the rainy season, sowing and harvesting!

The three systems of ancient civilizations in the Americas are Maya civilization, Aztec civilization, and Inca civilization!

But except for the latest Inca civilization, the Mayan civilization and the highest **** worshiped by the Aztecs, all are Kukulkan!

But the white horse shook his head hurriedly!

"No, no! It's not like that! It's as if you Chinese worship Pangu and Nuwa, all of us Indians believe in Kukulkan! This is not a belief unique to Mayan civilization!"

"Yes, it's just that those Westerners appeared later, coupled with the constant mixing, now everyone is going to believe in the **** of light!"

Jin Waterlily looked gloomy!

"By the way, Jiang Fan, you seem to be very interested in our culture?"

White Horse asked suddenly!

"Yeah! Do you know the story of the Three Evil Gods and Quetzalcoatl?"

"of course I know!"

White Horse nodded!

"During the reign of the Quetzalcoatl, the city-state of our ancestors was developed and rich in resources, which made the three evil gods extremely jealous!"

"And these three evil gods are the dark **** Disco Tripoca, the **** of war Huizilo Pochetli, and the demon **** Trakhupan!"

"Among the three evil gods, the dark **** Disco Triboca first came to Tulum City, drunk the Quetzalcoatl with strong wine, and then seduced the princess and became the king's horse!"

"After that, he joined forces with the God of War Huizilo Pochetli to continuously wage wars and became a hero of the kingdom!"

"But when everyone was celebrating his achievements, he finally showed his fangs and started to fool the people!"

"Even later, he used tricks to lure the people into killing each other! The whole city of Tulun was plagued by disasters!"

"But at this moment, the three evil gods had infighting!"

"The demon **** Trakhupan bewitched the Toltec tribe and killed the God of Darkness and the God of War!"

"Then, they used their corpses to spread the plague! The whole city of Tulun was in chaos!"

"The Quetzalcoatl who woke up saw that Tulun City had become like this, and he was immediately discouraged and left Tulum City and returned to the hometown of the gods, Trabalan!"

Baima simply recounted the incident, but when he said it, he looked disgusted!

"You seem to hate those evil gods?"

Jiang Fan asked curiously!

"Of course! Because of them, the great Quetzalcoatl not only took away countless wealth, but also the richness of the land!"

"It's not just that! If it weren't for them, our ancestors would not be slaughtered by the offspring of those bandits!"

Jin Waterlily also looked angry!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, seeing the white horse's appearance, he didn't seem to think that this was just a story!

Is the disappearance of Mayan civilization really related to the battle between these gods?

"White Horse, do you know where the body of the God of War was buried?"

"I don't know about this! But the elders in the tribe should know, by the way, the chief should know!"

Several people were talking, and suddenly there was a loud noise downstairs!

Jiang Fan looked out the window, and suddenly saw more than a dozen big white men rushing into the yard with guns in their hands!

"Damn it! It's these **** again!"

As soon as he saw those people, Bai Ma was furious!

"Who are they?"

"They are the boss of the biggest criminal gang in Merida, Popovich's men! A bunch of **** who only know how to bully us!"

As the white horse said, he picked up an axe and rushed out!

Jiang Fan picked up a piece of black cloth and followed it out!

At this moment, in the yard, a group of Baima people holding sticks had stopped the dozens of big men!

"Anthony! You are not welcome here! Leave quickly!"

One of the middle-aged Indians looked at a leading white man with a gloomy expression!

"Hey hey, leave? Okay, I'll leave for the money!"

The big white man named Anthony laughed!

But when he heard his words, everyone was angry!

"We gave it to you last month!"

"Come here to ask for it!"

"It's so shameless!"

The crowd roared!


"Hey, the money you paid is only enough for last month! If you want to be okay this month, just take the money happily!"

As Anthony said, he took the gun directly in his hand and took a shot!

"You are too shameless!"

"We paid it for one year!"

"Hurry up!"

"Otherwise we will be welcome!"

A group of Baima people showed their sticks one after another!

It's a pity that Anthony smiled disdainfully!

The group of gangsters behind him smiled strangely, and they aimed their guns at a group of white horses!

Under the deterrence of the black muzzle, although the crowd gritted their teeth, they did not dare to do anything!

"Bah! A group of inferior natives!"

Anthony smiled proudly!

"Two hundred years ago, the ancestors of your idiots were almost killed with guns by Lao Tzu's predecessors! So many years have passed, so you haven't made any progress with these primitive weapons!"

"You inferior people, listen carefully to Lao Tzu. If you don't take the money, Lao Tzu will kill you all!"

Anthony looked smug!

But here it is!

"Asshole! I fought with you!"

A roar suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the white horse carried an axe and rushed directly towards Anthony!

It's just that the axe in his hand has just been raised!


A slender and powerful hand directly holds the axe firmly!

It was Jiang Fan with a black cloth on his face!

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