God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1104: Causal reincarnation

"what did you say?"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

"I said the tomb of the **** of darkness is not there at all!"

Aonangana repeated this sentence very seriously!

Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath!

There is a whole tribe of people lying here, Aonangana is absolutely impossible, and I don't have the guts to lie!

Is that the problem with Justin?

Impossible, without himself, he was torn apart by the sword of thorns long ago!

The key is that his body is in his backpack!

At that time, once the tomb he said was a fake, he could not bear the consequences at all!

What exactly is going on?

In the short moment Jiang Fan breathed, these thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he took out his phone almost without hesitation!

"Curtis! Come and find me now!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already reported the address here!

Now he can no longer cover up his whereabouts. If something goes wrong with the mausoleum, then all this will be meaningless!

It didn't take long for the door to be pushed open!

Immediately afterwards, wearing a big trousers flower shirt and a big straw hat, the whole person looked like an old rascal Curtis had already rushed in excitedly!

"Ah! My noble and powerful master! Your most loyal servant Curtis..."

"Shut up! Spit out Justin's soul!"

As Jiang Fan said, he waved his hand directly!

The next moment, Justin's body suddenly appeared!

And Curtis just shot out a vague figure with a mouth!

The figure suddenly drilled into Justin's nostrils!

next moment!


With a scream, Justin suddenly sat up!

"Justin, tell me the coordinates of the Tomb of the Dark God again!"


Although Justin was curious about the surrounding scenes, he spoke immediately!

"The mausoleum of the God of Darkness is in the forest fifty miles outside of Merida, Mexi!"

"After entering the forest, it keeps heading east, and stops under a big banyan tree after fifty miles inside!"

"Pour the fresh sheep's blood under the tree, then hit the banyan tree three times, and wait another half an hour before the mausoleum will open!"

Justin just finished!


Jin Waterlily couldn't hold back it and laughed directly!

"why are you laughing?"

Justin looked surprised!

"Hehe, I don’t know if the tomb of the God of Darkness is there, but if you do, countless eater bees, bullet ants, and countless beasts will definitely gnaw you to meet the God of Darkness. !"

Jin Waterlily sneered!

Jiang Fan's face changed directly!

At this moment, he could hardly wait to poke his own lips!

Needless to say, Justin's news is absolutely false!

Why sprinkle sheep's blood? The only effect of that thing sprinkled on it is to attract beast poison!

And Justin himself reacted!

Looking at Jiang Fan with horror!

"My lord, you, you have to believe me, this is what the Indian told me!"

"Nonsense! Just your **** strength, if it is really a trap, you will be the first to die!"

Jiang Fan looked annoyed!

But at this moment!

"Indian? What kind of Indian do you mean? Is there a palm leaf tattoo under his arm? Is he still alive?"

Ononkana suddenly jumped up and squeezed Justin!

Justin, who was only at level 5, was held down by a level 14 master like Aonunga, and he was almost scared to pee!

It was almost a bamboo tube pouring beans, and he directly threw out the matter of how he got the news!

"I was just a cemetery manager before, a person who specializes in dealing with dead people and destroying corpses!"

"More than a month ago, someone sent the corpse of an Indian for me to dispose of!"

"I was relatively busy at the time, and when I wanted to dispose of that person's body, I realized that that person was alive again!"

"I wanted to lay out the secret of his immortality, so I was very good to him!"

"But that person didn't say anything! Until one day, his injury, which was half healed, suddenly began to deteriorate again!"

"Until one day when he was really dying, he finally revealed a secret to me!"

"He said that when he was young, he discovered a tomb hidden deep underground. He drank a mouthful of blood from that tomb, and he became a thirteenth-level master!"

"And not only can you get power in that tomb, you can also get countless money!"

"As for the name of the tomb, it is the Dark God Disco Tripoca!"

Justin quickly explained the cause and effect!

On the other hand, Aonangana is not interested in these at all, just staring at Justin!

"What about that person? What happened to him in the end?"

"He, after he told me this story, he opened his stomach with a knife and took out a piece of gold jewelry for me!"

"Then told me the location of the tomb of the Dark God, which is what I just said!"

"After saying this, he became a pool of blood! Then, the blood evaporates, and there is nothing! Even the soul disappeared!"

As soon as Justin finished speaking, Ononkana trembled suddenly and almost fell down!

Thanks to Jiang Fan for helping him!

But Aonangana could no longer take care of anything, but slowly spoke with a sad expression!

"It's him! Unexpectedly, he really died!"

"Chief, who is the person you are talking about?"

"He is the Iron Palm tribe, the last person left, the White Lighthouse!"

Decades ago, the Sword of Thorns did not know where to learn that the Iron Palm tribe had the news of the tomb of the God of War!

In order to get the news out, they slaughtered the entire tribe, trying in vain to let the only Chief Iron Palm who knew the news tell the secret!

But the chief of the Iron Palm tribe has seen through the minds of these people, knowing that even if they say it, they will only have a dead end!

In the end, the entire Iron Palm tribe was slaughtered!

However, Chief Iron Palm’s son was secretly rescued by the then leader of the Horse Tribe, the father of Onangana, and sent to a far away place to be raised by someone!

It wasn't until three years ago, before the old man was dying, that the white lighthouse was brought in and told him the secret!

White Lighthouse knew that only the blood of the gods could give him revenge, but the news of the tomb of the **** of war had disappeared completely with the Iron Palm tribe, so he asked Onongana about the news of the tomb of the dark god!

Ongana finally told him, but as to the address of the tomb, because of word of mouth, there was only one approximate location left!

But the white lighthouse set off anyway!

It takes three years to go!

He didn't come back until two months ago!

He also told Ononkanah the exact location of the tomb, and then he embarked on the road of revenge!

Although Aonangana had never seen the power of the sword of thorns, he had heard his father mention it!

He already had a foreboding of the death of the White Lighthouse, but he was still sad when he heard the news!

By now, the Iron Palm tribe has completely disappeared!

After listening to Ounkanah's words, everyone was stunned!

I feel cold all over!

Unlike other people, Jiang Fan suddenly flashed four words in his mind—causal reincarnation!

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