God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1159: The eyes watching the prey caught

Brandon and Carter were both grimace!

At their level, whether the voice is false or not, you can know at the first listen!

That's true, it's Jacob's voice undoubtedly!

But what is even more frightening is the content in the audio!

As to why the Li family finally fought with the Zhou family, it has always been a mystery in everyone's mind!

And now, this audio has revealed the reason!

It turned out that the Zhou family and Jacobs joined forces, trying to embezzle the Li family!

"Two, if this audio falls into the hands of the Li family, guess what will happen?"

Jiang Fan smiled with joy!

Brandon and Carter's faces were so gloomy!

If this audio comes out, the reputation of their George family will be completely stinking!

Very likely, it will arouse public outrage!


Carter moved suddenly and grabbed Jiang Fan's phone!

"Boy, you are indeed very smart, but if the evidence is gone..."

Carter stared fiercely, and he was about to smash his phone!

But at this moment!

"Carter! Stop it!"

Brandon suddenly spoke!

Carter was startled!

And Brandon has stared at Jiang Fan firmly!

"Since this kid has released this audio, he has obviously made a backup! Maybe he was doing this at the Internet cafe just now! Even if you destroy the phone, it's useless!"

"Yes! Elder Brandon is really smart!"

Jiang Fan smiled and took the phone back easily!

"Boy, I don't know how you got this audio, but do you think our George family would be afraid of the Li family?"

Brandon said coldly!

However, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Elder Brandon misunderstood! I didn't mean to threaten you with this audio, but to allow you to plan more benefits!"

"More benefits? What do you mean?"

Brandon and Carter were all startled!

"It's very simple! Two people, if I guess right, the Zhou family is ready to negotiate with you, right?"

"how do you know?"

Brandon was stunned!

But Jiang Fan's smile was brighter!

"Sure enough! Two people, why don't I first analyze the situation in Zhou's family?"

"Analyze Zhou's situation?"

"That's right! When I finish talking, the two will know the value of this audio, how much is it!"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, there was a flash of icy cold that no one could notice!

"The Zhou family is now in Huaxia, but I am not the only enemy!"

"There have been countless small frictions between the Yu family, the Wei family and them, and the Lu Lin Song Yan family, because Zhou Ning killed the young children of their families at that time, has entered the cold war period!"

"The situation in the Zhou family is embarrassing on all sides, far more dangerous than your only old enemies like the William and Morgan families!"

"However, this is only in the country!"

"On the other hand, in the first battle of Hancheng, their opponents were even more Li family and you!"

"The reason why the Zhou family wants to negotiate a peace is that they don't want to have more enemies like the George family!"

"Otherwise, they will be in trouble if they are both domestic and foreign,"

After listening to Jiang Fan's words, Carter frowned!

"A bunch of nonsense! We analyzed it when we opened the veteran meeting!"

But Brandon's face moved slightly and his eyes flickered!

What exactly did Jiang Fan mean, he didn't even understand it at all!

But he only knew that Jiang Fan must make sense when he said it!

"go on!"

Brandon said coldly!

"Hehe, it seems that Elder Brandon already understands what I mean! But Elder Carter, your brain seems not enough!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Bastard! What are you talking about!"

Carter was suddenly angry!

"Stop! Let him say!"

Brandon waved his hand directly to stop Carter!

Jiang Fan's unremarkable flattery is still very useful!

However, he didn't see a trace of dissatisfaction in Carter's eyes!

Jiang Fan has a panoramic view of the reaction of the two!

"Well, it seems that Elder Brandon is taking care of Elder Carter's IQ! Since you don't want to embarrass Elder Carter, let me explain!"

Jiang Fan is another flattery of raising up and stepping down!

Brandon is obviously very useful!

But Carter's complexion is even more ugly!

"To put it simply, Zhou's family is troubled with foreign affairs. The reason for negotiating with the George family this time is that I don't want to have an enemy like you!"

"However, what the George family died, although it was a fourteenth-level peak, it was only a fourteenth-level peak!"

"How much compensation can the Zhou family pay for such a person? It just makes your faces look better!"

"But with this audio, everything is different!"

Brandon and Carter thought about it!

"You, you mean, use this audio as a bargaining chip for negotiations with Zhou's family?"

Carter exclaimed suddenly!

At this moment, the two finally understood Jiang Fan's plan!

"Yes! You finally got the hang of it!"

"Think about it! If the negotiation breaks down, let alone the George family, as long as the Li family gets this thing, then the Li family and the Zhou family will never die!"

"At that time, coupled with the revenge of the George family, I am afraid they will definitely collapse!"

"Of course, our goal is definitely not to make the Zhou family collapse. That would be of no benefit to us!"

"We just need to make the Zhou family, under the deterrence of this audio, pay equal to the benefits of joining hands with the Li family to retaliate against them!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Brandon and Carter were both stunned!

After a long time!


Both of them exhaled a sigh of breath at the same time!

The heart is even more unstoppable, beating violently!

If according to Jiang Fan, the benefits they can get from Zhou's family are simply incalculable!

No wonder Jiang Fan just said that this thing not only saves life, but also requires money and antiques!

Just because this thing does have this value!

Value beyond imagination!

But Brandon and Carter's eyes lit up, and they suddenly shot Jiang Fan almost at the same time!


Carter's speed was significantly faster, and he snatched Jiang Fan's phone again!

"Hehehe, kid, if it's like you said, then we only need your phone!"

Unfortunately, Jiang Fan sneered!

"Elder Carter, your stupidity is beyond my expectation! It seems that Elder Brandon is wiser!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Brandon and both of them were stunned!

Especially Brandon, with a dazed look!

How can I be wise?

I just didn’t grab it!

"What do you mean?"

Carter was even more at a loss!

"Do you know why Elder Brandon didn't **** it? Because he knows that I have a backup. Once you **** the phone or want to hurt me, the backup will be sent directly to the Li family!"

"At that time, not only the Li family will hate you as much as the Zhou family! Even the Zhou family will break the pot!"

"As for you, I am afraid that even poor Jacob's pension will not be available at that time!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

At the same time, he unceremoniously took the phone back again!

Carter's face is extremely blue!

But Brandon suddenly realized!


Fortunately, I am a step slower everywhere, otherwise I will be regarded as an idiot now!

But Jiang Fan, this kid, really can talk!

I am a little embarrassed to do it to him!

It's just that neither of them noticed that Jiang Fan's eyes were so hidden that the Buddha was watching the prey caught!

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