But did not wait for the old man to act!

Jiang Fan had already taken a deep breath and kicked Curtis out with one kick!

This idiot!

Why do you say this in front of others, and what is the difference between the fact that you are about to demolish people?

Kicking Curtis with one kick, Jiang Fan took two quick steps and hugged the old man with a smile on his face!

"You must be Master Joshua? Great! I finally saw you! I've heard Fiona say you helped me a long time ago, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Everyone was stunned again!

Fiona's mouth twitched even more!

Jiang Fan is too familiar, right?

Master Joshua was also stunned!

The old man seemed to be extremely unfamiliar with this kind of intimate contact. He hesitated for a long time before he patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, you, calm down!"

Having said that, the old man's face is full of smiles!

What a good, polite boy, 10,000 times stronger than that wretched necromancer!

"Sorry, Master Joshua, I am so excited!"

Jiang Fan let go of Joshua with a look of embarrassment!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Come on, Jiang Fan, I will show you around here!"

As Joshua said, he directly grabbed Jiang Fan's hand and strode towards the castle!

It's just that Jiang Fan was startled when he just came in!

The sword of thorns is really powerful, and even the people who look at the gate are all nine-level berserkers!

After entering the gate, there is a corridor that is more than 20 meters long. You can see from the rubbed masonry on the ground that the age of this castle must be long!

And through the corridor, it is a huge three-story building!

There is a road on the left and right of the three floors, leading to different directions of the castle!

The tall buildings that I saw outside before are all located on the only way between these two roads!

Until the end, the two roads converged, leading directly to the tallest tower in an ancient castle!

And there is the exclusive land of Isaac!

At this moment, Joshua was pointing to the three-story building to introduce Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan, there is the mission hall! No matter who is below the lord level, even if he is holding a sword, he can only transfer missions there!"

"Of course, those who can come to the headquarters to pick up tasks are all level ten or higher, so don't think that the place is broken and broken. In fact, there are private rooms. Everyone has his own task manager!"

"And the birthplace of the mission is the building behind! There is the Intelligence Department, which controls the intelligence collection of the entire Sword of Thorns, and then formulates and releases the mission!"

"And once someone picks up the task in the task hall, his own data and task information will be sent to the evaluation department there!"

"It is up to them to evaluate whether the receiver can complete it, and if it is not standard enough, it will be directly rejected! After all, every tenth level is a valuable asset for the organization..."

"And the one over there is finance..."

Master Joshua kept introducing, but Jiang Fan's eyes fell on the building of the Analysis Department!

"Jiang Fan? Jiang Fan!"

Joshua stretched out his hand and shook in front of Jiang Fan's eyes!

"Oh, you say!"

Jiang Fan smiled kindly!

"Hey! Over there, the five buildings next to Lord Isaac's tower are the exclusive spaces of the other five thorn lords! But except for Lord Field, the rest are basically empty all year round!"

"As for you, because the adult promoted himself, the adult deliberately gave you the first floor of his tower. Well, this is unprecedented!"

"So, Jiang Fan—"

Joshua suddenly looked at Jiang Fan seriously. In the old man's eyes, this moment was filled with the wisdom accumulated over the years and the terrible insight into the human heart!

"Jiang Fan, don't let us down, don't let down...Master Isaac!"

Jiang Fan's heart beats, but his face is serious!

"Master Joshua, I never disappoint people who treat me sincerely!"

Joshua was startled, just now!

"Master Joshua!"

A young man suddenly ran over!

"Master! Master Isaac let you, let you... stop nagging, let Master Jiang Fan go to see him!"

Upon hearing this, the old man's face turned black!

Flicking his sleeves angrily!

"Fiona, you take Jiang Fan in, and I'll go fishing! Who is that! That's you! You are full of money, and the mage's face is lost by you! You follow me!"

Joshua pointed at Curtis, and before the poor Necromancer agreed, he already hooked his finger!

In the next moment, Curtis floated up and followed Joshua away!

"No! I don't want it! Master! Help me! Following this old man, I must have no good fruit!"

"Master! Save me! I am your most loyal servant!"

"We have to make a claim together! You can't die without saving!"

Curtis snots and tears!

But Jiang Fan just sullenly ran into the tower almost embarrassed!

As for the Douglas brothers and sisters, they have long been ashamed of not knowing where they are going!

What a shame!

The master is strong in everything, but this receptive vision is really ridiculous!

At that time, how did this wretched necromancer hug the thigh of an adult?

What a hell!

But Jiang Fan stepped into the tower, but he was slightly startled!

Vaguely, he seemed to have passed through something, but after a closer look, it became clear that there was nothing!

"Jiang Fan, come with me!"

Fiona also ran in from the outside with a blushing face. Looking at the appearance, Curtis had obviously lost her face too!

Soon, the two came to the top of the tower!

Then stopped at the door of a room!

Fiona was about to knock on the door, but Jiang Fan pushed the door open!

In the room, Isaac, sitting behind a desk, seemed not surprised at all!

Just a little helpless sigh!

"Jiang Fan, can't you be respectful to me? After all, I am your immediate boss!"

Fiona who followed up trembled all over, and then directly and selectively forgot the sight just now!

It's amazing!

Originally, yesterday's phone call and Master Isaac's performance afterwards, she already thought it was incredible!

But I didn't expect that adults would be tolerant of Jiang Fan, no, it should be said to indulge to such an extent!

You know, for the remaining five lords, even the most loyal Field, Isaac has never been distinguished from top to bottom, and will never show such a look between friends!

what is this?

However, no matter why, it is a good thing!

Worthy of being his idol! Lord Jiang Fan is great!

Fiona was thinking in a mess, Jiang Fan had already sat down opposite Isaac!

"If I were the same as others, you wouldn't be so used to me!"

Isaac was startled and suddenly let out a laugh!

"Well, this task is very hard. If you want, you can let Fiona lead you around the city that never sleeps! Besides, your reward..."

Before Isaac finished speaking, Jiang Fan directly took out a USB flash drive and placed it gently on the table!

"Reward for a while, give you this thing first!"

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