God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1115: The current mausoleum

At this moment, Jiang Fan and the others, cursed by Adolf's teeth, have visited the Tulum ruins and are eating seafood happily!

Originally, Jiang Fan was inserting a piece of shrimp meat, but at this moment, his hand suddenly stopped!

At the same time, he suddenly looked towards the north!

His gaze at the moment was extremely long, it seemed that he had crossed the limitation of space and saw the crisis from that direction!

Just now, it was Shi Ling's ineffective danger perception that suddenly warned!

"grown ups……"

The others were slightly startled!

Jiang Fan had already dropped the fork and stood up directly!

"lets go!"

The rest of the people shuddered, stood up almost at the same time, and followed Jiang Fan!

Soon, a few people got into the car, and as soon as Jiang Fan stepped on the gas pedal, the car suddenly sprinted towards the east!

And seeing a few people leave, a couple of men and women dressed as lovers who were not far away suddenly took out their mobile phones and sent out a message!

At this moment, on the Hummer rushing here!

Diana looked at the message on the phone and suddenly spoke!

"My lord, they are going east!"

"Hehehe, cunning mouse! But since I found out, you guys don't want to escape!"

Adolf smiled grimly, and suddenly hit the steering wheel!

The Hummer roared and drove directly off the road, rushed into the field, and then followed a straight line, madly chasing Jiang Fan and the others!



The roar of the engine resounded across the sky!

With Jiang Fan's driving skills, the car quickly reached the primitive dense forest in the east!

After stopping the car, a few people quickly entered the forest!

The vegetation on the periphery of this forest is sparse, it seems that people often come and go, and there are even paths that have been stepped on artificially!

However, continuing to advance for two kilometers, this forest that no one has stepped into for hundreds of years finally revealed its original appearance!

There are no traces of human activities anymore. The accumulation of a large amount of humus makes the ground extremely soft. There are countless towering giant trees standing in it, and more vines and parasitic plants straddle these giant trees, like weaving a large net!

Walking here is like walking in knee-deep mud!

However, with Christine, all this is no longer a problem!

As soon as he entered here, Christine was full of vitality, and his abilities soared by a full 30% out of thin air!

Under her control, everyone was almost flat in the forest!

Soon, everyone has advanced about twenty miles in Senlizhong!

But at this moment!

Christine trembled all over!

"My lord! The plants I arranged on the periphery have been destroyed!"

"So fast!"

Jiang Fan frowned!


Soon, everyone went for more than a dozen miles!

At this moment!


To the west, more than ten miles away from them, suddenly there was a loud noise!

Jiang Fan's complexion did not change, but his feet were faster!

Finally, after piercing through a large net of vines, everyone finally came to the approximate location of the tomb!

"It should be nearby! Find it!"

Following Jiang Fan's order, everyone immediately took action!

But at this moment!


There is another loud noise!

And this voice is less than five miles away from them!

At the same time, everyone felt an extremely powerful energy, which was approaching quickly!

"Fourteenth level peak?!"

Curtis's complexion changed!

"No! Even stronger!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

"Speed ​​up the search!"

At this time, not only the breath that is approaching fast, but everyone has a feeling of being monitored!

The other party has definitely grasped their exact position!

It doesn't make any sense to continue to converge at this time!

Curtis suddenly squatted down and quickly sketched a complicated pentagram pattern on the ground!

Then, the big hand, already full of magic power, pressed it up!

"Boom boom..."

In an instant, countless bone arms suddenly broke out of the ground!

Immediately afterwards, within a hundred meters of a radius, hundreds of strange-shaped skeletons all got out of the ground one after another!

Necromancer-Call of the Undead!

This necromantic spell can be cast as long as it reaches level three or higher, but it is the basis of all dark spells!

And with the level of advancement, in the end, this magic will evolve into a super forbidden curse exclusively for necromancers-undead natural disaster!

In history, the reason why the Light Council and countless powerful men have maintained a zero tolerance attitude towards the Necromancer is because the Necromancer who has mastered this super forbidden curse is too terrifying!

Almost only one person can slaughter the city and destroy the country!

With the appearance of these skeletons, Curtis suddenly let out a harsh howl!

A group of skeletons seemed to understand his instructions, and suddenly rushed out to the surroundings!

And at this moment, the west of the forest!

Adolf's whole person is almost like a violent rhino, rushing in the direction of Jiang Fan and the others!

Along the way, whether it is a giant tree, a vine, a beast, or even a hard rock, everything has been exploded into a lot of powder before it touches him!

Behind him, Diana seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, floating tightly behind him!

Gently lowering her fist, Diana spoke slowly!

"My lord, the opponent's necromancer just summoned a bunch of skeletons, seeming to be looking for something!"

"Necromancer? Hehehe, I don't think there is such a rare profession in this team!"

"A wood-type superpower, an earth-type superpower, and now there is actually a necromancer!"

"I really look forward to that leader's ability!"

Adolf laughed wildly!


And Jiang Fan is here!

Countless skeletons accompanied by Curtis scattered, soon!

"Master! A discovery!"

Curtis suddenly looked happy!

Everyone followed his footsteps, and soon found a flat open space 100 meters away!

On the ground here, there is still a pile of stones broken like some kind of statue!

found it!

Finally found!

That massive amount of causality is already close at hand!



Douglas suddenly pressed his hands on the ground!


The ground trembled suddenly!

The next moment, accompanied by the surging of the earth, the scene under the gravel has been revealed!

Under the ground, it turned out to be a pyramid-like building, but very flat above it!

The whole building is made up of countless black stones placed vertically and horizontally!

At this moment, only a small part is exposed, and between a few square stones, there is a small corridor!

Upon seeing this, Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

This is a typical Mayan pyramid shape!

You got it right!

This is definitely the tomb of the dark **** Disco Triboca!

"Quick! Go in!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly urged!

But before a few people left, it was just now!


A piercing scream suddenly sounded from a distance!

The next moment, a giant tree hugged by two people, already like a missile, rushed towards everyone!

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