God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1117: Tomb of Disco Tripoca

Damn it? ! !

This is an ion cannon!

An ion cannon that has reached the limit of level fourteen!

Now that Adolf was snarled, he gave Bengfei a roar!

At this moment, Jiang Fan almost had the feeling of facing Toguro for the first time!

This monster!

Oh shit!

This product is absolutely fifteenth level or above!

I pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, I despise you!

Jiang Fan almost didn't say anything, and waved his hand directly!

next moment!

A fierce monster with a height of more than two meters, covered with fierce armor, wide-mouthed fangs, and blood flowing on all four hooves, has suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

Demonize the Nightmare Beast!

When he saw this monster, Adolf was taken aback!

But as soon as the Demonized Nightmare Beast appeared, he seemed to understand his destiny, and rushed directly to Adolf!

And Jiang Fan dashed into the tomb!

Sorry baby, I can only use you to block the knife!

Sure enough, at the moment Jiang Fan rushed into the tomb, the demonized nightmare beast had suddenly wailed!

And seeing Jiang Fan coming in, Douglas, who had been guarding the entrance of the cave, almost mobilized his abilities!

In an instant, countless earth waves surged, and the entrance of the cave was blocked in an instant!

This is not over yet, as the two of them kept going deep into the mausoleum, Douglas's abilities were madly activated, and the corridors that were tens of meters long were directly sealed off!

At the end of the tunnel, Curtis and Christine, who lit a ball of flames, were waiting here!

"the host!"

"grown ups!"

Seeing Jiang Fan appeared, the two immediately greeted him!

"Master! What is going on with that guy, how can he be so tough?"

"Yes, my lord, that is not the strength that level 14 should have at all!"

The two looked horrified!

And at this moment!


The whole ground trembled suddenly!

It was Adolf outside who attacked the tomb directly!

Everyone trembled in shock!

But Jiang Fan was slightly startled!


There is another loud noise!

The whole ground trembled again!

"Master! Go away!"

"If that guy comes in, we'll all be done!"

"Yeah, sir, let's get out!"

Several people spoke one after another, but the color of doubt on Jiang Fan's face became heavier and heavier. Finally, he simply stuck his intact left hand on the wall of the tomb and felt the vibration carefully!

For a long time, until Adolf's attack stopped!

It seems that the other party is not going to come in, but is going to stand still!

Until this time, Jiang Fan looked confused!

"its not right……"

"What's the matter?"

Curtis trio looked blank!

"The opponent's attack power... is so strange!"

Jiang Fan frowned!


The trio's faces were even more dazed!

Jiang Fan pondered for a long time, then suddenly smiled!

"Well, since you're here, let's find valuable things first!"

The three were shocked!

Your lord, let's have a snack!

The monster is outside!

At this time, you still want to make a fortune?

The mausoleum was dark, and although there was a magical flame in Curtis' hands, it still couldn't shine far!

But for Jiang Fan, this is obviously not an obstacle!

I saw that everyone’s current foothold was a long corridor, and at the end of the corridor, there was a downward staircase!

Jiang Fan stepped forward and walked forward!

But at this moment!

"Master! Be careful!"

Curtis said, summoning a skeleton directly!

"It's okay. Any ordinary person in White Lighthouse can come in. Obviously there are no institutions here! And Onongana also said the general situation inside!"

Jiang Fan laughed, but still let the skeleton clear the way!

Several people walked down the stairs and soon came to a room of about 100 square meters!

There are dozens of corpses of humans and other beasts lying here and there, there is nothing else!

A few people climbed down the stairs, and it didn't take long to arrive at the next level!

It's just that this layer has nothing but decaying weapon shields and the like!

All pyramids are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The more you go down, the bigger the space!

However, this pyramid is a bit strange, the upper and lower spaces are almost the same size!

Jiang Fan deliberately let Douglas feel it, but found that there is no secret room at all here, but the thicker the stone wall goes down!

Something seems to be suppressing!

As for what to suppress, Jiang Fan certainly knows it!

There is nothing good along the way, everyone is almost disheartened!

However, as soon as they reached the sixth floor, everyone's eyes widened at the same time!

Almost everyone's face was filled with a beaming smile!


Brilliant golden light!

I saw that in this one hundred square meter room, there were small stone pillars standing up to a hundred meters long!

And on each stone pillar, there is almost an exquisite gold product!


Everyone can't help but swallow!

And Jiang Fan's eyes are full of greed!

So many gold products, how much does it cost?

These key things are all antiques!

Far more precious than gold of equal weight hundreds of times!

And, what if the causal point can be exchanged?

"Master, master, what should I do?"

Curtis looked at these things excitedly!

"Nonsense! Do you have to ask? Pack them all for me!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

Soon, hundreds of gold products have been swept away!

Jiang Fan didn't have time to find out which causal point could be exchanged, and he took a few people to the last floor!

Unexpectedly, there was nothing but a pile of scattered stones in the last layer!

And even the stairs have disappeared, it looks like they have come to an end!

But Jiang Fan, who had known the exact news a long time ago, pressed a stone engraved with an eagle on the ground directly!


Accompanied by a heavy rubbing sound, a hidden door suddenly appeared in a corner of the wall!

But at the moment the secret door opened, a weird, with a trace of blood, directly drifted out!

Jiang Fan was so excited that he almost couldn't wait to enter the secret door!

Outside the secret door, there is another long ladder!

Everyone has walked down for a full 100 meters, and finally suddenly sees the eyes!

A natural rock cave with an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters and a height of more than tens of meters appeared directly in front of everyone!

The most shocking thing is in the middle of the cave!

On the dome in the center of the cave, more than a dozen chains made of gold were hung!

And a huge golden coffin was firmly bound by these chains, hanging quietly in the air!

The golden coffin is three meters long and two meters wide, and the whole is almost seamless. I don't know how to make it!

But the weird thing is that under the golden coffin, at this moment, there is a drop of bright blood, which has penetrated the gold, and it trembled slightly. Under the pull of gravity, it broke free of the coffin and fell gently downward!


The blood beads slammed heavily into a small water pool under the coffin, and directly smashed ripples on the water pool, bringing out an unstoppable sweet fragrance!

Just smelling this smell makes people want to take a swig!

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