Returning to the backstage, Jiang Fan changed his clothes, greeted Pierce and was about to leave!

But Pierce grabbed Jiang Fan directly!

"Mr. Jiang, take this black emperor with you!"

"take away?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

Such a costume devoted all the efforts of Pierce, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is his child!

Pierce actually want to give it to himself?

"Mr. Jiang, this suit was originally tailored for you, and apart from you, no one can wear a true imperial aura!"

"This is a little bit of my heart, please accept it!"

Pierce reluctantly gave this suit to Jiang Fan!

"Okay! Then I'm welcome, Pierce, where are you going next?"

Jiang Fan asked casually!

Unexpectedly, Pierce's face went down!

"I, I came out this time. It was because of you that I asked Miss Fanxing for a leave. I will have to go back and continue designing her clothes soon!"

The old man was crying, and the joy of defeating his opponent was gone!

"Hehe, then, then you won't disturb your work!"

Jiang Fan laughed dryly, turned around and ran!

But at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"For a young charcoal seller, the hard life is not easy, but very happy!"

"But life is like the weather, changing all the time!"

"It will not always be sunny, nor will it always be snowy!"

"And when happiness is broken, there is always the smell of blood..."

Charcoal boy?

And this introduction, could it be--

"Ding! Please give a warm egg fried rice to the stove door Tanjiro who is in danger!"

Chiamon Tanjiro!

If it were him, wouldn't he be able to see the lovely sister Nidouzi?

That's the cutest popular king in the entire comic!

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

Leave you!

After leaving the show, Jiang Fan immediately went straight to a nearby Chinese restaurant!

"Boss! Pack the egg fried rice!"


Soon, an egg fried rice has been packaged!

Holding the takeaway, Jiang Fan finally did not choose to enter the bathroom, but returned to the car!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"Demon Slayer"!"

Sure enough, it is the Blade of Ghost Slayer!

Demon Slayer's Blade tells the story that after the sun goes down, there will be evil ghosts infesting and eating people. These ghosts are not ghosts in the normal sense, but immortal bodies with flesh and blood!

Their only weakness is their fear of sunlight!

Once exposed to sunlight, it will turn into fly ash!

And in this world, there are also ghost hunters who slay evil spirits and protect people!

Tanjiro, a charcoal boy, his ordinary and happy daily life changed drastically on the day his family was attacked by evil spirits!

His mother and four younger siblings were brutally murdered, but Nidouzi, his sister who survived with him, turned into a violent ghost!

Under the guidance of the ghost hunter Tomioka Yoshiyuki, Tanjiro, who is determined to become a ghost hunter, and Nidouzi, who has become a ghost but still sensible, embarked on a journey to find the ghost hunter master Rin Takizakinji!

Through the arduous practice of swordsmanship and gambling trials, Tanjirou finally became a member of the ghost hunter organization "Ghost Killing Team"!

In order to turn his sister Nidouzi back into human beings, to crush the evil spirits who killed his family, and to cut the chains of sorrow, the battle between the boy and the ghost is officially opened!

At this moment, the world of Demon Slayer Blade!

Under the moonlight, in a thick snow forest, the cold wind roared!

A teenager with two earrings, holding a very cute girl with a piece of bamboo in her mouth, walking in the woods!

These two people are Tanjirou and his sister, Nidouzi!

At this moment, a small Buddhist hall in the distance that was still lit suddenly caught the eyes of the two!

"Ah! Sure enough, there is a small Buddhist hall, and the lights are still on. There should be someone in it!"

Tanjiro's eyes lit up!

"You Douzi, you have to be good, but don't hurt people!"

Ni Douzi blinked his big blank eyes and nodded unconsciously!

"Let's go!"

Tanjirou showed a smile, and immediately walked towards the Buddhist hall with your beans!

It's just that I just got there!

Tanjirou's expression suddenly changed!

"Smell of blood! This section of the mountain road is quite steep, maybe someone was injured by climbing the mountain!"

He took Nidouzi and ran to the temple quickly, and then opened the door!

"You're all right—"

Before Tanjiro finished speaking, he was shocked!

I saw the corpses of three men in a small Buddhist hall that was more than 30 square meters wide!

And among them, one is wearing only a vest, with brow bones that are like fleshy horns high and bulging, and pupils with only two black dots. The extremely ferocious monster is opening its big mouth full of fangs, gnawing at a corpse. Arm muscles!

"Eat... ogre?!"

In an instant, Tanjirou's face was extremely pale, and his hair almost exploded!

And the ogre just glanced at Tanjirou with a cold and cruel look, the next moment!


The figure flashed, and the ogre had suddenly rushed to Tanjirou's body and grabbed his neck!

The impact like a car even knocked Tanjirou out of the Buddhist hall and directly landed on the snow seven or eight meters away!


The two of them had just landed, and the ogre was already riding on Tanjirou and laughing strangely!

"It's a human again! Unexpectedly, my luck today is so good!"

Tanjirou was trembling all over, but he mustered up the courage, suddenly drew an axe from under his body, and slashed directly at the ogre's arm!


A muffled sound!

This sharp axe actually only brought out a spark on the ogre's arm!


Tanjirou was stunned!

The ogre smiled grimly, opened his mouth wide, and suddenly bit at Tanjirou!



As soon as Jiang Fan appeared, he had already arrived in a thick snow forest!

It was night at this moment, and the forest looked extremely gloomy while the north wind was whistling!

"Huh~~It's really the Blade of Ghost Slayer!"

Jiang Fan raised his eyes and looked around, his five senses being infinitely magnified under the influence of his true energy!

"Huh? The smell of blood!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up, and he rushed forward!

Soon, he has come near the small Buddha hall!

However, just after arriving here, Jiang Fan saw that ogre was opening his mouth wide and biting Tanjirou!

Upon seeing this scene, Jiang Fan already knew when it came!

At this moment, the brothers and sisters have already met Yoshiyuki Tomioka, and under his guidance, they are going to look for Rin Taki Sa Kinji!

And on the way, the two ran into evil spirits by chance!

Seeing that the ogre was about to bite Tanjirou, Jiang Fan was about to make a move!

But at this moment!


A figure reached the ogre in the blink of an eye, and then kicked it up against the ogre's head!


A crisp sound!

The head of the ogre was kicked into the air!

And the one who did all this was actually frowning, the pitiful You Douzi!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Isn't this one of the most classic scenes in comics?

But since this scene has happened, there is obviously no danger!

How did you get the order?

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