God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1102: The name really has length

Seeing Aonangana's sudden move, the white horse and the golden water lily all exclaimed!

But Jiang Fan's face was flat, and he reached out his hand at random and grabbed Aonunga's fist!


A muffled sound!

The ground shook suddenly!

But Jiang Fan didn't move at all, but Aonangana trembled all over!

"This, this is Huaxia's true spirit! Are you from Huaxia?"

Ononkana suddenly exclaimed!

"I am from Huaxia!"

Jiang Fan smiled and took off the black scarf from his face!

"Really from Huaxia! The same as my teacher! Hello! My name is Aonangana!"

Ononga looked excited!

"Jiang Fan!"

The two of them just finished their introduction, but here it is!

"Chief! You, you are so powerful, but why don't you lead us to resist those bastards!"

The white horse suddenly roared and stared at Ononkana!

And the golden water lily is also angry!

With that punch just now, the Chief was obviously not Jiang Fan's opponent!

But the power is absolutely powerful!

Before, they thought the chiefs were just ordinary people!

But now I discovered that the chief is so powerful!

The chief obviously has such strength, but watching them being bullied, this is simply a kind of betrayal!


Aonunga looked helpless!

"Don't blame you chiefs, he is for you!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

For an instant, everyone was stunned!

"For, for us?"

White horse and golden water lily looked surprised!

"Yes! I ask you, do you know the Council of Light?"


"Then do you know that the headquarters of the Council of Light in America is in Mexico?"


"Then do you know, in this land, who is a devout believer in the light of the Council of Light?"

"No, I don't know..."

As soon as Jiang Fan these three questions came out, White Horse and Golden Waterlily looked ignorant, but Aonangana's eyes widened!

This young man actually saw it?

In Mexico, various evil forces are rampant and domineering, and some are famous all over the world!

However, such a huge criminal gang is all faithful believers of the God of Light!

And relying on the indulgence coupons purchased by these criminals, the Illumination Council has even grabbed a huge profit!

Especially the Americas headquarters!

To maintain such a large group, to raise so many idlers and thugs, the money needed is undoubtedly an astronomical figure!

However, these criminals in Mexico alone contributed 90% of the money!

The Illuminati Council, which persuades people to be good, can only be maintained by criminals' money. This is simply a great irony!

It is precisely because of such huge interests that for the Illuminati Council, if these criminals are moved, they have moved their ancestors!

These people will definitely not hesitate to strike and flatten each other!

What's more, this is a group of heretics who worship other gods in their mouths!

After listening to Jiang Fan's account, the white horse and the golden water lily were all stunned!

so amazing!

Jiang Fan has only been here for half a day, but actually, it's all so transparent!

It's so admirable!

But the deeper the admiration for Jiang Fan, the more guilty the two of them!

After spending so long with the chieftain, they didn't even see the mystery in it!

And Aonangana was even more shocked!

It's incredible!

What this young man said is all right!

It was because he was afraid of being retaliated by the Illuminati Council after killing those people like Anthony, he was so forbearing!

What is the identity of this young Chinese man?

How can there be such a clear vision?

"Jiang Fan, you are too powerful! Not only are you so powerful, but your mind is much smarter than us! It's almost the same as my teacher!"


"Well! He is also from Huaxia!"

"Huaxia? It's fate, what's your teacher's name?"

Jiang Fan asked casually!

"Oh, his name is Baili..."


Although he knew that he couldn't know him for a long time, Jiang Fan was still taken aback!

Is there a surname?

It seems to be there, but Baili? The name really has length!

"No, no, Baili is the last name, sorry, the names of your Chinese people, we read it not so smoothly!"

Aonangana was a little embarrassed, but he was overjoyed!

"Ah! I remembered how to read it! Changfeng! Long wind!"


Jiang Fan only felt his brain shake!

Long wind!

There is only one in China, a long wind!

In China, as long as it is a real big person, no one does not know this name!

Just because of this person, he is one of the top ten people!

Tianding ten poles!

Long wind!

Onangana would actually call him teacher? !

But shouldn't Tianding Tenji all be in China?

How could they know each other!

"Ononkana, are you sure you are right?"

"Of course it is!"

Ononga slowly spoke with a solemn expression!

"One night more than a month ago, the masters of the entire Merida City felt a terrifying coercion like the collapse of the sky!"

"After we came out, we saw the man floating in the air!"

"The moonlight that night was very bright, but he was floating in front of the moon, but it seemed to cover the entire moon's light!"

"If we have to describe how he feels to us, there are only two words-gods!"

Although there are only a few words, the peerless style of Baili Changfeng is already on paper!

And in the eyes of Aonangana, until now, they are full of deep shock!

Jiang Fan sighed!

Stone hammer!

It has been so shocking after more than a month, and the one with this kind of momentum is definitely the deity of Baili Changfeng!

But, what is he doing here?

"Ongana, do you know what he is here for?"

"The teacher seems to be chasing someone!"

Aonangana said honestly!

"I just came near him that night, and an image of a man suddenly appeared in my mind!"

"Then the teacher asked if we met this person!"

"What does that person look like?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

To be chased by Baili Changfeng, he must also be a peerless master!

And being able to let him leave China, this is even more incredible!

Could it be that the other party brought him a green hat?

Jiang Fan's face is full of gossip!

"That person...Ah, yes, I gave him a portrait before! White horse, go to the shop of Heyuan's house, that portrait is in his house!"

Aonangana gave orders directly to the white horse!


White Horse immediately ran out excitedly!

And Jiang Fan had already smiled and looked at Aonangana!

"Ononkana, how did you apprentice your teacher?"

Jiang Fan was purely curious about who Baili Changfeng was chasing and killing, so he just asked casually!

However, he must know how Ononkana became a teacher!

After all, one day he will inevitably reach the height of Tianding Tenji, and the relationship with those people will be friends or enemies. It is hard to say!

And now that you understand the course of this incident, you can guess the other party's behavior style!

And the more you know now, the more opportunities you have in the future!

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