God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1145: I want to see who is this big

The old man hesitated, then he spoke!

"My lord, having said that, the momentum of this Jiang Fan is really amazing! He is probably a figure of your level!"

"No! We were deceived before!"

Liander's complexion is even more gloomy!

"This kid is definitely not at level 15! He must have used some disguise before!"

"I was also bluffed at the time, now I want to come, if I shot it earlier..."

Leander gritted his teeth!

"Then what level is this kid?"

The woman asked curiously!

"His real level is only level twelve, but according to his ability to solve the Solomon's Key division of Alorza Mountain, the strongest combat power that can erupt is definitely at level fourteen!"

Liander has a firm face!

"Able to explode beyond two levels of power, this kid, so fierce?"

Both subordinates were startled!

"It's no surprise! If he is just a normal person, Isaac doesn't have to treat him so seriously!"

"My lord is right, but as long as he is less than fifteenth level, we can kill him if we shoot!"

The old man smiled grinningly!

"Well, Abraham, follow up and try him out for a chance!"

Liandel spoke slowly!


The old man suddenly agreed!

"My lord, what about me?"

The woman hurriedly asked!

"Don't worry, Barbara! As long as you are sure of this kid's details, you will be the one who will do it at that time. On his way back to China... just kill him!"


The two subordinates looked excited!

The old man named Abraham couldn't wait to chase him out!

And only then did Liander look at the phone and frowned!

"My lord, what's the matter with you?"

Barbara asked curiously!

"It's nothing, it's just that I can't contact that one!"

"You are talking about—"

Barbara was about to speak, but Liander had a fierce look in her eyes!

Barbara shut up immediately!


Liandel let out a sullen breath, but his brows wrinkled deeper and deeper!

What happened?

Why did that one suddenly lose the audio?

do not care!

In any case, Jiang Fan must die!



Along with the sound of brakes, Jiang Fan has brought Alisa to the door of a bar!

It's just that the bar business looks very good, and there is already a long queue at the door!

A few sturdy men stood guard at the door, a few people came out, and a few people were put in. As for the others, they can only wait!

But Jiang Fan didn't line up at all, and walked in with Alisha!


A gatekeeper frowned and stopped Jiang Fan directly!

"It's full inside, go to the back and line up!"

Others are also dissatisfied!

"Yes, kid, go to the back and line up!"

"Damn, I want to take advantage of it!"

"It's probably the first time here, I don't know the rules!"

The crowd babbled!

But Jiang Fan just smiled and looked at the big man!

"Tell Mantis, that her Chinese friend is here!"

The last time Jiang Fan came to Evernight City, he conquered the mantis, the leader of an underground power, by coincidence. Later, because Daniel of the Drake family killed his brother, he wanted to blame this incident on the mantis. Jiang Fan saved it. She is dead!

Moreover, it has hit several of her opponents, and the power of Mantis has expanded several times!

After that, Mantis was so grateful to Jiang Fan!

And hearing Jiang Fan's words, everyone was stunned!


"Mantis Edward, that's a real big shot!"

"These dozen or so streets are all within her sphere of influence!"

"Well, this Chinese person actually knows the mantis?"

The strong men at the door were also startled!

Several people looked at each other, and one of the big guys suddenly laughed!

"Boy! I don't know where you heard the name of the mantis boss, but, just like you, a lowly Chinese monkey, our mantis boss, we don't know--"


Before the big man finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly grabbed his neck!

This brawny man, who was 1.9 meters tall and weighed more than two hundred catties, was picked up by Jiang Fan as if he was thrown into trash by the Buddha, pinching his neck!

"Oh my God!"

"A lot of strength!"

"Is this guy a robot?"

The crowd was stunned!

And the brawny men who guarded the gate were dumbfounded, and suddenly they all took out their pistols and aimed at Jiang Fan!

"Boy! Put him down immediately!"

"This is the territory of the mantis boss!"

"If you don't want to die, let go!"

Several big guys shouted one after another!

Alisha looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

"grown ups……"

After all, she is only a service staff of the Sword of Thorns, and her strength is only level seven, and she was directly promoted by the Sword of Thorns in some way, and she has basically never touched anyone!

When I saw the other party drew a gun, I was a little nervous!

But in response to such a situation, Jiang Fan not only did not respond, but a bloodthirsty smile was already evoked at the corner of his mouth!

"Very good! Actually dared to point a gun at me, it seems that Mantis has forgotten, how did all of her come from!"

Jiang Fan's eyes are fierce, he must do it!

At this moment!

"what happened?"

A male voice full of arrogance suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, one by one, the fat man in the flowered shirt, who was not tall, walked out of the bar directly!

It's just that the aura on this person turned out to be good, he was actually a sixth-level superpower!

This person is the mantis' henchman, Edgar!

"Mr. Edgar! This Chinese monkey is not honest and dares to move our people!"

"Yes! You must not let him go!"

"Damn! Damn Huaxia Monkey, dare to come to our site to make trouble!"

Several big guys scolded!

"Haha, it's interesting, I want to see, who is so bold, daring, daring, daring, daring, daring--Mr. Jiang?!"

Edgar's eyes swept to Jiang Fan, his face full of arrogance turned pale!

Even the tone of voice was trembling with fear!

"You actually recognize me, very good!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

But Edgar was terrified!

Suddenly yelled at a group of big guys!

"Blind your dog's eyes! How dare you point a gun at Mr. Jiang!"

"Put the gun down immediately! Admit your mistake to Mr. Jiang!"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"This, this Chinese person, actually really knows the mantis!"

"More than that! Looking at Edgar's appearance, I'm afraid the praying mantis can't even provoke this man!"

"He, who is he?"

Seeing a few brawny men still in a daze, Edgar kicked him directly!

"A bunch of idiots! What are you still doing in a daze!"

"Isn't there enough Lao Tzu who still suspects it!"

"Kneel down and admit your mistakes right away!"

A few brawny men finally reacted, but there was always a trace of ridicule on their faces!

Just put down the gun unhurriedly!


An inferior nation, let them kneel down and admit their mistakes? What a joke!

It is estimated that Mr. Edgar is just talking!

The brawny man whose neck was held by Jiang Fan gave a gloomy smile!

"Boy, I'll save face to Mr. Edgar, please let go of it and forget it!"

As soon as his voice came out, Jiang Fan's face was expressionless, but Edgar's face went down!

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