God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1140: Seems to be too ridiculous


Looking upstairs, Isaac sprayed directly!

The crowd in the distance is even more dazed!

And Leander and the others were almost dumbfounded!

I can't believe my ears!

"You, what did you say?"

Liandel looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"Well, then I will say it again!"

Jiang Fan cleared his throat, and his back turned violently, pointed at Liander's nose, and suddenly yelled!

"Grass mud horse! Blind your dog's eyes!"

"What kind of thing are you! Dare to say that Lao Tzu is rubbish?"

"Don't look at what you are doing! You are quite a bit older, so you have such a coquettish look!"

"If it weren't for you to enter the gate, I thought you were the duck who just left the nightclub with the rich lady!"

"Immediately disappear from Lao Tzu! Otherwise, Lao Tzu will not be able to pick up guests for three months after beating you!"

Everyone is dumbfounded!

"Me, my goodness!"

"When I saw this lord today, I thought he was a good old man!"

"Unexpectedly it was so fierce!"

"Damn! Whoever tells me that Huaxia people are so bully in the future, I must kill him!"

"The key is to dare to scold Liandel like this, it's unprecedented!"

"Too MAN! He's right! Why didn't he find out before, Liander really seems to be a duck!"

The crowd was shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan's eyes, he can't help but bring a trace of worship!

And Isaac and Osprey were at a loss!

Too ruthless!

Jiang Fan is really a thunder!

Who touches who blows up!

Liandel trembled all over!

Looking at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

"You, you, you..."

"This is your father, a big durian! Can't you understand human words? I'm letting you go!!"

Jiang Fan interrupted Liander directly, and suddenly roared!

"I, I, I want..."

Liander's face was extremely pale, and his eyes were full of red blood for a moment!


"It's still forcing! You are so cheap! Get out!!!"

Along with Jiang Fan's roar, Liander could not help but step back!

Everyone was stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

Liandel was shocked by Jiang Fan's words!

And this step back, Liandel himself was stunned!

next moment!

"Asshole! I'm going to kill you!!"

With this roar, Liander was completely angry!

In an instant, the aura of his whole body suddenly let go!

An incomparable horror, almost like a landslide, completely enveloped the entire castle!

Everyone's complexion changed!

"Master Leander is angry!"

"What a terrible breath!"

"It's terrifying! Is this the strength of the lord class?"


Even Jiang Fan's heart trembled!

too strong!

Never seen such a strong aura!

Even just being shrouded in aura, I feel like I'm going to die!

It was almost exactly the same as the first time I encountered the Balrog in the world of the Lord of the Rings!

Do not!

I was too far away from the Flame Demon at the time, and my feelings were not strong yet!

But now, facing Liandel, it feels like he has already reached the edge of a cliff!

As long as you are slightly careless, you will end up in pieces!

There is only one kind of horror that can give oneself this feeling!

This Liandel has definitely reached the realm that everyone dreams of!

Fifteenth level!

Grandmaster Realm!

Who the **** is this guy!

"grown ups!"

The Osprey watching upstairs, his complexion changed drastically!

Once Liander is allowed to take action, Jiang Fan will definitely die!

And Isaac's right hand couldn't help but tremble slightly, and he was ready to shoot!

But at this moment!

"Let’s play aura!"

Unexpectedly, facing such a terrifying existence, Jiang Fan not only did not retreat, but a fierce light flashed in his eyes!

next moment!


An extremely terrifying aura has already risen from him like a storm tornado!

This momentum is as steady as a mountain! Tolerant as the sea! Wild as fire! As fierce as a knife!

If that's the case, it's fine, but in this momentum, there is a terrifying power that can't hide the world and shake the world!

Jiang Fan at this moment is like a giant swallowing beast floating on the starry sky of the vast sea!

And the source of this imposing force is exactly what Jiang Fan hasn't used for a long time, the upgraded version of the grandmaster's manner, domineering forever!


Liander suddenly exclaimed!

So scared I almost sat down!

And Isaac's pupils shrank too!

As for the others, everyone below level ten had already "plopped" and fell directly to their knees!

And above level ten, they can only shiver!

"God, my goodness!"

"Okay, it's terrible!"

"It's so imposing, it's more tyrannical than Master Isaac!"

"This, is this really only a lord level?"

"Unbelievable! Our sword of thorns, there is such a character!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with deep fear!

And Jiang Fan had already grinned at Liandel!

"Boy, you want to do it with me, don't you? Come on!!!"

Jiang Fan's burst of shouts shocked Liander all over!

Straight back two steps and bumped one head into his own subordinates!

Everyone was shocked and speechless!

so horrible!

This new lord is almost as powerful as a pervert!

With a single word, Liandel, who is also a lord, was frightened like this!

Liander was trembling all over, turned into anger from annoyance, and finally couldn't care about anything else!

"Asshole! I'm fighting with you!!"

Accompanied by this roar, Liandel suddenly punched Jiang Fan!

At this moment, he can't care about anything!

Even if he died, he would die with Jiang Fan!


The mockery is too much!

Doesn't Leander, a idiot, know forbearance?

Jiang Fan scolded in his heart!

At the same time, the right hand has tightly squeezed something, so I must use it!

But at this moment!


Everyone felt that something invisible and innocuous, like a thin film, suddenly enveloped the entire castle!

In the next moment, Liander's fist seemed to touch countless invisible shields, and unexpectedly stopped in front of Jiang Fan!

At this time, Isaac finally sounded slowly with a trace of anger!

"Enough! Liander, come see me right away!"

Leander trembled!

His eyes were full of horror for a moment!

With those spiteful eyes, he glared at Jiang Fan, and finally let out a cold snort, strode upstairs to the Intelligence Department!

As for the two subordinates behind him, they didn't dare to look directly at Jiang Fan, they slipped past Jiang Fan cautiously like a mouse!

"Bah! Counsel!"

Jiang Fan sipped directly!

Liander, who was walking in front, staggered!

But without looking back, he ran upstairs in the blink of an eye!

Jiang Fan didn't bother to smile, turning around and leaving among the crowd's eyes full of awe and admiration!

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