God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1109: Yimeng Fried Chicken

"You, who are you!"

Popovich looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

"It doesn't matter who I am, now I give you two choices!"

For such a small role, Jiang Fan has no idea of ​​wasting time on him!

"The first one, send one hundred thousand to the horse tribe every month, and then send away all those guys who dare to trouble them!"

"Second, I will kill you, and then support Anthony in the upper position, let him continue to make the first choice!"

"You have thirty seconds! Now, the timing begins!"

Everyone was stunned!

Popovich was startled but laughed!

"Boy, you are too mad! But fortunately, I am very experienced in dealing with things like you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Popovich had taken out a pistol directly from under the table and aimed it at Jiang Fan!

At the same time, the door was knocked open directly!

A dozen gunmen all rushed in and surrounded Jiang Fan!

"Haha! Boy! Since you know that Mr. Popovich is prepared, you dare to come up!"

"You are really stupid!"

"Boss Popovich! Leave the two to me! Especially that old man, I will use pointed leather shoes to beat him to death!"

Anthony laughed triumphantly, and barely got up, rushing to Jiang Fan with difficulty!

That **** old man who is not as good as a beast, he must use pointed leather shoes to beat him to death!

However, in the face of such a scene, Jiang Fan suddenly picked up a wine glass on the desk!

Then smiled at Popovich!

"You still have twenty seconds!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan suddenly faced the wine glass and lightly flicked it!



Jiang Fan's bullet seemed weak, but the wine glass exploded into a dozen pieces as many as the gunman!

Then, these glass shards pierced the heads of more than a dozen gunmen almost instantly with a terrifying scream!


A group of gunmen fell to the ground almost at the same time!

Popovich was stunned!

Anthony is like an exquisite statue!

"Ten seconds!"

Jiang Fan's voice sounded again!

Popovich trembled all over!

Then he turned the muzzle directly and aimed at Anthony!


Anthony just spoke!


A gunshot!

Popovich shot the bewildered Anthony directly!

After doing all this, Popovich dropped the pistol almost without hesitation and raised his hands high!

"Sir! I swear by the almighty God of Light! For the first choice you give me, I will act honestly!"

so amazing!

This man is really amazing!

It's nothing to break a wine glass, but it is just a dozen pieces of the wine glass, and then the heads of more than a dozen gunmen have been exploded. This is definitely a real horror character!

The point is that the wine glass is shattered and there is no residue at all!

Such a terrifying control is simply unheard of!

The ninth-level principal in the opposite church compared with him, like a greedy and stupid wild boar!

And Curtis was also excited!

Now that Popovich surrendered, the next step is everyone's favorite claim link!


Jiang Fan suddenly stood up at this time and strode towards the door!

"I don't want people to know that I have been here, you should understand what you need to do! Also, you can try to betray the oath, but you know the consequences!"

"No, I dare not! I dare not!"

Popovich was sweating all over his head!

And Jiang Fan has left the room!

Curtis chased after him with a look of surprise!

"Master, don't we make a claim?"

"No! The black income they receive will be given to the Bright Council in proportion to the harvest every once in a while. If this number fluctuates, it will easily attract the attention of others!"

"Our purpose is to solve the trouble, not to cause trouble! For a little profit, this is not necessary!"

"Ah! That's it! The master is wise!"

Curtis suddenly realized!

Soon, the two left the nightclub and went straight to the outskirts!

But at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"


Today’s second order!

"Since the last time Doretto avenged his wife, he was taken away by the FBI in dismay!"

"However, the court did not give him a fair trial!"

"Doreto was sentenced to 25 years in prison!"

"And he must serve his sentence in Lompoc Prison with the most stringent protection measures! And no early release!"

"The angry Brian took his wife Mia and a few partners, and finally decided to take the risk and rescue Doretto!"

Dom? !

It turned out to be the world of speed and passion again!

"Ding! Please send a powerful Yimeng fried chicken to Brian who is under siege!"

Complete the order first!

Jiang Fan's car turned around and he had already arrived directly in front of a Chinese restaurant on the previous road!

"Big Brother! Borrow you to use as a cook!"

As soon as Jiang Fan entered, he greeted the boss directly!

"Chinese compatriots?"

The boss was taken aback, and then he looked overjoyed!

"Okay! Just use it!"

"Thanks, brother!"

Jiang Fan rushed into the kitchen, raised the knife in his hand, and directly cut a chicken into dozens of pieces of equal size!

Then mix the side dishes such as green onion and **** one by one, and then adjust the sauce!

Fire, stir fry!

Soon, a fragrant Yimeng fried chicken was freshly baked!

Jiang Fan divided this large plate of fried chicken into two portions, and with the takeaway at the back end, Jiang Fan went directly to the bathroom!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"Fast and Furious 5"!"

The fifth part of Fast and Furious, the main story is that after Brian and others rescued Doretto, they inadvertently had a dispute with Rio boss Reyes, and the federal agent Hobbs also pursued them!

Doretto and others entangled with their partners, and finally counterattacked. Not only did they become friends with Hobbs, but they also took away Reyes a full 100 million dollars!

If it is purely from drag racing, this is definitely the coolest one in the series!

Especially at the end of the film, the scene of Doretto and Brian driving wild horses and dragging a huge safe into a rampage is simply a classic!

However, according to the system prompts, I entered by myself, I am afraid it is the position just at the beginning of the fifth part!


Jiang Fan reappeared, already on top of a barren wilderness, and in front of him, there was a road beyond sight!


This is the same as I guessed!

It is the beginning of the fifth part!

But at the moment Jiang Fan just appeared!

"Ding! System prompt! Because of your last crazy behavior and extreme contempt, the FBI headquarters was furious! You have been positioned by the FBI at this moment, and you may be besieged at any time!"

The system had already reminded me when I completed the task last time. I didn't expect that the FBI's positioning would really be caused when I just came in!

But so what?

Just rubbish!

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

At this moment!



"Da da da da!"

Numerous violent car engine sounds and large gunshots suddenly sounded from a distance!

Jiang Fan took a closer look, and saw that on the far road, countless vehicles were surrounding a huge prisoner car that was driving fast, firing desperately and chasing!

It's just that all of the fires were large SUVs with armor and FBI logos, and the ones that were barely dodge by virtue of their car skills were a few powerful modified cars!

Needless to say, it is definitely Brian and the others who drive the modified car!

And that prison vehicle is the **** vehicle to send Doretto to the prison!

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