God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1108: Artifact Pointed Leather Shoes

At this moment, Curtis' life is gloomy!

On one side, the pinnacle of life, claiming for the little expert... Various titles are like the hair of a middle-aged programmer, reluctant to give up, but resolutely leave him!

At this moment, his mood was as if Zhang Dongsheng stared into the mirror, full of despair!

Since there is only shame left, let's use the blood of the enemy to clean it up!

"Want to die, right? Okay! I **** fulfill you!!!"

The necromancer suddenly roared!

Completely crazy!

next moment!

"Power Amplification", "Endurance Technique", "Magic Power Expansion", "Elemental Affinity", "Undead Attachment", "Darkness Blessing"... the countless auxiliary magic he could think of, almost all of them were thrown on him without money!

In an instant, the Necromancer's body was full of light!

It's like a laser light in a dance hall!

Even the skinny body suddenly rose in a circle!

That's right!

Only pure violence and blood, colliding with Chi Guoguo's muscles, can completely wash away his humiliation!

"go to hell!!"

At this moment, the Necromancer, who turned into a berserker, brandished his artifact pointed leather shoes, and was about to launch a fatal blow to Anthony!

But at this moment!

"Okay, stop it!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded!

The Necromancer, who was ready to go, didn't even think about it, so he stopped the offensive abruptly!

Everyone was stunned!

The attack that could not be stopped by the eyes was actually stopped by this young man!

This man has such a terrifying control over his subordinates!

too exaggerated!

And Jiang Fan had already walked to Anthony with a smile!

"Mr. Anthony, why are you so obsessed with it? After all, no matter how much money, life is not important!"

"No, no, I really have no money!"

Anthony was crying!


If I have money, do I want to die?

This inferior old man is going to kill me!


"You have no money, but your boss is rich!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Boss? You mean, Mr. Popovich?"


"But, with so many, how could the boss give it to me?"

"Trust me, take me to find him, after my persuasion, he will definitely give it to you!"

Jiang Fan smiled with great joy!

Just looking at Jiang Fan's smile, Anthony only felt that his soul was trembling!

He could feel that the old man just now was just a devastation to his own body!

But if this man makes a move, it is his soul that is torn apart!

"Okay! I, I'll take you there!"

Anthony agreed directly!

And Curtis was completely desperate!


Why is there such a big gap between yourself and your master?

It's just a claim!

I'm almost tired and vomiting blood!

He even regarded himself as a fighter!

But there is still no use for eggs!

But the master just said these two words, and even moved this **** miser!

This, this is simply--


and so on!

Why should I compare with the master?

Isn't this self-inflicted?

No one can compare to the master!

That being the case, I have nothing to be ashamed of!

The Necromancer's mind turned quickly, and he was actually happy again!

And Anthony was already tremblingly pulled up by Jiang Fan and threw it directly onto his car!

Soon, Jiang Fan stepped on the accelerator and the car quickly left!

And until then, the group of bullies breathed a sigh of relief!

It's just that no one noticed that a red blood spot had appeared under the belly buttons of these people!

That is Jiang Fan's hands and feet just now!

After half a month, all these people will die!


In the center of the city of Merida, stands a huge church covering a vast area and full of Baroque style!

This is the branch of Merida City of the Council of Light!

Its task is to spread the gospel of the God of Light, while accepting the repentance of sinners!

However, from the holy place shrouded by the **** of light, a straight line distance of no more than two hundred meters, it is a five-story building full of exquisite reliefs!

This is the largest bar and nightclub in the entire city of Merida, and it is also the golden cave of countless criminals!

And it is the dirty money in the hands of these criminals that maintains more than 95% of the church opposite, or even more!

This is really a great irony!


With the sound of brakes, Jiang Fan had already taken poor Anthony to the downstairs of that huge bar and nightclub!

Looking back at the slender church, Jiang Fan's mouth sneered directly!

Then, strode towards the nightclub!

Behind him is Curtis with a proud look!

The Council of Light is extremely sensitive to the smell of necromancers!

However, for Curtis, who has reached the twelfth level, even if he swaggered around in the opposite church, the principal who was only at level nine would never discover his identity!

Haha, this feeling of strolling under the eyelids of the Bright Council is really refreshing like never before!

Soon, a few people opened the door of the nightclub and walked in!

Right now, in the afternoon, only a few thugs in the bar on the first floor were sitting in front of the bar and drinking!

When someone came in, a few people didn't look back!

"Are you blind? It's not business hours yet, hurry up!"


Anthony roared suddenly!

Several thugs were taken aback, and when they turned around to see Anthony's appearance, they suddenly exclaimed together!


"You, how did you become like this?"

"Who did it?"

"Dare to attack Mr. Popovich's men, it's almost death!"

Several thugs were furious!


"Is Mr. Popovich here?"

Anthony didn't answer the questions of several thugs, just secretly made a gesture, and then asked!

The faces of the opposing thugs changed at the same time!

One of them speaks slowly!

"Mr. Popovich is in the office upstairs!"

"Hehe, look?"

Anthony looked at Jiang Fan with a flattering look!

"lead the way!"


Soon, a few people came to an office upstairs!

This office is extravagant, the floor is covered with hand-woven camel hair carpets, and the walls are all exquisitely embossed with marble!

Behind a mahogany desk, a short and chubby man was looking at Jiang Fan as he walked in!

This person is the most powerful criminal leader in Merida, Popovich!

"Please come in! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Popovich smiled slightly!


"It's been a long time, your sister! If it wasn't for your subordinates downstairs to report just now, you know what a shit!"

Jiang Fan kept Anthony still on the ground, and then sat down on the sofa of the desk!

Popovich was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

That's right!

Indeed it is!

He originally wanted to create an unfathomable feeling for the other party!

However, in front of this man, it suddenly collapsed!

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