God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1162: Correct it is my antique

At the same time Green confirmed the itinerary!

China! Capital!

Because of the time difference, Zhou Yuanwang is sleeping right now!

Arranged for negotiations with the George family, finally a stone fell in his heart!

Once the ancestor left the customs, the position of his own Patriarch could not be kept 100%!

But if the loss can be minimized, at least a lot of strength can be retained!

Only at this moment!


The door of the room was knocked suddenly!

Zhou Yuanwang was awakened by the knock on the door, and suddenly frowned!

"Come in!"

The door opened, and a young man walked in immediately!

But before Zhou Yuanwang scolded him, the young man spoke anxiously!

"Patriarch, I just received a message that when someone asked us to negotiate on Kauai this time, it's best to bring more staff!"


Zhou Yuanwang was startled, his originally dizzy mind immediately cleared up!

"Who is the other party?"

"I don't know, it's just an overseas call from Citigroup!"

"It's from Citigroup..."

Zhou Yuanwang pondered for a moment, and finally nodded!

"Go down!"


Seeing the next person leave, Zhou Yuanwang suddenly narrowed his eyes!

Who notified it?

Why let them bring more manpower?

Is there a problem with the George family?

Zhou Yuanwang pondered for a long time, finally picked up the phone and dialed a number!

Soon, Zhou Yuande's voice rang!

"Patriarch, something?"

"Yuande, you are leading the team to negotiate this time, you'd better bring two good players!"

"What do you mean?"

"Someone from Citigroup contacted me just now, I'm afraid there is a problem with the George family!"

"Okay, I get it!"

On the other side of the phone, Zhou Yuande hung up and meditated for a moment before calling Zhou Yantang!

"Yantang, go and inform Yanlu and Yanshang, so that they will immediately end their retreat and come back! Go to Kauai with me tomorrow!"

"Huh? Both of them are top players. We are only going to negotiate this time, shouldn't we need them?"

"Be prepared! This time, it may not be peaceful! And even if it's okay, with two masters, the negotiation momentum is sufficient, so as not to be blackmailed by the George family too!"

"Yes! I'll make arrangements right away!"

Zhou Yantang left immediately!

And Zhou Yuande smiled coldly!

"George family! You better accept it if you know it!"

In the city that never sleeps!

Brandon's phone, who was walking back, suddenly rang!

Looking at the above message, he suddenly smiled triumphantly!

The Illumination Council really has speed!

The point is, what they sent out was actually Green from the Tribunal!

In the Court of Light Council, there are five presiding judges under the chief judge, and under the presiding judge are the top judges, that is, the captain level like Alstom!

Under Alstom, there are countless judges of varying ranks!

And Green is one of the five presiding judges!

Although he is not a combat specialist, his strength is equally powerful!

Besides, since he will come, he must be accompanied by at least one captain-level judge by his side!

This lineup is enough!

The proud Brandon and Carter returned to the villa area soon!

However, when they returned to the third underground floor, both of them were shocked!

"Where is Jiang Fan?"

"Elder, we locked him in the secret room!"

Ai Sen hurriedly spoke!

"Yeah! Good too!"

Brandon nodded and reopened the safety door!

However, the sight at the entrance made him bewildered!



In the vast secret room, countless antiques are all gone!

Nothing is left!

The others were also stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!


Why not?

A whole room of antiques!

Unless this kid comes in in a truck, he can't fit it at all!

Carter is the only one who conceals an excellent gloat!

Brandon, let you brag!

Are you getting retribution now?

And just across from them, Jiang Fan was sitting on the ground and dozing off!

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he opened his eyes and yawned!

"Hi! Elder Brandon, are you back?"

Brandon trembled and pointed at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

"You, you... where is my antique?!"

"Elder Brandon, I need to correct it, it's my antique!"

Jiang Fan got up and said seriously!

"You fart!"

Brandon is almost going crazy!

This is all his wealth!

So even if you blackmail the Zhou family, you may not be able to blackmail so much!

"Little bastard! You better tell me where all those things go! Otherwise—"

Brandon's eyes are red!

However, before Brandon's words were finished, Jiang Fan smiled coldly and interrupted him directly!

"Elder Brandon! We said yes, you said you can take as much as I can! You won't break your promise so quickly, do you? If so, then good, I will give you something, as for the audio, hum! "

Brandon's heart jumped!

This bastard!

He, wouldn't he have calculated it long ago, right?

I have already contacted the Illumination Council!

Not to mention how much it can claim from the Zhou family, if you go against it now, I am afraid that the Illumination Council will definitely feel that it is playing with them!

In this way, the enmity will be great!

At this moment, he regrets it's too late!

Don't do it, you have to do it!

And Jiang Fan has calculated this point accurately, so he has no scruples!

Almost copied Brandon's old bottom!

"you you……"

Brandon gritted his teeth!

After a long time, he finally barely showed a smile!

"Hehe, that's right, you can take as much as you can! I mean what I say!"

Oh shit!

How did this kid do it?

Space magic?

This is absolutely impossible!

However, it is said that Chinese practitioners have a method of Sumeru mustard seeds that can create things like storage bracelets!

This kid must have used that one!

But now that he knows the thing is still on him, it's easy to handle!

When I'm done with Zhou's family claim, I must let this kid spit out all the profits!

Brandon has made plans in his heart!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"I know Elder Brandon is trustworthy! Oh, it's already afternoon, I haven't eaten yet! Elder Brandon, the George family shouldn't be stingy with a meal, right?"

"of course not!"

With a false smile, Brandon almost squeezed these words out of his teeth!


The restaurant of the villa!

A plate of steak, a few pieces of bread, and creamy soup were served!

"Jiang Fan, eat!"

Brandon said angrily!


"and so on!"

Before a few foods were placed on the table, Jiang Fan directly waved to stop them!

"You guys, just give me this?"

Jiang Fan asked gloomily!


"Now only this!"

"Don't forget your identity!"

"It's nice to have something to eat!"

Several people in Aisen spoke impatiently!


"I eat Nima's eggs!"

Jiang Fan roared suddenly!

Then in front of everyone, the whole dining table was smashed with one palm!


With the blasting of the dining table, countless cups and plates suddenly scattered all over the place!

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