
It must be here!

The Tomb of the Dark God, Disco Triboca!

And below, in the pool, is the blood of Disco Triboca!

Look at the size of the pool, that blood, at least a few thousand milliliters!

That is the causal point of hundreds of thousands!

Hundreds of thousands of causal points are close at hand!

Jiang Fan's hands trembled slightly, almost involuntarily stepping forward!

However, when he stepped on this step, his eyes quickly regained his clarity!


The more you get to this time, the more you can't be careless!

While Jiang Fan was calm, the rest of the people trembled with excitement!

God blood!

This is the blood of God!

Although it is only a little **** who is unknown, but that is also a god!

Just one sip can give people unlimited power!

Even, you can live forever!

Curtis's three eyes seemed to have lost their focus, and they just kept walking towards the pool!

And the speed is getting faster and faster!

Soon, it was already at the edge of the pool!

The three of them shot almost at the same time, opening their mouths directly toward the water pool!

Although they knew that their souls would melt after drinking, but at this moment, they were completely lost in the temptation of power and eternal life!

Seeing a few people will touch the blood of the gods!

At this moment!


A thunder-like roar suddenly rang from everyone's ears!

Almost in an instant, the three of them completely recovered their calm!

Then, he backed away with fear on his face!

With this meditation curse, Jiang Fan's impetuous mood also completely calmed down!

"Master! This pool of blood is too evil!"

"Just now I couldn't control myself at all!"

"what is the problem?"

The three Curtiss are all in cold sweat!

"It's nothing, it's probably some dead ghost... the ghost is still there!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already walked to the side of the pool and coldly looked at the golden coffin hanging in the air!

Everyone was paying attention to the water pool before, but now seeing Jiang Fan looking at the golden coffin, he immediately followed!

"Huh! My lord, there are paintings on it!"

Kristen pointed to the side of the golden coffin and suddenly called!


Jiang Fan nodded!

The picture on the golden coffin is actually the legend of the feather snake **** and the three evil gods!

The above story is roughly the same as the legend, but the final picture is very different!

On the screen, under the auspices of a female sacrifice, a group of strong Indians are putting two things into the coffin separately!

One of them was put into the coffin, it was a fuzzy phantom!

And the other one who was carried into the coffin was a giant who was three times taller than an ordinary person and was wrapped in armor!

These two, don’t ask!

The phantom is the **** of darkness, Disco Triboca!

And the giant is the God of War Huizilo Pochetli!

However, Jiang Fan looked at the group of Indians carrying the coffin, but suddenly understood something!

The group of Indians showed their upper bodies, and almost everyone had a tattoo engraved on their backs!

On it, there are goshawks, steeds, lions, palms, bows and arrows, horns... etc., etc.!

It now appears that Baima was obviously wrong when he said that he was not a descendant of the Mayans!

Otherwise, how could Onongana hold the news about the tomb of the dark god?

How do you explain that the tattoo of one of the Indians is exactly the same as the totem of the horse tribe?

The reason must be that after the Mayan civilization disappeared, no records were left, and the war and the appearance of the sword of thorns made the chiefs and wise men of the horse tribe selectively forget these for the safety of the tribe. thing!

Taking out his mobile phone, Jiang Fan took a picture of the coffin directly!

He is not an archeologist. The most significant reason for studying these patterns is that if any of these tribes with tattoos still exists, they may know the news of the Tomb of the God of War!

Putting away the phone, Jiang Fan looked at the Wang Xuetan at this time!

No one can think of what this humble pool of blood represents!

Hundreds of thousands of causal points!

Enough to make a qualitative leap in your own strength!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan did not hesitate to put his hand on the pool of blood!

"the host!"

"My lord! Nope!"

"This is by no means a good thing!"

The three Curtiss were almost shocked!

And the next moment!

The originally calm water pool suddenly boiled!

The blood almost went crazy, and desperately drilled into Jiang Fan's flesh!

But how powerful is Jiang Fan's body!

The blood had burrowed out Mars in Jiang Fan's hands, but he still couldn't get past the thunder pond!

And the next moment, Jiang Fan has directly called out of the system!

"System! Sold!"

"Ding! The item was detected as the blood of the inferior false **** Disco Tripoca! The recovery price is 100 causal points per milliliter!"

"Ding! It is detected that the blood is rich in impurities and toxins, and its value has dropped drastically!"

"Ding! The current recycling price is 10 causal points per milliliter! Is the host sold?"

"How many?!"

Jiang Fan was blinded!

10 causal points? !

The reward has shrunk ten times!

Hundreds of thousands change tens of thousands!

Especially for the mere tens of thousands of causal points, can I be guilty of taking such a big risk!

"Ding! Is the host for sale?"

The system doesn't care about Jiang Fan's mood at all, so keep asking!


Things have reached this point, so let's make a little bit!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth!

next moment!

In the shocked eyes of Curtis and others, the blood in the pool of blood had completely disappeared!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 42231 causality points!"

Four hundred thousand, change forty thousand!

Jiang Fan couldn't breathe with heartache at this moment!

However, the improvement of the system suddenly sounded again!

"Ding! The system has detected the body of the inferior false **** Disco Tripoca! A large amount of pure blood remains in the body, and the host can try to extract it!"

Ay Ya I gi? !

Jiang Fan blinked his eyes, his eyebrows were almost happy!

In the next moment, he was already looking fiercely at the golden coffin in the sky!

"Originally I just wanted your blood to be over, but now, I'm sorry!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan's hand was already white!

Those dozen or so golden chains were directly cut off by Jiang Fan!

The huge golden coffin hit the ground directly!


A loud noise!

The golden coffin was actually heavier than everyone expected, and the whole ground was smashed into dust!

And everyone has surrounded them!

Unexpectedly, not only on the side of the golden coffin, but also on the top of the golden coffin, there are actually pictures!

"Huh? Why don't you understand this picture?"

Douglas and Christine were all startled!

Curtis glanced at it, but he sneered directly, and said old-fashioned!

"You two little babies don't learn or know nothing, this is a picture, this is the talisman Yuguangzi they often use!"

However, as soon as the words fell, several people including Jiang Fan were stunned!

Damn it!

How could the Chinese talisman appear on the coffin board of the Mayan gods?

Ten more chapters! Tell me if I want more!

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