God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1128: Then help him brag B

When I saw this USB flash drive, Isaac's eyes lit up!

But he immediately looked at Jiang Fan curiously!

What kind of virtues this kid, he knows too well!

Don't say that the geese have plucked their hair, here, no geese can fly over!

It's weird to hand over the U disk so easily!

"Don't look at me like that, this thing is absolutely genuine, I promise!"

Jiang Fan was uncomfortable being seen by Isaac!

Isaac shook his head and stopped paying attention to the USB flash drive. Instead, he looked at Jiang Fan carefully, and then he sighed with some joy!

"Jiang Fan! I have to say, you are such a genius! It hasn't been two months since the last separation, you have reached this level!"

Jiang Fan's face was calm. He had known that Isaac was unfathomable and could definitely see his own strength, so the causal points he got, except for the ability to reach level 12, the rest did not move at all!

You have grown too fast, and you don’t know how to hide yourself properly, that’s stupid!

"Good luck, and you all said that I am a genius, and the speed is too slow, isn't that a slap in the face!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Isaac chuckled: "Well, let's not talk about this, let's talk about the specific news of this mission!"

Jiang Fan quickly told the story!

Roughly the same as yesterday!

But at the end, Jiang Fan suddenly added a sentence!

"Last night in Tulum, I was attacked by someone from Solomon's Key! That guy is a marquis, very strong, very strong!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, the corner of Isaac's eyes suddenly jumped imperceptibly, and even his voice seemed a little gloomy!

"Do you know who he is?"

"Yes, he said he was called Adolf!"


Fiona gasped directly!

"Among the fourteenth level, Hoston Adolf is known as the strongest?!"

Yesterday Jiang Fan only said that he was attacked, but he did not expect that he was actually this monster!

And hearing Adolf's name, even Isaac's complexion changed slightly!

"Do you know him?"

Jiang Fan looked at Fiona!

"More than knowing! This Adolf is simply a monster! Among our swords of thorns, among all the fourteenth-level existence, almost no one is his opponent! Even me!"

"That guy's physical strength has almost reached the level of perversion!"

"And it's not just strength, defense, speed, endurance... he has almost no weaknesses!"

"It can be said that no one can deal with him unless he is shot at level 15 or above!"

"The most exaggerated thing is that he actually escaped from a superpower of the fifteenth level!"

"This kind of thing has rarely happened in the history of both of us!"

"Jiang Fan, you, how did you escape?"

Fiona looked at Jiang Fan with an incredulous expression!

It's incredible!

Being chased by that kind of monster, Jiang Fan looked like he was not hurt at all!

How did he do it?

However, if the two of them knew that Jiang Fan was only relying on his own strength, and even when no hole cards were used, they would take Adolf, the strongest of the fourteenth level, as a slave, I am afraid they would have to vomit blood directly!

After hearing Fiona's words, Jiang Fan knew that Adolf was so sturdy!

It's a pity that the goods fell into my own hands, otherwise the legend can continue!

Come on, let's help him brag!

Nodding vigorously, a trace of fear appeared directly on Jiang Fan's face!

"You're right, the four of us led him into the dense forest and created a dead end! But unexpectedly, the kind of attack that could almost threaten the half-step grandmaster would have no effect on him at all!"

"Fortunately, I have made two-handed preparations. I have arranged countless traps in the forest in advance, and gradually distanced myself!"

"And with Christine and Douglas in, he doesn't have any advantage in the forest!"

"Later I asked Curtis to summon a monster and use a fake USB flash drive to lead him away. This was considered an escape!"

Jiang Fan seemed to have said a lot, but he only sketched out a rough idea, but here is his cleverness!

In this case, instead, they left countless room for imagination!

Just by looking at the eyes of the two of you, you know that at this moment, they have made up a thrilling picture by themselves!

"Jiang Fan, you can take such a few low-level subordinates and escape unscathed. You have done a good job! Before you, there are very few who can escape from his subordinates!"

Isaac made no secret of his appreciation for Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan's expression was gloomy and murderous!

"No! This is the first time I have been chased so miserably within a major level! This matter is endless!"

"Okay, calm down, let me talk to you about the reward this time!"

Isaac smiled!

But Jiang Fan's heart sank!

Why didn't Isaac mention the analysis department?

Why not mention that the people in the city of Cancun and Tulum betrayed themselves?

Is he trying to balance, or is it not as simple as he thought?

"Jiang Fan, according to the previous assessment, your mission this time was 50 points, but later because... Forget it, you don't seem to be interested in listening. This time you got 300 points in total!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

According to the system that Fiona said to herself before, she can only get 100 at most. How could it be so much?

"Originally, there are still a few odds, but considering your style, I have already replaced you with cash. All your rewards, just follow Fiona to collect them in a while!"

"Also, once the value of this U disk is determined, the equivalent points will be passed to you!"

"Okay, Fiona, take Jiang Fan to go around!"

Isaac has obviously issued a eviction order!

Jiang Fan was surprised, but still followed Fiona to leave here!

"Fiona, my points..."

As soon as he came out, Jiang Fan looked at Fiona suspiciously!

"Shhh! Lord Isaac gave you more for personal gain! Also, this is a bank card, don't talk, make a fortune in silence!"

Fiona spoke quietly, and secretly stuffed a card into Jiang Fan's hand!

Jiang Fan showed a slight smile, but his emotions towards Isaac became more complicated!

Isaac, I hope in the end, we will not become enemies!


In the office, seeing the two leave, Isaac's expression suddenly became gloomy!

In addition to anger, there is a trace of killing intent in his eyes!

"good, very good!"

"I thought you would just do some tricks on the task!"

"Now, I even leaked the news to Adolf!"

"Is it because I have been silent for too long, or have you forgotten my horror?"

"No matter what, it seems that I need to make you remember the dark scenes of the past!"

Isaac took a deep breath!

In the right eye, an extremely terrifying murderous intent suddenly flashed through!

next moment!

Just like when Jiang Fan met that time, Isaac disappeared out of thin air!

Just half an hour after Isaac disappeared, near the Great Lakes in Citi, an earthquake with a not too wide range suddenly burst out!

It's just that the most central location of the epicenter, the magnitude of the earthquake actually reached a full 4.6!

A whole area of ​​dozens of miles in that, almost completely turned into ruins!

But no one noticed that a dozen meters below the center of the ruins, there was a fresh arm that was broken at the elbow and still dripping blood!

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