God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1152: This is ready to be designed to death


Following Jiang Fan's footsteps, he has already reached Pete!

At the next moment, Pete, who was shaking more and more intensely, fell directly to his knees!

Kneeling at the foot of Jiang Fan!

Everyone just felt almost suffocated!

In the territory of the black emperor, even angels must kneel down!

But Jiang Fan just raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and gently placed his hand on Pete's head!


The emperor is actually pardoning angels!


All the lights finally turned on again!

And until this moment, the black country finally disappeared!


The death scene, at this moment, finally boiled completely!

"The Black King!"

"Even angels must seek salvation from him!"

"A set of clothing can reach such a level!"

"No! It's the model! It's too exaggerated! He can really control this costume perfectly!"

"Unimaginable! Just now, I was really like seeing the emperor!"

"Me too! I almost stop my heartbeat!"

"It seems to have really entered his kingdom!"

The crowd screamed!

And through the broadcast, the off-site audience watching this catwalk is also completely boiling!

"Who is this man!"

"I, I must get him!"

"In five minutes, I want to get all the information about this man!"

"Steward! Get my dowry ready immediately! I want to marry him!"

"But miss, you are only twelve years old!"

"What does it matter! If you are late, I'm afraid you won't even be able to line up the eight-year-old echelon!"

"Quickly, quickly! Let my private jet move! I'm going to Evernight!"

Powerful people desperately want to marry Jiang Fan, but normal people are all targeting the Huaxia people around them!

"Huaxia people are so good, you must marry them!"

"Look, there is a Chinese man over there!"

"Brother, are you missing a girlfriend?"

"What? Do you have a girlfriend? That one-night stand is fine too!"

"Hey! I also have black hair and black eyes, why don't you look for me?"

"Fuck your mother! What kind of Chinese are you pretending to be a Korean stick! Hurry up and apply for your kimchi!"

All the Chinese little brothers and even the uncles in Citigroup were all scorched by a group of fans!

The entire Citi state is completely crazy!

At this moment, there is only one family staring at the screen!

That building is located in the castle of Citigroup!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

In the conference room, Brandon stared fiercely at the TV, almost killing intent in his eyes!

Not long ago, they finally contacted the Zhou family, and the two sides are preparing to negotiate a peace!

In her spare time, one of the female elders who likes to dress directly turned on the TV!

However, when Jiang Fan appeared, everyone was stunned!

Especially Brandon, he almost didn't stare out his eyes!

"Brandon, he, is he Jiang Fan?"

One of the elders looked at Brandon in disbelief!

"Yes! It's him! This little beast!"

Brandon almost gritted his teeth!

It is because of him!

I just lost a full 1/3 of his strength!

"Sure enough, this kid is almost exactly the same as that person!"

Another elder spoke!

"I thought that after the battle of Hancheng, this kid would honestly hide in China, but he didn't expect that he would be bold enough to come to Citigroup!"

"Hey hey, in Chinese words, this is the way he doesn't walk in heaven and **** has no way to break in!"

"Immediately let the city of Evernight take a shot and catch him!"

"But although this kid is an enemy, he is really handsome on the catwalk..."

The female elder's saliva almost came out!

"Elder Charlene!"

Brandon yelled suddenly!

"Okay, okay, I'm just telling the truth!"

Charlene snorted dissatisfied!

"Brandon, the Evernight City is your possession, let your subordinates move immediately! In addition, those who have free time will immediately follow Brandon back to the Evernight City. This time, this Jiang Fan must not be allowed to run away!"

An elder sitting in the upper position spoke slowly!


Brandon nodded vigorously!

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan, this time, I want you to die!"


In the show, with the end of the catwalk, almost all the men and women on both sides of the runway rushed to Jiang Fan to rush up!

"Hello, Mr. Hua Xia! I'm from Aquino Model Company! Get to know!"

"Sir! Don't listen to him! Their company is all vampires! Come with me!"

"Sir! You have such a perfect body, a dry model is simply a violent thing! Come to our company to take a photo!"

"Photographing is a fart! Hello, sir, I am the vice president of Dongying! Sir, as long as you come back to Dongying with me, you can play with anyone you want!"

"Don't listen to this kid! We are planning the filming of Avengers 5. Brother, you are the best man!"

Everyone is crazy!

Desperately throw an olive branch to Jiang Fan!

"Sorry everyone, I have no intention of developing in the entertainment industry!"

Jiang Fan smiled faintly, turned around and left!

It's just that I just arrived at the entrance of the runway!

"Wait a minute!"

Edward, who was pale, suddenly stopped Jiang Fan!

"Edward, are you still not convinced? Have the ability to come to me!"

Pierce jumped directly onto the runway and stood in front of Jiang Fan!

It's a pity that Edward kicked him away!

"Pierce, I have my word for it, and I will never set foot in the design circle in the future! However, you have to promise me one condition!"

"What conditions?"

"I want to make a suit of clothes for this most perfect Chinese man in my lifetime!"

"Cut! I don't count this, you can ask Mr. Jiang yourself!"

Pierce looked directly at Jiang Fan!

Edward was taken aback, and it was only then that he realized that Pierce and Jiang Fan’s status are actually opposite!

This man is the real leader!

When he thought of this, his heart trembled!

However, for the costume, he can't care about anything!

"Mr. Jiang, in my life, I have never met a man with your perfect body!"

"Give me a chance! Let me make you a suit too! I promise, it will never be worse than Pierce!"

Edward begged!


Jiang Fan stroked his chin!

"You have retired from the design circle, right?"

"Huh? You can say so!"


Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

"Mr. Edward, it's not impossible to make clothes for me, but I have to ask my wife's opinion!"

"Ask your wife?"

"Yes! I agreed to Pierce's request at the time because he designed five hundred sets of clothes for my wife! If you can do it, I don't mind wearing your design!"

"Five, five hundred sets?!"

Edward looked dumbfounded!

"Since Mr. Edward is so entangled, I think it's fine! I wish you a happy retirement!"

Jiang Fan shrugged and was about to leave!

"and so on!"

Edward looked sad!

"I, I promise!"

"In this case, let me give you an address. If you have time, you can go directly to Huaxia!"

Jiang Fan smiled and reported his home address!

And Pierce almost screamed in excitement!


Big idiot Edward!

You are ready to be a slave to Xia Fanxing!

However, Jiang Fan is too ruthless!

Five hundred sets!

This is so typical that Edward wants to design to death!

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