God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 115: The bottom of the grade group

Ding Xuan's eyes were cold!

His family power is extremely large, and this bit of industry in Los Angeles is just a drop in the bucket!

Unfortunately, because of his son, he was attacked by the rest of the family and had to leave Los Angeles!

Unexpectedly, even if I withdrew from the rights center, I would not be peaceful!

Last time, if it weren't for Jiang Fan's rescue, his son would have died tragically!

This time, the group of people was even more exaggerated, unexpectedly, they wanted to kill him too!

Jiang Fan, if there is no Jiang Fan, then...

Thinking of this, Ding Xuan gave these gunmen a cold look!



Jiang Fan, don't worry! I will never reveal your secrets! Last time, and today’s kindness, I, Ding Xuan, can't remember it!

Ding Xuan, thinking silently!

And Jiang Fan, having left this trivial matter behind, continued to take orders!

After a busy night, the next day, Jiang Fan finished washing and went straight to Blue Eagle!

Monday, but a regular school morning meeting!

The school will give grades to each class!

Jiang Fan also wanted to know, what kind of bird the third class is like!

However, Jiang Fan was stopped by someone as soon as he arrived at the teaching building!

"Jiang Fan! You shameless villain! Actually, sent someone to ambush my third uncle!"

Yue Yang pointed at Jiang Fan angrily and yelled at him!

At this moment, at the entrance of the teaching building, there were teachers and students coming in and out. Hearing this, he looked at them in surprise!

Yue Yang sneered!

Jiang Fan, today, I want everyone to see through your shameless true colors!


"Your third uncle? Yue Jianshan! What happened to him?"

"Are you still pretending? Right at your door, my third uncle, who was ambushed by social idlers hired by you, cut more than a dozen knives!"

"The kind of third-rate stuff, you still have to find someone to ambush? Da'an Street is famous for a lot of gangsters, and he hasn't been hacked to death.

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"You! Shameless!"

"Save it for you!" Jiang Fan stepped up and was about to leave, then suddenly turned around and asked, "What did your uncle do when he ran to my house?"

"of course--"

Yue Yang said here, shut up quickly!

Jiang Fan sneered: "Couldn't it be, you want to attack me?"

In Lenovo's melee the night before, he knew that the slashed person was actually the idiot Yue Jianshan!

No wonder I always like to jump around!


Yue Yang looked panicked!

However, when the crowd of onlookers saw his appearance, they immediately understood!

"Hehe, it's hilarious!"

"I wanted to sneak attack on people, but I was chopped off by the gangster!"

"A dozen knives have been cut? This is really a master!"

"Don't say that, maybe the gangsters are all practicing Dugu Nine Swords!"

Yue Yang's face flushed as a group of people said! I can't wait to slap myself twice!

Why is it so cheap? It's okay to have to provoke Jiang Fan, what the shameless villain is doing?

"You, don't be smug! My uncle is coming soon! At that time, it won't matter how many helpers you find!"

Jiang Fan sighed, "Yueyang, do you know which dental hospital in Los Angeles is better?"

Yue Yang looked blank!

"You, why are you asking this?"

"It's okay, if you talk to me again, you will go soon!"

Yue Yang was frightened and quickly closed his mouth! With a cold snort, he turned his head and ran!

"Ms. Jiang is so handsome!"

"Yeah! This sentence is so handsome!"

"It must be included in my pretend quotations!"

At this time, the school broadcast suddenly sounded!

"Hey hey! Hey hey!"

"Ah! I'm the teaching director Ma Desheng!"

"Now, please gather the teacher in charge of each class in the lecture hall of the main building! Get ready to start the morning meeting!"

"For a late class, three points will be deducted!"

Jiang Fan raised his brows and immediately walked towards the lecture hall in the main building!

At this moment, many teachers were already sitting in the classroom. Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, immediately, there was a lot of discussion!

"Why have you never seen this teacher? New here?"

"This is the takeaway teacher from the second and third class of high school!"

"What? He is? So handsome!"

"Not only is handsome, it is said that he can also martial arts!"

"Really? That's not both civil and military?"

A group of single female teachers looked at Jiang Fan, full of ambiguity!

"Huh! What is both civil and military! A rubbish!"

"The decathlon competition actually gave me medicine! It's a shameless villain!"

Suddenly, a disdainful voice sounded!

Exactly, paragraph meaning!

He is not only the physical education teacher of Class 6, but like Jiang Fan, he is also the head teacher!

"Teacher Duan, doesn't it seem that you don't deal with Teacher Jiang?"

"Sure, the two were better than the decathlon last week. As a result, Teacher Duan suddenly had diarrhea..."

"I know this! I pulled my pants!"

"Yes, yes!"

Listening to the whispers of a group of teachers, their faces turned green!

Bastard! All blame Jiang Fan!

Fortunately, at this time, Ma Desheng and several school leaders have already arrived on the rostrum!

"Ah! Today is our Lanying's once-a-week school meeting again, here I am, let me just say a few words!"

"First, the main purpose of our meeting..."

"Second, we must build the spiritual world of Blue Eagle..."

"Third, about..."


Ma Desheng looked majestic and began to talk!

Jiang Fan was drowsy, and the school leaders sitting next to Ma Desheng couldn't stand it!

Most of the previous meetings were presided over by Xia Fanxing, and they were concise and concise, and finished in 20 minutes at most! Ma Desheng said this stuff for half an hour, but he still spit wildly!

"Director Ma, let's get into the subject!"

One of the board members, Ning Changan, who is also the vice principal, couldn't help but speak!

Too grind!

How does Ma Desheng's mouth look like a locomotive?

When the leader spoke, Ma Desheng finally shut up reluctantly!

"Next, let me talk about the results of each class in the last week!"

When Jiang Fan heard this, he immediately became energetic!

Soon, it was the third shift!

"The second and third class of high school..."

Ma Desheng read these words, and suddenly he glanced at Jiang Fan maliciously!

"Senior second and third class, zero points! Grade group, the last one!"

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

I lost you old wood! The initial quantification of each class is 50 points. Not only did the third class not increase, it was actually gone!

However, fortunately, after all, it is just a quantitative score! It has nothing to do with grades!

"Next comes the results!"

"The average score of the three classes, 11 points in Chinese, 8 points in mathematics, 10 points in English...The average score of comprehensive scores-9 points!

"The last grade group!"

These little rascals!

Jiang Fan, his fists creaked, gritted his teeth!

"Haha, Teacher Jiang, this is the result of the last month of the third class. It is not very satisfactory. We have to work harder!"

Ma Desheng has a fake expression on his face!

Humph! Jiang Fan! With this kind of achievement, do you still want to stand up? As soon as the end of the term arrives, you can get rid of me!

Jiang Fan's face was ashen, and the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty kept tossing in his mind! Just waiting to pass it to Class 3 again!

"Hey, Teacher Jiang, congratulations! The last one is also the first!"

Duan Yi with a mocking look!

An anger flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes, and suddenly he looked at Duan Yi firmly!

"You, what do you think of me like that?"

"Teacher Duan, I have a question for you. If you win the city teacher sports competition, how many points can you add?"

"Total average grade plus five points, what do you ask this for?"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evokes!

"Very good! Your qualifications, I want it!"

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