God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 114: He is the top soldier

This person, he knew it!

Jiang Fan's system was activated the moment he was hit by a car because he saved a child!

And that kid is the one who is stupid playing with building blocks now!

And the man is the father of the child!

At that time, the man gave himself a business card, telling himself that he had something to do and he could find him at any time!

No wonder this address is so familiar!

"Young Master Jiang! I didn't expect it to be you! Please sit down!"

Man, looking at Jiang Fan excitedly!

"Baby, call it Uncle!"

The child looked at Jiang Fan, and immediately shouted a little shyly: "Uncle!"

"Well, hello!"

"Young Master Jiang! During this period of time, there have been things, so I failed to thank you, please, don't be offended!"

The man said gratefully!

"you are welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and then asked a little embarrassingly: "That, your last name?"

The man was startled! Then, with a look of surprise!

Jiang Fan, don't even know who he is?

Did he never see that business card?

Doesn't this mean that he has never thought of letting himself repay his favor?

What a noble quality!

What a noble personality!

"Shao Jiang, my name is Ding Xuan!"

Ding Xuan looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Jiang Fan looked inexplicable, but still nodded!

"Hello Mr. Ding, I have to continue delivering meals, so I'll leave first!"

"Huh? Drink a cup of hot tea before leaving!"

"No more!"

As Jiang Fan said, he walked to the door!

However, at this moment, outside the office, suddenly, a series of footsteps sounded!

Jiang Fan frowned!

The hand that was holding the doorknob suddenly stopped!

Why are these footsteps so heavy?

wrong! Murderous!

Jiang Fan suddenly jumped and kicked the desk over! Blocked the child!

Then, rushed to Ding Xuan fiercely!

"Get down!"

The next moment, the gunshots were loud!

"Da da da!"

The glass in the office was shattered by bullets in an instant! Various furnishings have exploded one after another!

Jiang Fan pressed Ding Xuan and squatted on the ground, the two of them, suppressed by the dense bullets, couldn't lift their heads!

Ding Xuan trembled and looked desperate!

"Baby! Baby!"

"The kid is okay! Get down!"

"Damn it! These **** are so cruel! Me, Ding Xuan, I won't let you go as a ghost!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Fan, but his face was calm!

"Listen to the sound, it should be the Walter MP submachine gun. The ammunition capacity of this gun is 32 rounds. I will start the countdown now. When they change their magazines, you will immediately hide in the corner!"


"Three, two, one!"

The sound of shooting stopped abruptly!

Jiang Fan didn't wait for Ding Xuan at all. He kicked him to the corner of the wall with one kick, and then he stepped hard!


The whole ground seems to sway!

And Jiang Fan, with this powerful reaction force, suddenly burst out!

At this moment, outside the manager room, seven gunmen with hoods are switching their magazines quickly!

It’s just that they just changed--


A yellow shadow suddenly passed by one of them!


"So fast!"

A group of gunmen are shocked and inexplicably surprised!

Just, the next moment!

The gunman who was brushed by Jiang Fan suddenly covered his neck and slowly knelt on the ground! Then, fell down!

"what happened?"

"Big brother, the third child fainted! The gun is gone!"


"Who is it? Get out!"

The remaining gunmen roared one after another!

"You call or don't call, Dad is here, never give up!"

Jiang Fan's grinning voice suddenly sounded behind a group of gunmen!

A group of gunmen suddenly turned around, and their dark muzzles were all aimed at Jiang Fan!

Unfortunately, just as they were about to pull the trigger, Jiang Fan moved!

"Papa Papa Papa Papa!"

With six bursts of fire, all the guns in the hands of the six gunners were blown up in an instant!

The six gunmen screamed, and the power of the guns exploded, the blood flew all over, and they wailed!

"it hurts!"

"My finger! My finger is broken!"

"my eyes!"

"My arm is broken!"

A group of gunmen screamed one after another!

"Hold it back for me! Whoever dared to call half a word out, I will kill anyone!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

A group of gunmen, frightened by the murderous aura in Jiang Fan's eyes, actually did not dare to make any sound!

"Now, all hold their heads in both hands and kneel down for me!"

"Yes, yes! Don't shoot, don't shoot!"

A group of gunmen, regardless of their injuries, fell to their knees collectively!

Ding Xuan, who heard the movement, finally leaned out half of his body from the corner!

However, the picture in front of him made him couldn't believe his eyes!

From Jiang Fan's emergence to the present, it took less than ten seconds at most!

The seven gunmen were actually destroyed by the regiment?

too strong! It's amazing!

For an instant, Ding Xuan's eyes towards Jiang Fan were all worship!

"Young Master Jiang, thank you so much! You saved my baby and me again!"

"You're welcome!"

At this moment, downstairs, unexpectedly, there was another series of footsteps!

"President Ding! Mr. Ding! Are you okay?"

A group of bodyguards rushed over in sweat!

But, seeing the scene in front of you clearly, a group of people were so scared that they almost didn't cry!

"A bunch of trash!"

Ding Xuan cursed!

"If it weren't for Young Master Jiang here, my corpse would be cold! There is a way to raise you guys!"

A group of bodyguards, their faces flushed, dare not say a word!

"Shao Jiang, thank... Shao Jiang?"

Ding Xuan discovered at this time that Jiang Fan, unexpectedly, had disappeared!

As expected of Shao Jiang! After the matter is gone, you will hide your merits and fame deeply!

Ding Xuan's adoration of Jiang Fan is even better!

"Huh? How could this be?"

At this moment, a bodyguard suddenly exclaimed!

"what happened?"

"These people's guns were actually blown up at the same time?"

"How is this possible!"

The bodyguard captain Zhao Heng came over with a sneer on his face!

However, when he saw the guns exploding on the ground, his expression changed!

"President Ding! Who is the Young Master Jiang you just mentioned?"

"what happened?"

Ding Xuan was a little puzzled!

"This, this is not a bombing at all! It was the result of their gun being exploded by the other's bullets entering the barrel!"

"Six guns! Every one is like this! I have never seen such precise marksmanship in the special forces for so many years! That man, absolutely, is a top soldier!"

Zhao Heng is shaking all over!

The top soldier king, it was all filled with human lives!

I was fortunate enough to see it!

The rest of the bodyguards also looked shocked!

"But, he, he is just a takeaway!"

Ding Xuan was stunned!

It turns out that Jiang Fan's real strength is actually so strong?



"Is there anything wrong? Is the food delivery industry so hot?"

"Yes! The top soldier king, would actually go to deliver food?"

"I, I don't deserve to eat takeaway!"

A group of bodyguards, their faces are full of guilt!

"Today this incident must never be leaked out!"

Ding Xuan suddenly spoke with a serious expression!


A group of bodyguards looked terrified!

"President Ding, how do you deal with these people?"

The bodyguard captain Zhao Heng finally asked carefully!

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