God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1139: A good young man who strives for progress

Did not find out that the duke had a relationship with him?

The point is, the value of this thing!

It's just anxious that the Osprey just gave an expressionless explanation!

"Because we haven't started tracking yet, we are temporarily unable to determine whether there is really a duke at the end of the data stream, so the points that can be given to you for the time being are limited!"

"It doesn't matter! How much is it worth?"

Jiang Fan desperately rubbed his hands anxiously!

And the Osprey still speaks to himself!

"Also, although we have all the content in the USB flash drive, the records about the Summoning of the Devil God are more complicated, and further analysis and analysis are needed to make the points accurate!"

"Don't talk nonsense! How much is it worth!"

Jiang Fan stood up suddenly!

The eyes are full of enthusiasm!

Osprey trembled when he saw it, and finally spoke subconsciously!

"Probably... five thousand points!"


Jiang Fan didn't have much reaction, but Fiona took a breath of air-conditioning!

Five thousand points! !

No one has ever been able to get more than 5,000 points in one mission!

Not even the other lords!

Jiang Fan definitely set the record for the Sword of Thorns once again!

The Osprey's words are not finished yet!

"Of course, after analyzing and evaluating the specific value of these demon gods' summons, if we can determine that there is a duke on the other side, we will add it to you in the future. As for the specific value, it is difficult to say for the time being!"

Osprey said seriously!

But Jiang Fan couldn't hear the words behind him at all!

Five thousand points!

There are ten normal marquis!



Why should I be happy?

It's only five thousand, and it's not causal. What's so exciting?

At the thought of this, Jiang Fan suddenly lost his interest!

Just nodded!


The rest were stunned!

Including Isaac, they all looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

This is five thousand points!

If it is someone else, even those lords, now they have to laugh!

But Jiang Fan is so calm!

It's as if it's not five thousand points, it's just five thousand dollars!

Do not!

If it's five thousand yuan, according to this guy's greedy character, I'm afraid he will have to laugh out loud!

In the face of such an important point, he was able to achieve such a joy and anger, and this Jiang Fan is really amazing!

Osprey's heart beats!

And Fiona is even more admired!

Sure enough, I still underestimated Master Jiang Fan!

It's just that this kind of qi training is simply better than Master Isaac!

Even Isaac was startled, showing a dazed expression!

According to Jiang Fan's greed and desire for profit, there is absolutely no reason to be so calm about such exaggerated points!

Did you read him wrong?

This kid is actually just a good young man who strives to make progress?

How is this possible!

But apart from this explanation, that, unless it is—

Isaac's eyes widened suddenly!

This, this kid, shouldn't it be, don't you know the use of points?

It seems that there is only one possibility!

"Well, let's do this! Jiang Fan, there is a device in your room, on which you can check your own points and redeem, Fiona, you accompany Jiang Fan to go back and take a look!"

Isaac suddenly spoke!

"Yes! Your lord!"

Fiona nodded hurriedly!

The two had just left the Intelligence Department, and at this moment, a loud noise suddenly rang from the far gate!

Immediately afterwards, the crowds on both sides of the road dispersed, and then, a tall man with blond hair and an extremely handsome appearance walked straight out!

It's just that although this man is handsome enough, his eyes are full of gloom, like a dormant jungle, ready to violently hurt people at any time!

And his face is also very strange. At first glance, he seems to be only in his twenties!

But look carefully again, but it seems to be more than 40 years old!

In addition, his left hand was actually covered with bandages!

It's just that the bandage is full of weird magic runes!

Jiang Fan and Curtis had been in contact for a long time, and he even faintly recognized that this was actually some kind of rare imprisonment rune!

Runes like this are generally used to imprison high-ranking demons!

But the most important thing is the man's aura!

At this moment, he walked on the road like a lord patrolling his own land, and those people who leaned slightly toward him were like the people of his territory!

And behind him, there were two people with auras, a man and a woman!

The man's face is old, he seems to be over seventy years old, but it is the opposite of his old face, but his sturdy physique!

This old man is more than two meters tall, his muscles are knotted, even with a hint of metallic reflection!

And the woman was young and charming, and a pair of blue pupils was actually shimmering!

These two people are absolutely extremely powerful!


The man has brought two subordinates downstairs to the intelligence department!

Opposite Jiang Fan!

"Fiona, long time no see!"

The man spoke slowly, his voice was somber and hoarse!

"My lord Leander, hello!"

Fiona nodded!


This man is actually the one Isaac mentioned before when talking with Ray!

And his true identity is one of the six thorn lords!

Lord of Thorns, Liander!

And after greeted Fiona, Liander had already looked at Jiang Fan with contempt!

With those gloomy eyes, he carefully plowed Jiang Fan's body up and down, and then Liander suddenly revealed a sneerful smile!

"The sixth Lord of Thorns is actually this kind of ridiculously weak garbage?"

As soon as he uttered his words, everyone's complexion changed!

Fiona's eyes became even more cold, and she took a step forward abruptly!

"Liander! You are the best—"

Fiona hasn't finished her words, but at this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly stretched out his hand and directly grabbed Fiona!

"Fiona, don't get angry! We are civilized people!"

"But, my lord..."

Fiona looked unwilling!

"Okay, obedient! Everyone is a colleague, be generous! And I am new here after all, it is normal for someone to say something awkward if I don't understand me! I'll just explain it!"

Jiang Fan smiled and patted Fiona on the shoulder!

Fiona was stunned!

Unexpectedly, Master Jiang Fan was so generous!

This is what the Lord of Thorns should have!


It's 10,000 times stronger than Li Ander, this bastard!

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, not only did Liander and the others fail to constrain, but the sneer on their faces became even stronger!


Sure enough, they are Chinese people who only know how to protect themselves!

Only tolerate!

However, it's good!

Once this kid desperately pleases us, it will only make him more embarrassed!

And Jiang Fan had already looked at Liander at this time, and then smiled kindly!

"Is Mr. Leander right? Well, about what you said just now, I want to ask you-didn't your mother teach you to speak humanly?"

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