God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1161: Stretch out sinful hands



This is all causal!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his excitement, and then looked at Brandon with a flattering look!

"Dear Elder Brandon, me, how much can I get?"

"Huh! Huaxia people who have never seen the world! You can take as much as you can!"

Brandon sneered!

Jiang Fan is not a Master of Space, so he only has one hand, and how much he can hold again?

The point is, those things have to come back sooner or later anyway!

And hearing Brandon's words, Jiang Fan was directly excited!

"Ah! Your generosity is really touching!"

Jiang Fan exclaimed sincerely!

After all, such an idiot is simply stupid and cute!

"Taylor, Eisen, you two watch him! I will go out with Elder Carter!"

Brandon greeted the two fourteenth level directly!

This is three floors underground, and each floor requires a password to get out!

Moreover, this is the central hub of the George family's never-sleeping city. There are countless masters outside. Even if Jiang Fan runs, he can't get out at all!

So only two fourteen levels are left, that's enough!

"Yes! Elder!"

Taylor and Eisen suddenly agreed!

And Brandon showed a hint of warning to Jiang Fan, turned around and left!

Seeing Brandon leave, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly flashed a sneer!

Then he took a direct step and stepped into the insurance door!

It's just that he just came in, there was a loud noise suddenly behind him!

The insurance door was directly locked by those two fourteenth levels!

"Hey, kid, just stay in there!"

"Damn it! We chased it for so long!"

"This time I will make you suffer too!"

Two fourteenth levels are extremely proud!

However, Jiang Fan, who was in the secret room, just dismissed it with a smile!

Two idiots, even if they let themselves go now, they will not go!

"Hehe, baby~~"

Jiang Fan looked at a pile of antiques greedily, and finally began to stretch out his sinful hand!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 67 karma points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 39 karma points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 71 karma points!"

"Ding! The system has detected a high value..."

The pleasing sound of swiping the screen sounded almost instantly!

At this moment, Brandon and Carter are sitting in a car talking!

"Carter, this kid deliberately stepped down and raised up just now, don't be fooled!"

Brandon said!

"I understand, he wants to separate the two of us! Hehe, smart enough!"

Carter smiled slightly!

"It's fine if you understand, I'm afraid you will be angry!"

"how come!"

The two smiled at the same time!

It's just that hate is harder to eradicate than hemorrhoids. Once it appears, it will only get worse!

The smiles of the two people do not know how true or false it is!

"By the way, Brandon, you said this kid is going to negotiate with us?"

Carter asked suddenly!

"Well! This kid should be afraid that after we negotiate with the Zhou family, we will start with him again!"

"So I want to find a chance to run away on Kauai!"

"This kid is clever. Our George family has no power over there. There will indeed be a chance to escape!"

"It's a pity that he doesn't know. It's harder to escape by following us than climbing!"

Brandon sneered!

"Yes, when the negotiations with Zhou's family are over, this kid will be taken back to the family headquarters for trial!"

Carter smiled sullenly, but he frowned immediately!

"Where are we going now?"

"Go to the Evernight City branch of the Council of Light!"

"Are you planning to let the person in charge of this branch go with us?"

"No! This person is too low-level, we want him to notify the Illumination Council headquarters and send a stronger one over immediately!"

Brandon said!


Carter looked puzzled!

"After all, there is too far away from Citi's inland, and we are not sure who the Zhou family will come, in case the other party wants to kill people and **** audio, and the strength of the Bright Council is not strong enough to hang up... Do you think they will Put the responsibility on us?"

Brandon smiled proudly and said directly what Jiang Fan had said!

"Yeah! Brandon, you are amazing!"

Carter boasted on his face, but his heart sank!

This Brandon didn't seem to show up before, but he was actually hiding himself!

This old guy has pretended to be a fool for so many years, so scheming, he will have to guard him in the future!

Soon, the two came to the headquarters of the Illumination Council in the City of Evernight!

Then, he went directly into the office of the person in charge to talk in detail!

An hour later, Brandon finally left!

And a radio wave has already followed the Internet and directly came to the Guangming Judicial House, Green's office!

Green, who was reading the Scripture of Light silently, frowned, and finally looked at the flashing video pattern on a tablet in front of him!

Gently click on the video, and a man in his fifties, wearing a black robe, suddenly appeared on the tablet on the opposite side!

"Master Green!"

The man made a gesture of greetings from the Light Council to Greenby!

Green also returned one, and then he spoke!

"Master Stryker, what's the matter?"

"My lord, Brandon and Carter from the George family just came here!"

"What are they going to do?"

Green frowned!

A huge force like the George family rarely comes into contact with the Council of Light!

"That's it. In the Battle of Hancheng, Jacob was killed by Zhou's family. This time the George family and Zhou's family will make peace. I hope that the senior leaders of our Guangming Council can attend and help them negotiate with Zhou's family!"

"Hehe, what does their negotiation have to do with our Bright Council?"

Green laughed directly!

"My lord, they said that the Zhou family is also responsible for Alstom's death!"

"And they are confident enough to let the Zhou family spit out a fortune!"

"As long as our people go and help them, they will give out 30% of this wealth in return for us!"

Stryker's complexion, with a hint of excitement!

"How much is that wealth?"

As soon as he saw Stryker's expression, Green's heart suddenly moved!

"They didn't say anything specifically, but looking at their excited expressions, I'm afraid it will be more than imagined!"


Green took a deep breath!

There must be a lot of wealth that can excite the George family!

"Did they ever say who would like to go?"

"I didn't say this, but they require enough status and strong enough strength!"

After Stryker said this, he suddenly hesitated before speaking!

"My lord, with all due respect, this matter is actually very simple. If we don't have any money, we have nothing to lose, but if we want to come out, the status of those who went in the council..."

"My lord, I think...better go!"


Green's eyes flickered, and after a long time, he finally nodded!

"Okay, when do you plan to start over there?"

"There are more than twenty hours left. The destination is Kauai. If it is convenient for you, my lord, you can leave now!"

"Well, I got it!"

After hanging up the video, Green thought silently for a while before rang a bell on the table!

Soon, a gray-robed magician walked in!

"My lord! What's your order?"

"Tell Adelaide to get his team to prepare and go to Kauai with me!"

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