God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1113: Despising the devil is too arrogant

The car galloped all the way!

Jiang Fan played with that string of ornaments, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth!

Curtis looked at Jiang Fan's gaze, but he was full of worship!

"Master! How did you know that Onongana might even know about the tomb of the God of War?"

Curtis finally couldn't help asking!

However, Jiang Fan's answer left him stunned!

"I do not know!"

"Then, then you still help them? It's just for the sake of the wind, a bit too much, right?"

Curtis looked blank!

However Jiang Fan shook his head again!

"If it's just for the long wind, just help them solve their troubles!"

"But, what are you doing for?"

Curtis is completely confused!

But Jiang Fan just chuckled softly and put the string of ornaments away carefully!

"My respectable Chief Necromancer, not everything I do has a purpose!"

"Aonanga takes them, they are all very good people, I just want to help them!"

"That's it?"

Curtis looked incredible!

"That's it! Curtis, you are not a Chinese, and you can't realize the helplessness of our darkest period! So for the nation that also has a miserable experience, we are always full of goodwill!"

"This has nothing to do with interests, but a spirit from the Chinese nation!"

Curtis was stunned!

Just the words of Jiang Fan with a dull taste!


I have been with my master for so long, after all, I still can't understand the only miraculous nation in this world that has never cut off the inheritance!

What a pity, why am I not a Chinese?

The Necromancer thought helplessly!

The car is fast!

Soon, a few hours later, I arrived at Cancun Airport!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's private jet just landed!

All in all, it was as if Jiang Fan only replenished fuel in Merida, and went directly to Derio City, and only now came to Cancun!

In the middle, no trace was left in Merida City!

Brother Douglas has been waiting at the airport for a long time!

After the two parties converged, Jiang Fan directly rented a car and rushed to the Tulum city ruins more than a hundred miles away without stopping!

While still in the car, he took out his cell phone and dialed Fiona directly!

The Tulum ruins are really eye-catching!

For the sword of thorns looking for the tomb of the dark god, the attention here will inevitably not be low!

If you continue to cover up, it will easily arouse suspicion, so it is better to do the opposite!


The phone rang twice and was picked up!

"Lord Jiang Fan, you have completed the task?"

"Hmm! Fiona, is Isaac here?"

"Um... Your lord is right next to me!"

"Very good! Give him the phone!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Fiona was stunned!

In this tone, it was as if Isaac was a subordinate!

Master Joshua, who heard the voice, also looked dull!

After hesitating, Fiona finally looked at Isaac!

"My lord! It's Lord Jiang Fan's call, he, he is looking for you!"

Isaac put down the files in his hand, shook his head helplessly, and then took the phone!

"Jiang Fan, I didn't expect you to complete the task so fast, I thought..."

"Don't talk nonsense! I said, did you deliberately punish me? Obviously it is a level 13 task, but the person in charge is actually a level 14 master! I finally killed him, and he did a **** god! "

Before Isaac finished speaking, Jiang Fan was roughly interrupted!

Fiona opened her mouth wide to Master Joshua, with a look of horror on her face!

This fool!

How dare you say that to Master Isaac, you kid is dying?

The two are preparing to help Jiang Fan to say something nice and to calm the anger that Isaac is about to explode!

But when he heard the words behind Jiang Fan, he exclaimed at the same time!


"Huh? Anyone else? Yes, it's the devil!"

"Jiang Fan! What is going on?"

At this moment, even Isaac, who had always been calm, changed his face!

"After we found that place, we went straight in!"

"That group of **** didn't know what to think, they hollowed out the mountainside and created a magma lake directly!"

"There is also a big altar on it! By the way, those **** dug the wall in the belly of the mountain like a hornet's nest, and also put a boss's computer inside!"

"After we killed the principal, the computer didn't know what was going on, saying it was a successful modeling!"

"Then the altar below moved! A disgusting and unwanted thing was directly summoned!"

"What's that guy's name? Curtis, ask you!... Yes! That guy claims to be the seventy-two pillar demon god, the twenty-third pillar of Aini!"

Jiang Fan talked about it again and again!

But after hearing Jiang Fan's account, Joshua and Fiona had all exclaimed!


"Aini of the Twenty-Third Pillar!"

"Solomon's Key actually summoned the Demon God!"

Fiona and Joshua looked shocked!

And Isaac's expression has also become solemn!

"Jiang Fan, how did you escape?"


Jiang Fan sneered!

"That's great, but it's a good one! Let's kill him and come out directly!"

"You, what did you say?"

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Even the corners of Isaac's mouth twitched!

Fuck it, killed it?

That's the seventy-two pillar demon god!

All of them are at or above the master level!

There are even a few who have reached level 20 or above!

The point is that these demon gods are different from humans, they are all talented!

But now, Jiang Fan actually said that he killed someone?

Everyone is in a mess!

"You, did you really kill him?"

"It's not dead, my subordinates said, that guy is just a projection of hell! But looking at his trivial kind, the body must be **** too!"

The crowd finally breathed a sigh of relief!

But immediately dumbfounded!

Lord Jiang Fan is really arrogant!

Throughout the ages, he is definitely the first to diss the Seventy-Two Pillar Demon God!

These terrifying monsters that had almost wiped out Europe were actually despised by him!

"Jiang Fan, what about after that? Is the computer still there?"

Isaac reacted first and asked directly!

"Don't mention it! After the Demon God is blown up, his projection will come out. You know me, I like to tell the truth!"

"I just asked him why he is so rubbish—you see, I asked nothing wrong!—who knows that this guy is so small-minded, he actually released a large swath of **** blood flames!"

"That thing is very powerful, I don't know how to do it, it just detonated the volcano!"

"As a result, the volcano erupted and nothing was left!"

After listening to Jiang Fan's narration, everyone was stunned!

The volcano has erupted!

There must be nothing left!


But at this moment!

"Oh, yes! But just before the trash **** came out, Christine found a USB flash drive on the big screen of the computer!"

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