God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1114: Isaac's esteem

Regarding this USB flash drive, Jiang Fan had already thought about it!

According to them, the technological level of Solomon's Key is absolutely top level!

This U disk must be encrypted, and there will definitely be a backdoor for reverse tracking!

Let alone whether it can be cracked, once you open it by yourself, you will definitely expose the location!

It is even possible that the identity will be revealed!

Even without these two points, I am afraid that the things in this USB flash drive need a team to apply!

And this is his biggest flaw!

He is a group of violent elements, and there are really no talents for technical work!

The only one, Xie Xing, is now in charge of finances for Uncle Zhong Jitang, so he has no time or energy!

So instead of keeping this thing, it's better to give it to Isaac for some benefits!

You can even divert your attention!

But when I heard Jiang Fan's words, Isaac, who had never changed his face, suddenly shrank!

"Did you read that USB flash drive?"

"I don't have that time! But since this thing is next to the computer, there must be something in it!"

"Good! Jiang Fan, where are you now!"

"Tulun Ruins! It's hard to come out, of course you have to go around!"

Jiang Fan's tone is straightforward!

"I'll be back now!"

Isaac spoke directly!


"Heh heh, Lord Isaac, this time it is obviously a level 13 task, but the other party is a level 14 master. If that's the case, it's fine! I even came up with a demon! I rested for two days to recover from my injuries. Isn't this too much?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Not too much, not too much!"

Master Joshua followed his lips!

But Isaac suddenly hooked the corner of his mouth!

"Jiang Fan, you did a very good job this time, and the reward is definitely no problem!"

"In addition, the evaluation department has made serious mistakes, so the organization will definitely compensate you!"

"As for the points, they will definitely increase proportionally!"


Jiang Fan's tone is full of excitement!

"Of course! It's just that these rewards and compensations require you to report on your work before you can determine the standard. Since you need to recuperate temporarily, why not let me call the shots for you?"

"Don't! Give me three days, no! Two days... forget it! I'll go back tomorrow! Wait for me!"

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back!"

Isaac hung up the phone blankly!

"My lord! Lord Jiang Fan has been talking like this, he certainly didn't mean to be rude to you!"

Fiona hurriedly spoke!

"Yes, my lord! This kid is young after all!"

Joshua also said good things for Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!

Isaac suddenly laughed!

"Really... I have never seen such a greedy little guy!"

"Forget it, let him rest for two days!"

"Fiona, all Jiang Fan's rewards and compensations have been doubled to him!"

"In addition, I remember that what this little guy likes most is money. Give him more funds!"

"Hehe, this kid..."

Isaac smiled and shook his head!

And Fiona and Joshua have been stunned!

Lord Isaac, who has always been fair, is blatantly trying to give Jiang Fan power for personal gain!

You know, this is simply unprecedented!

The adults are so good to Jiang Fan!

But the two immediately reacted!

"Yes! Your lord!"

Fiona looked happy!

Jiang Fan can be valued by Isaac, and she is also happy for Jiang Fan!

But Joshua spoke with a gloomy face!

"My lord! Our evaluation department has always been accurate. Why did this time make such a mistake?"

Although Isaac still had a smile on his face, his eyes were already full of ice!

Joshua is right, the evaluation department is one of the most important departments in the entire Sword of Thorns!

This kind of low-level error is almost impossible!

After a moment of silence, Isaac picked up the document again, and after a long time, he spoke slowly!

"Lei, check it out and check the Evaluation Department. In the recent period, who was the closest to those lords!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

In the room where there were only three people, a voice suddenly appeared out of thin air!

Immediately afterwards, a breath of if there is no such thing disappeared in a flash!

Fiona and Joshua's heart beat at the same time!

Among the entire sword of thorns, there are only a handful of people who know the existence of thunder!

And Ray is more like Isaac's shadow, no one knows where he is usually!

But as long as Isaac speaks, he will appear!

Now, Isaac actually entrusted this task to him, which is enough to prove Jiang Fan's position in Isaac's heart!

On the other side, just after hanging up the phone, the pompous expression on Jiang Fan's face disappeared!

Instead, it is a kind of relief!

It's done!

At least in these two days, the attention of the sword of thorns will only be on the U disk, and will never pay too much attention to him!


The car came to the Tulum site!

The Tulum Ruins are located on the cliffs of the Caribbean Sea about 130 kilometers away from Cancun. More than 60 well-preserved stone buildings are surrounded by three tall walls. It is the most prosperous religious city in the late 14th century Maya culture!

It is also the only Mayan city-state known to be built on the Caribbean coast!

And near the Tulum ruins, there is a large hotel area for tourists to live and play!

It is dusk now, and the Tulum site is very spectacular and mysterious under the afterglow of the sunset!

After Jiang Fan arrived, he directly chose a hotel!

In the room, Douglas took out a map!

"My lord, according to Ononkana, there is a huge virgin forest fifty miles east from the Tulun site! And almost forty kilometers into the virgin forest is the tomb of the Dark God!"

Douglas said, and clicked a red dot directly at the location determined on the map!


Jiang Fan looked excited!

Finally reached this final step!

The causal point, countless causal points!

"My lord! When shall we leave?"

"The Tulum Ruins are too sensitive. There may be scouts from the Sword of Thorns here! After dark!"


The plan has been decided, Jiang Fan simply took a few of his men to play at the Tulum site!

At the same time, Cancun Airport!

As a private jet landed slowly, Adolf, who was like a steel ingot, had already stepped off the plane with Diana, who was full of intellectual temperament!

Since discovering the identity of the taxi driver, Solomon's Key's intelligence department in the Americas soon discovered the traces of Jiang Fan and his party!

Next, Adolf spent the whole day almost eating ashes behind Jiang Fan's airplane butt!

It was not long ago that he confirmed that Jiang Fan appeared in Cancun!

The two had just walked out of the airport, and a Hummer had stopped directly beside them!

The driver got out of the car and immediately spoke respectfully to the two of them!

"My lord! The target person appeared at the Tulum Ruins!"


Adolf suddenly gave a weird smile!

"This **** mouse! Now it's up to you where you go!"

"After I catch you, I must cramp you!"

Adolf's eyes are full of cruel and tyrannical excitement!

"My lord, then I will take you over now..."

The driver opened his mouth cautiously!

However, before he finished speaking, Adolf threw him more than ten meters away!

Then, he sat in the driving seat!

As for Diana, she seemed to have foreseen the occurrence of this picture a long time ago, and she was already waiting in the co-pilot's seat!

As soon as Adolf stepped on the gas pedal, the Hummer suddenly let out a roar and rushed towards the Tulun ruins frantically!

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