God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1116: Super perverted adolf

Although this giant tree is fast, everyone has time to avoid it!

But as long as you hide, this giant tree will inevitably fall on the tomb!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan roared, he didn't dodge, he directly hit the giant tree, and blasted him with a punch!


A loud noise!

The giant tree exploded directly into debris in the sky!

"Everyone, hurry up? Fuck?!"

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, the second giant tree actually smashed over again!

Jiang Fan roared and punched again!


There is another loud noise!

The giant tree burst again!

However, in the short time of bombing the trees, accompanied by a harsh scream, the giant trees in front of everyone seemed to be bombarded by missiles, suddenly shattered!

In the next moment, the sturdy and indescribable Adolf has appeared in front of everyone!

But Diana stood ten meters away behind him with a smile on her face!

"Hey hey! Damn mouse! I finally caught you!"

Adolf gave a weird laugh and shook his neck slightly!

"Crack! Click!"

The sound of joint activities like the sound of firecrackers suddenly sounded!

Everyone's complexion changed!

There is no doubt that this man who is so strong that he is deformed is definitely a terrifying melee powerhouse!

And after the activity, Adolf has fixed Jiang Fan firmly!

"Hehehe, it turns out that you are a Chinese warrior. No wonder the energy that shook the driver to death was so overbearing!"


Jiang Fan frowned, and then suddenly spoke!

"That's it, I was careless!"

"Huh? You reacted very quickly!"

Adolf's face was obviously full of surprise!

"That's not as fast as your Solomon's Key!"

"Do you know who we are?"

Adolf and Diana were taken aback at the same time!

And at the moment they were stunned, Jiang Fan moved!

Under the eruption of Nine Yin and Nine Yangs and the five-strength energies of the Great Shift of the Universe, Jiang Fan, who used Lingbo's microsteps, turned into a phantom!

I arrived in front of Adolf almost instantaneously, and then filled with a full punch, almost like an angry volcano, hitting Adolf directly!

And at the moment Jiang Fan moved, the other three people who had long been very familiar with Jiang Fan's attack habits also moved!

Curtis squeezed his hands fiercely!

In the next moment, two giant claws of white bones burning with inky dark fire had already been firmly buttoned on Adolf's waist!

And Douglas raised his hands, and a large piece of soil that was stronger than a rock and filled with ferocious cones suddenly sprang up from Adolf's left, right, and back three directions, and directly wrapped him up!

A green glow suddenly flashed in Christine's eyes!

The surrounding giant trees shook suddenly, and in the next moment, countless wooden thorns sharper than the tip of a needle, with a piercing scream, directly blasted Adolf's head!

As for Diana, everyone didn't care about this woman who was only at level ten!

The four players cooperated perfectly, forming a dead end in an instant!

Not to mention that Adolf is only slightly stronger than the fourteenth-level peak, even if the half-step grandmaster comes, it is very likely that he will break the halberd and sink into the sand!

However, in the face of such a mortal situation, Adolf did not evade, just smiled contemptuously!

In the next moment, countless attacks have suddenly fallen on him!


A loud and deafening noise suddenly erupted!

The surrounding trees were all toppled by this terrible impact, and even uprooted!

And on the ground, there was a wave of earth more than ten meters high!

Debris in the sky, smoke and dust!

However, when the smoke dissipated, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief!

I saw that there was an extra pit with a diameter of more than ten meters!

In the deep pit, countless broken bones, soil cones, and wooden thorns were scattered all over the place!

Jiang Fan was lying on the edge of the big pit with a gloomy expression, and the bones of his right arm had obviously broken into a dozen pieces!

As for Adolf, who was the target of the attack, at this moment, he stood unscathed in the center of the big pit!

Not only was he unscathed, he didn't even have any wrinkles on his clothes!

The death that almost killed the half-step Grandmaster just now has no effect on him!


"How could this guy be so hard as this!"

"My lord actually didn't hurt him!"

Curtis trio looked shocked!

And Jiang Fan's eyes are even more gloomy and terrifying!

The power of the punch he just now made even if the half-step Grandmaster hit it, he would be severely injured and vomiting blood!

But this guy, why is nothing wrong?

Instead, his arm was directly shattered by the opponent's powerful body!

"Hey hey! Very strong! Kid, your strength really shocked me! You deserve to be known as the most explosive Chinese warrior, it really surprised me!"

Adolf looked admired, and then took a step forward!

However, as soon as he moved, Jiang Fan suddenly stood up!

next moment!


Jiang Fan’s previous location seemed to be buried with a pile of explosives, bursting to pieces!

The three Curtiss were inexplicably horrified!

No one of them could see how Adolf made his move!

Strength, defense, speed, this Adolf is strong, almost invulnerable!

However, the three of them were stunned, but Jiang Fan didn't!

Turning against the wind has always been synonymous with Jiang Fan!

The moment Jiang Fan stood up, there was already an extra silver sword in his hand!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan suddenly backhanded!


A dazzling sword energy two feet wide and one meter long, with a piercing scream, suddenly rushed towards Adolf!

At the same time, Jiang Fan roared even more!


For an instant, the three Curtiss, who were still dazed, rushed into the tomb almost without hesitation!

In the face of this unparalleled sword aura, Adolf smiled grimly, then suddenly punched and blasted directly!


Among all Jiang Fan's attack methods, the sharpest sword qi was blasted to pieces by this monster with just one punch!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and he couldn't believe his eyes!

That's Jian Qi!

But fortunately, I had no hope for this sword energy in the first place!

As soon as the sword energy blasted out, the long sword in Jiang Fan's hand had suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced by an extremely strange-looking firearm!

Ion Cannon!

And at the moment when the sword energy exploded and the light and shadow were everywhere, the ion cannon in Jiang Fan's hand had already aimed at Adolf's head, and then buckled heavily!


A light blue light arrived in front of Adolf almost instantly!

Jiang Fan seemed to have seen the sight of the opponent's head being completely exploded!

However, seeing the ion beam within reach, Adolf took a deep breath!

Then, there was a sudden roar!


next moment!

Just in Jiang Fan's unbelievable gaze, this ion beam, which was yelled at by Adolf, turned abruptly in front of him and rushed directly to the sky! !

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