Jiang Fan's remarks have two purposes!

The first is to illustrate the value of audio!

In addition, by complimenting Brandon, he gave the two a hint that they could not hurt themselves!

However, this is just the beginning!

"Boy, you are very smart!"

Brandon finally spoke!

"Hehe, in front of the wise Elder Brandon, I dare not claim to be smart! But the Zhou family may not be so obedient! I am afraid it will not be so easy to get the benefits out!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Why do you say that?"

This time it was Brandon who asked the question!

As for Carter, he dare not speak anymore!

After all, it feels too bad to be treated as an idiot!

And seeing Brandon ask questions, he actually feels gloating!

Idiot Brandon!

It's finally your turn to be an idiot!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't taunt Brandon, but sighed!

"Elder Brandon, you don't know anything. The Zhou family has always been arrogant. With this audio alone, although the chips are enough, if the Zhou family is arrogant, we won't be able to handle it!

The expressions of the two suddenly changed!

But Jiang Fan began to mutter to himself!

"Damn it, if there is another force related to the Battle of Hancheng..."

Another force related to the Battle of Hancheng?

Brandon's heart moved and he exclaimed directly!

"The Council of Light?!"

"Ah! You are so wise! That's right! The Council of Light!"

Jiang Fan suddenly slapped his face with joy!

"The Guangming Council also lost a lot in Hancheng! And the cause of all this is the Zhou family!"

"As long as we can contact them and ask them to send a person with sufficient weight to put pressure on both sides, the Zhou family will be honest!"

Damn it!

You can shoot this flattery!

I still don't believe in evil!

Carter, who was jealous, couldn't help but speak directly!

"But in that way, won't our benefits be less?"


Contrary to the attitude towards Brandon, Jiang Fan sneered directly at Carter!

"We are indeed missing some benefits, but we will get the favor of the Illuminati Council!"

"This is a benefit that can't be bought with money!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Brandon's eyes suddenly lit up!

And Carter almost vomited blood!

Brandon of Nima!

Wouldn't you have colluded with this kid long ago, deliberately disgusting me?

damn it!

Even if you suppress me, the position of the great elder will not be your turn to sit!

Inexplicably, Carter has planted a seed of resentment in his heart for Brandon!

As for Brandon, he didn't notice this at all!

On the contrary, Jiang Fan flattered him and thought he was wiser!

The poor two didn't realize that under the guidance of Jiang Fan's language, they didn't think about it at all, and inexplicably set up such a plan to blackmail the Zhou family!

But Jiang Fan didn't give the two of them time to continue thinking at all, and he sneered directly!

"Elder Brandon, now that you have determined your plan, then, hehehe..."

Jiang Fan used the term "we" to imply the united front of the two people before throwing out plans!

But now I used "you have determined the plan", which is implying the inner hint that "the plan is drawn up by yourself"!

But the two of them didn't pay attention at all!

Playing with language and manipulating people's hearts, Jiang Fan is simply a master!


Brandon's eyes flickered!

This kid is pinching the audio in his hand. In case he wants to die, his life is not important, but the wealth of the Zhou family is gone!

Instead of that, but first give him some benefits and hold him steady!

Anyway, as long as the wealth of the Zhou family is in hand, when the time comes, hum!

"Okay! How much do you plan to ask for?"

"This, don't worry, I want to look at antiques first!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Brandon was overjoyed after hearing Jiang Fan's words!

This idiot!

Antique things are extremely troublesome to bring. If this kid carries those things, he can't run at all!


Brandon sneered coldly and snapped his fingers directly!

Suddenly, several children of the George family rushed back and started their cars one after another!

Jiang Fan and Brandon rode in the same car. On the road, among Jiang Fan's shameless flattery, the time and place for negotiations between the Zhou family and the George family was quickly revealed!

Twenty-four hours later, on Kauai in Hawaii!

Kauai is almost halfway between China and Citi. Choosing the venue for the negotiation clearly shows that both sides are wary!

"Elder Brandon, take me with you when you go!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"bring you?"

Brandon frowned!

"That's right! You think, if you took out this audio, Zhou's family can say that you forged it! But it was me who took it out, and they have absolutely nothing to say!"

"Huh! You are afraid that after we reach an agreement with the Zhou family, you will lose the value of use, and we will be against you? Hawaii is far away from the inland of Citi, so it will be convenient for you to run away, right?"

Brandon sneered!

"You, what are you talking about, don't forget, you have promised to let me go, this, you will never break your promise?"

Jiang Fan's face turned pale as if he was being demolished!

Brandon was determined, and then smiled proudly!

"Of course not! Our George family has always believed in it!"

It's just that he is laughing in his heart!

Jiang Fan, this idiot!

Doesn't he know that it's harder to run by following him?

Boy, you do it yourself, no wonder I!

And Jiang Fan has spoken again!

"You are right. The George family has always had a good reputation. Of course I can believe it! But the Council of Light, I don't know who you are looking for?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Hehehe, after all, it is too far away from Citigroup's inland, and we are not sure who will come from Zhou's family, in case the other party wants to kill people and **** the audio, and the strength of the Bright Council is not strong enough to hang up... You say they Will the responsibility be counted on us?"

Brandon's heart beats!

Jiang Fan was right!

I'm afraid that Zhou's family will have a murderous intention at that time, and his own strength is tyrannical, there should be no problem!

But if the people from the Bright Council are too weak, what if they die?

It seems that we are indeed looking for a person with sufficient weight and strong strength!

Seeing Brandon sinking into deep thought, Jiang Fan suddenly closed his mouth with interest!

The car galloped all the way!

However, instead of going to Brandon's cottage, he came to an unusually huge villa area!

Here, it is the true central hub of the George family in the city that never sleeps!

And that hut by the river is just a place for Brandon to relax!

Soon, Brandon had brought Jiang Fan to a villa!

Then he kept walking and took him directly to the third underground floor!

As soon as he arrived here, Jiang Fan saw a huge insurance door!

The gate is round, three meters in diameter!

Absolutely indestructible at a glance!

Brandon came to the door, after entering the password, fingerprint and iris verification, the insurance door suddenly opened!

The entrance is an extremely huge space, and inside, countless booths are filled with all kinds of antiques!

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