"Okay! Let's all leave! As for returning to Solomon's Key, just say that I escaped!"

"Yes! Master!"

Adolf and Diana do not hesitate to leave immediately!

Jiang Fan squinted his eyes and calculated for a long time before he smiled coldly and took a few people out of the forest!

Since you want to make the illusion of fleeing, it is natural to ensure the realism!

In the middle of the journey, Jiang Fan entered the system space to recover from his injuries. Seeing Jiang Fan's arm actually recovered, Curtis and the others were not shocked at all!

When miracles happen often, it will only make people numb!

Anyway, as long as you know "The master is awesome, the world is number one!" That's it!

As for why Jiang Fan didn't recover until now, it was because if he guessed wrong about Adolf's abilities, he could still leave a chance of a complete recovery as his hole card!

A group of people walked out of the forest in the north to a small town near Cancun, and then stopped!

Randomly found a hotel, Jiang Fan directly started calling!


"Hey? Is it Lord Jiang Fan? Are you insomnia?"

Fiona's lazy voice sounded, obviously sleeping!

"Fiona, just a few hours ago, I was attacked by someone from Solomon's Key!"


Fiona suddenly woke up and suddenly exclaimed!

"Then what's the matter with you? Where are you now? I'll be over right away!"

"Don't panic, I'm fine now, I want to ask you, I'm out to perform the task this time, anyone knows!"

Although Jiang Fan's tone was calm, Fiona could clearly hear the gloominess in it!

After a moment of hesitation, Fiona spoke directly!

"I, Master Joshua, Master Isaac, apart from us, only people in the Evaluation Department know this news!"

"Because according to the organization's usual habit, before someone performs a task, the evaluation department will make a deduction to determine whether the task success rate can meet the standard!"

"Only those who have been assessed and qualified will be actually sent to perform the task!"

After listening to Fiona, Jiang Fan excluded the three of them almost instantly!

"In the Evaluation Department, who is responsible for judging my tasks?"

"You, you are suspicious..."

"It's not a doubt! It's sure!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!

Fiona was silent!

After a long time, she whispered: "Jiang Fan, Isaac-sama also sent someone to check the evaluation department today!"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face involuntarily!

Isaac also doubted it?

"Then did you find out what happened?"

"Master Isaac asked his confidant to check it out. I don't know exactly what the situation is!"

"Well, don't tell anyone about this matter today!"

"Yeah! I see! Jiang Fan, don't you really need me to go there?"

"No, I've already thrown away the other party, and I will return to Evernight!"

"Okay! I'll pick you up then, be careful!"

"Don't worry, goodbye!"

Hang up, Jiang Fan fell asleep!

Early the next morning, a few people returned to Cancun and took a direct flight to the city that never sleeps!

After five hours, at noon, Jiang Fan and his party finally arrived at their destination!

Just out of the airport, two black Chevrolet SUVs drove over!

The window of one of them slid down, revealing Fiona in the driving seat!

The two looked at each other and smiled at the same time!

Jiang Fan told Curtis and the others to get in another car, and got into Fiona's co-driver by himself!

Soon, the car rushed to the headquarters of the sword of thorns!

"Jiang Fan, I heard a friend talk about it early this morning that in the evaluation department last night, a deputy director and three employees committed suicide!"

Fiona whispered suddenly!

Jiang Fan frowned, and then directly spoke in an unusually determined tone!

"Behind them, there are people!"

Fiona was startled. How could Jiang Fan react so quickly?

But she nodded immediately!

"Yes! I think so too, but these people have been silenced, I am afraid it will be difficult to find out!"

"No! As long as people do it, there are always clues!"

Jiang Fan pondered for a moment, and suddenly looked at Fiona seriously!

"Can you show me their bodies?"

"This is easy, but the tracking department has already checked it and found nothing...Of course, if it is you, it must be!"

Fiona's eyes were full of worship!

Soon, two cars came to the huge castle on the cliff by the sea!

Here, it is the headquarters of the sword of thorns, the castle of thorns!

As soon as he saw this building, even Jiang Fan couldn't help but look hot!

This castle is so huge!

It's not so much an old castle as it is a small town!

This old castle is square and occupies at least a hundred acres, and the surrounding walls are all ten meters high!

And on the four corners of the wall, there are arrow towers about 20 meters high!

Looking inside, there are no more than ten buildings taller than the arrow tower!

The point is that no matter the wall or the building, there is a faint wave of magic!

"Master, the entire castle seems to be wrapped in a huge magic circle!"

Curtis leaned in and spoke quietly!

"Can you tell which kind of one it is?"

"This...I can only see that it is a combined offensive and defensive magic array. At least there are three types of water, fire, and thunder. However, there are several types of complexes and which type, I don't know!"

Curtis shook his head!

Fiona on one side gave Curtis a surprised look!

"Curtis, I didn't expect that you are not only a master of necromantic magic, but you also have a good understanding of other departments!"

"Hahaha! Where is it!"

Although Curtis was polite, there was obviously a trace of pride on his face!

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded!

"This ancient castle is composed of seven elements of magic, water, fire, thunder, wood, wind, ice, and electricity. There are more than three hundred kinds of changes. It can also form seven forbidden curses and three complex forbidden curses. A strong blow, killing the gods is not a problem! Little guy, do you have any questions?"

Accompanied by this sound, an old man with white beard wearing a set of gorgeous robes and gray hair, looking to die in the next second, but full of vitality, has already walked out of the gate of the castle with a smile!

"Seven, seven complex magic! Seven forbidden spells! Three complex forbidden spells! Can the strongest blow kill the gods?"

There is no old man in Curtis' eyes, just looking at the castle very greedily!

Then he looked at Jiang Fan with almost splashing saliva!

"Master! This, if this thing is taken to our house, it will be a fortune!"

"This, this is a real baby!"

Everyone was stunned!

All looked at Curtis with a dull expression!

The old man opened his mouth wide, the blue veins on his forehead violently jumped, and he couldn't control a trace of magical fluctuations!

This damn, copper-smelly necromancer!

It is simply tarnishing the sacredness of magic!

Seeing this kind of magical art, the first thing he thought of in his mind was actually so valuable!

What a jerk!

I really want to shoot this stuff to death!

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