God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1101: Onongana Black Stallion

"What are you doing? Quickly let go!"

White Horse was startled, desperately trying to pull the axe!

It's a pity that the axe seems to have taken root in Jiang Fan's hand and it doesn't move at all!

"Calm down! Don't cause trouble to your chief until he comes back!"


The White Horse was still struggling, but when he saw Jiang Fan's indisputable eyes, he didn't say anything!

Jiang Fan released his hand and took the white horse directly to his group of people!

Everyone was taken aback!

The white horse is notoriously impulsive, but he would actually listen to that person like that!

Who is that person?

And Anthony frowned!

He was full of excitement when he saw the white horse appear!

As long as the white horse is killed, he will kill the chicken and the monkey!

But I didn't expect this kid to become obedient!

But that's okay!

"Huh! Cowardly mouse! Really let the Council of Light thoroughly eradicate you heretics!"

Anthony looked at a group of Indians with an arrogant expression!

"You have heard what you said just now. If you don't want to die, just take the money quickly!"

"Our money has all been given to you! No more!"

The middle-aged Indian changed his mouth!


"No money?"

Anthony's face changed, and suddenly he raised his pistol and aimed it directly at the sky with two shots!


Two loud noises suddenly sounded!

The children who were looking carefully at this place were so frightened that they cried!

However, seeing a few children was frightened, a group of gangsters laughed!

"Haha, these little boys are really not scared!"

"Look, one of them actually peeed!"

"Hehehe, the fear of gunfire, but something carved into their bones!"

"Damn, our ancestors should have killed these **** natives long ago!"

A group of gangsters have a proud look!

And the people of the White Horse were finally completely angry!

The white horse picked up the axe and rushed towards Anthony abruptly!

It's a pity that Anthony was prepared for a long time, suddenly raised his pistol and aimed at the white horse, and then suddenly pulled the trigger!


A bullet came out of the mouth, directly aimed at the white horse's forehead and shot it up!

Everyone exclaimed!

The golden water lily burst out a whine!

But at this moment!


A stone suddenly brushed past the ear of the white horse and hit the bullet directly!


The bullet was shot directly by the stone!

And the white horse's axe has also fallen on Anthony's shoulder!


A burst of blood spurted out!

Everyone was stunned!

A group of gangsters are all dumbfounded!

The white horse is not dead!

Moreover, Anthony was actually cut off?

White Horse is even more shocked!

Impossible, the bullet will obviously hit him!

Even when he rushed out, he was already bound to die!

But, how can I be okay?

He turned his head subconsciously, and suddenly saw Jiang Fan smiling and playing with a stone!

It's Jiang Fan!

White Horse was stunned!

Jiang Fan, could he be so tough?

With just one stone, the bullet was blown away!

Is this the legendary Chinese Kung Fu?

so amazing!

And at this moment!


Anthony finally reacted, suddenly let out a miserable howl!

"Asshole! Asshole! Damn trash native! Shoot me! Kill me with this trash!"

Accompanied by Anthony's sound-breaking screams, a group of gangsters suddenly became fierce, raising their guns and pulling the trigger!

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, and he was ready to shoot!

Although it is possible to expose yourself now, but you must not watch these innocent people die tragically!

at this time!


An angry voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with an extremely tall stature has strode into the yard!

This person is the chief of the steed tribe, Onongana Black Steed!

As soon as they saw Aonangana, a group of steed tribes suddenly looked happy!


"Chief Onangana!"

"It's the chief who is back!"


But Jiang Fan's complexion changed suddenly!

He did not expect that this group of Indians who were bullied by a gang of gangsters into this virtue, their chief, turned out to be a master of up to fourteenth level!

As soon as Ononkana entered the yard, his eyes fell on Jiang Fan!

Although I can't see Jiang Fan's appearance, I can clearly see that the other party is absolutely extremely young!

At such an age, he has reached the twelfth level, and there is a feeling of shocking oneself!

Who is this young man?

However, now is obviously not the time to ask!

Aonangana nodded to Jiang Fan, and then looked directly at Anthony!

"What are you doing again?"

"Of course I want money!"

Anthony has a look of scorn, righteous and confident!

"Hasn't it been given to you last month?"

"Then I don't care! The boss asked for it anyway! If you don't give it, hehehe, I will kill you all!"

Anthony sneered coldly!


"Chief! Fight with him!"

"Yes! We would rather die than get angry anymore!"

"They are more greedy than the leeches in the swamp, and they will never be satisfied!"

"Chief! Let's go to war with them!"

A group of Baima people roared one after another!


"To shut up!"

Aonangana's face sank!

Everyone immediately shut their mouths honestly!

And Onangana has already looked at Anthony!

"Come back tomorrow, I will give you money!"

"Tomorrow? I want it now!"

Anthony has a cruel expression!

It seemed that he didn't even know that the sturdy Indian chief on the other side could crush him to death with a little finger!

"Tomorrow! Come tomorrow, I will give you the wealth you want! But if you disagree, then I will give you war!"

Ounangana took a step forward and spoke slowly!

Anthony took a step back involuntarily!

After hesitating, he finally nodded!

"Okay! Just tomorrow! But if there is no money tomorrow, I will kill you all!"

After saying this, Anthony, supported by his men, left quickly!

Asking for money is the goal, as long as the other party is willing to give money, nothing is a problem!

Seeing Anthony leave, Ononkana suddenly waved!

A group of white horses finally dispersed reluctantly!

But Bai Ma looked at Jiang Fan excitedly!

"Jiang Fan! What you just used is Chinese Kungfu, right? Can you teach me?"

As long as you learn Chinese Kungfu, you will no longer be afraid of Anthony and the others!


"Sorry, you can't learn it!"

Such a thing as Zhenqi seems to be designed for Huaxia people by nature!

Except for those of Chinese descent, even if they practiced for 10,000 years, they would not be able to develop true energy at all!

At this moment!

"Haha, golden water lily, I didn't expect you to come back so soon! Make me a burrito!"

Ononkana has come over with a big laugh!

Then nodded to Jiang Fan!

"My friend, come with you too!"


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Soon, a few people returned to the white horse's house!

But at the moment Jiang Fan had just walked in, Aonangana had already punched and banged directly at Jiang Fan!

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