Aonangana didn't know Jiang Fan's plan at all, and started telling it without recollecting it!

The events of the day the Buddha was released have been firmly engraved in his mind!

"After learning that we hadn't seen that person, the teacher immediately let us all leave!"

"But when I saw that I was an Indian, the teacher asked me if I had several herbs!"

"I took the teacher back home, and the teacher took the herbs and gave me a lot of money!"

"But just when he was about to leave, he saw a small stone in my house!"

"The teacher was very excited and wanted to pay a high price to buy it!"

"It's just a small stone, and we Indians are very fond of China, so we gave it to the teacher!"

"The teacher hesitated and said that I can't take my things for nothing, but teach me some techniques for exerting strength!"

"I remembered China's rules at the time, and then I knelt down and called a teacher!"

"The teacher's expression was very weird at the time, I still remember what he said,'a moment of greed contaminates cause and effect'... After all, the teacher sighed and began to teach me some knowledge about Tao!"

"I don't understand, but just a while ago, I didn't know what was going on, so I suddenly entered the fourteenth level!"

"You must know that the strength of our chiefs is passed down from generation to generation, and will only continue to drain, never increase, and never break through!"

"But the teacher made me reach this level with just a few words! Jiang Fan, you Chinese people are really amazing!"

Ononga looked excited!

But Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!


Baili Changfeng can preach!

What level is this guy?

It's too exaggerated!

But that little stone...

It is 100% good to be admired by people like Baili Changfeng!

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, don't think about it anymore. I picked up the stone by accident at the beach, and I kept it only because of its beauty!"


There was no embarrassment on Jiang Fan's face!

"By the way, Jiang Fan, are you here to do something?"

Aonunga looked at Jiang Fan curiously!

After being asked by Aonunga, Jiang Fan suddenly became excited again!

No matter how good the little stone is, it is estimated that it is something like material. According to his understanding of the system, it is unlikely that this kind of thing will be exchanged for causality, or the immediate benefits are more important!

I have mastered the news of the Tomb of the Dark God Disco Tripoca, and if I can master the War God Huizilo Pochetli, it will be fully developed!

"Ongana, do you know the story of Quetzalcoatl and the Three Evil Gods?"

"You, why are you asking this?"

Aonangana's complexion slightly changed!

"Then, do you know where the tomb of the God of War Huizilo Pochetli is?"

In his excitement, Jiang Fan didn't pay attention to Aonangana's face at all!

It's just that as soon as his problem appeared, Ounangana's expression changed abruptly, staring at Jiang Fan firmly, and there was a roar in his mouth!

"who are you!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

I just asked the tomb of the God of War, how did it look like it seemed to be asking where his family's ancestral tomb was?

"Ononkana, don't get me wrong, I just ask casually!"

"Just ask? In vain, I thought you were a friend! It turns out that you are also uneasy and kind!"

Aonangana suddenly roared, and suddenly he pulled the golden water lily behind him, and at the same time, his whole body aura surged!

Obviously, as long as Jiang Fan is wrong, he will make a desperate blow!

"Onangana! Calm down, I am not an enemy!"

Jiang Fan never expected Aonangana's reaction to be so violent!

The golden water lily is even more dazed!

"Chief! What are you doing? Jiang Fan is a good person!"

"What a good person! We were all deceived by him! You are still young, and you don't even know that the Iron Palm tribe at that time was exterminated by those people because of the news of the tomb of the God of War!"

Aonunga opened his eyes wide and roared frantically!

The golden water lily was stunned!

Decades ago, Iron Palm suddenly disappeared, and it turned out to be annihilated!

And Jiang Fan's complexion changed slightly!

No wonder Ounkanah reacted so strongly!

At the same time, his heart trembled even more!

Because after hearing Ononkanah's words, an unusually familiar name suddenly appeared in his mind!

"Ononkana, listen to me, is the one who slaughtered the Iron Palm tribe... the sword of thorns?"

Jiang Fan said with a solemn expression!

However, when he heard Jiang Fan's question, Aonangana showed an expression like that!

"You are really in the same group! Except for beasts like you, who would kill hundreds of people cruelly for a legend! Even the children have not let go!"

Aonanga takes anger and madness!

Jiang Fan already sighed and slowly closed his eyes!

The sword of thorns is really not a good person!

Not a guardian of humans!

I actually guessed it right!

With this sigh, Jiang Fan has completely recovered his calm!

It is not only calm, but also a trace of ruthless indifference!

Ononkanah, don't blame me, explain it later!

next moment!

Jiang Fan has opened his eyes again, and calmly looked at Aonangana!

"Ononkana, I just ask you one thing, even if I'm a bad guy, how can you resist it!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's last word, he had already roared suddenly, and his aura was full!

For a moment!

On Jiang Fan, there is a dominance of the world, and the terrifying aura that Pei can't be used has already skyrocketed!

That aura is so powerful that the entire small building that shook is shivering!

But what is even more terrifying is that this aura is firmly locked in the small building, without a trace of leakage!

With such a terrifying strength and such a terrifying control, Aonunga groaned directly, knelt on the ground feebly, and completely gave up resistance!

Too tough!

Not an opponent!

He is not Jiang Fan's opponent at all!

As long as the other party makes a move, he will definitely be killed instantly!

The gap between the two will be so big!

As for the golden water lily, I almost didn't faint in shock!

Seeing Aonangana give up resistance, Jiang Fan immediately reduced his breath and took a step forward!

"The gap between you and me is too big, Ononkana, let alone you, even if the masters of the entire city of Merida are together, you will never have the slightest chance!"

Jiang Fan said such arrogant words in an unusually calm tone, and he didn't actually give people the slightest feeling of exaggeration!

Instead, it will only make people feel that this is the truth!

"Jiang Fan, I swear in the name of my ancestors, as long as you let these poor children go, I will tell you the location of the tomb of the God of Darkness!"

"God of darkness?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

He had known the news about the tomb of the Dark God!

But Ononkana trembled all over!

"Jiang Fan! What I said is true! As for the tomb of the God of War, I really don't know where it is! The only Iron Palm tribe who knew the news has completely disappeared!"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt you, but the news from the Tomb of the God of Darkness, I already know!"

"you know?!"

Ononga looked shocked, but in the shock, there was a trace of inexplicable sadness!

"Yes! Just outside Merida, in that huge mountain forest!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

But this time it was Ounkanah's turn to be surprised!

"The forest outside Merida? The tomb of the Dark God is not there at all!"

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