God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1144: A little sweet like pulsating

Christine's eyes lit up with the entrance of God's blood as bright as a liquefied gemstone!

next moment!

"Tons, tons, tons, tons~~~~"

Christine drank the blood of the gods in one breath!

The magical thing is that the blood of the gods didn't hang the cup, all of it flowed into Christine's mouth as if there was life, and there was not even a drop left in the bottle!

Douglas and Curtis looked at him with enthusiasm!

That's the blood of God!

Non-toxic, no side effects, and the blood of God that fits with Christine's attributes!

Following Jiang Fan, there are so many benefits!

"Christine, what's the smell?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"Well, it's a bit sweet, like a pulsation!"

Kristen smacked and said with a smile!

Just, the next moment!


Kristen trembled suddenly, and his whole body was flushed red!

At the same time, everyone can feel that Christine's power fluctuations are constantly breaking through!

Soon it reached the tenth level limit!

Immediately afterwards, it was like a flood breaking through a dam, directly breaking through to level 11!

However, this has not stopped!

Power fluctuations are still rising!

It came directly to the eleventh level limit, and then!


Accompanied by Kristen's sharp call sign, her power fluctuations have completely reached the twelfth level!

This bottle of sacred blood actually made Christine break through from level ten to level twelve!

Over two levels!

The power of the blood of the gods is really strong!

Douglas and Curtis were throbbing!

When the blood of the gods is in the body of the gods, it is only used as an energy carrier, but once it enters the human body, it becomes like a catalyst, constantly stimulating the human body's potential according to its quality!

"grown ups……"

Kristen was even more excited and couldn't say anything!

At her speed, it would take at least three years to reach level twelve!

But following Jiang Fan, he actually reached it in a short time!

In particular, what an adult gave him to improve his strength was actually extremely precious blood!

This thing, even if they can accumulate enough points, they are not eligible to redeem it at all!

If you are seen by someone with the same attribute, you have to faint jealously!

But Jiang Fan was still not satisfied, but shook his head regretfully!

"Unfortunately it's not Vidal's!"

In Norse mythology, Vidal is the **** of the forest, or "the **** of the virgin forest", the son of Odin, the father of the gods, and the giantess Gried, and the personification of the immortal force of nature!

When the twilight of the gods happened, the terrifying wolf Fenrir defeated Odin, the father of the gods, and swallowed him. Vader caught up with him, stepped on Fenrir’s forehead with one foot, and grabbed the wolf with both hands. The upper jaw, finally pierced the wolf's heart with a sword, and beheaded it!

It can be said that this is definitely a super powerful god!

If he drinks his blood, I am afraid Christine can break through to level fifteen, or even level twentieth!

The corners of Christine's mouth twitched!

Your adult's heart is really wild!

"Well, it's yours next!"

As Jiang Fan said, he picked up a hexagonal stone that was thicker than darkness!

"Ding! The energy crystals of the inferior demons have been detected! The purity is low and contains impurities!"

"Ding! The current recovery price of this crystal is 8000 causality points! Is the host sold?"

The sound of the system sounded again!

Eight thousand causal points!

"System, how did this thing come into being?"

"Ding! Normal demons can only form energy crystals at level 15 or above. This crystal is formed accidentally by the fourteenth-level demon. The value is not high. The energy can be extracted to increase strength, and it can also be used as a magic conduction item!"

"System prompt! Because the host is bound to the system, in reality items that can increase strength are invalid for the host, the host can sell it to avoid waste!"

Jiang Fan refused again and threw this thing directly to Douglas!

Unlike Divine Blood, this thing cannot be eaten directly, it can only be absorbed!

But after all, it is a pure energy body, such a piece, Douglas can consume it in three days!

But at most, he was promoted to level eleven!

But this is enough to excite Douglas!

Such a good thing is something they would never dream of in the past!

"Thank you, sir!"

Douglas looked ecstatic!

"the host……"

Curtis finally looked at Jiang Fan pitifully!

"The rest is yours!"

Jiang Fan opened the lower part of the trolley, and suddenly, a bunch of things appeared directly in front of Curtis!

"Roots of the skull tomb! Blood roots! Also, there are so many magic spars! Ha! There is actually a piece of Western Mithril!"

Curtis's big teeth are showing out of laughter!

"Praise you! I am great and generous, a noble master than death! You are my guiding light for Curtis and my dark mentor on the way forward! Ah! You are so great!"

The necromancer is flattering!

"Okay, work hard, in the future, there will be only a lot more of this kind of things! Christine, you just broke through, immediately return to the stable state of the room!"

"As for the two of you, don't rush to absorb these things now. Go back to China and talk about it!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

A few people quickly agreed!

But Curtis immediately looked confused!

"Master, what do you mean, how do you feel as if you are going back to China soon?"

"It's not me, it's you! You will leave early tomorrow morning!"

"Huh? But, is there another battle..."

Curtis just said this, just shut up!

Jiang Fan smiled satisfied, Curtis finally knew that he had shut up!

He had already told Ononkanah about the tomb of the God of War, but now no one knew where the heroic land of the Goshawk clan was, so he could only check it slowly!

And Jiang Fan still has a big plan that hasn't been completed, how can he go!

"That's it, all go back to the room!"

Jiang Fan exhorted a few others and sent them back to the room. As for himself, he called Alisha directly!

Soon, Alyssa appeared under the tower, the two met, Jiang Fan drove straight to the city!

At the same time, one of the five tall towers!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

Liander stood in his room on the top floor, squeezed his fist tightly, looked down the window, and stared at Jiang Fan who was leaving the castle!

The murderous look in his eyes actually cracked the windows!

Behind him, the two men looked at him with shock!

too strong!

Actually, only with murderous intent, you can reach the level of wounding in the air!

This is the power of the fifteenth level!

"Jiang Fan! You **** little beast! I must kill you!"

Seeing Jiang Fan leaving, Liander almost squeezed these words out between the teeth!

"My lord, but Isaac-sama just said..."

The woman spoke cautiously!

"Huh! Isaac only said that he should not be moved within the range of the Sword of Thorns, but he didn't say that he could not be moved anywhere else!"

Leander sneered coldly!

The two subordinates trembled suddenly!

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