
As soon as Jiang Fan appeared, he had already arrived in a large area of ​​farmland!

He is now resting on a field ridge, surrounded by green rice fields!

And many barefoot farmers are working in the fields, pulling out weeds!

Regarding the appearance of Jiang Fan, a group of people did not notice!

"Uncle, please inquire with you personally!"

Jiang Fan asked a man sitting barefoot on the ridge!

The man had dark skin and a sad face. Hearing Jiang Fan's voice, he suddenly turned his head!

"You, who are you? How come you dress so weird?"

When he saw Jiang Fan, the man was stunned!

At this moment, Jiang Fan is wearing a big pants and flower shirt, which is obviously the dress of a beach tour!

"My name is Jiang Fan! I'm a takeaway!"

"Outside, the takeaway?"

"Hmm! Uncle, you..."

Before Jiang Fan finished asking, the man waved his hand!

"Whatever you are, I'm thinking about the problem, don't disturb me!"

"Well, let me ask someone else!"

Jiang Fan turned around and left!

But at this moment!

"Strange, why does this rice seedling grow more slowly every year? What's the problem..."

The man muttered to himself!

"It goes without saying that the fertility of the fields must be insufficient!"

Jiang Fanshun said something!


The man was taken aback!

"Yes, the fertility of a piece of land is limited. With the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, there will definitely be a shortage. If you don't properly maintain and fertilize, not only will the crop grow slowly, but the yield will also decrease!"

Jiang Fan continued!

The man was stunned!

"Then, dare you to ask, what is this egg, egg scales? An egg with long scales is unheard of!"

"It's not a long-scaly egg, it's nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, several kinds of fertilizers!"

Jiang Fan explained patiently!

"For example, the urine and sweat discharged by the human body carry a lot of nitrogen! So nitrogen fertilizer is also called urea, which can make crops grow better and speed up rooting!"

"The phosphate fertilizer comes from bird droppings or animal bone powder. Of course, there are also chemical extraction methods, but this is not possible in this era! And its role is to accelerate rice tillering and increase yield!"

"Potassium fertilizer. Potassium chloride conversion cannot be done now, but it can be extracted from hard salt mines or carnallite. Of course, even if there is no potassium fertilizer in this era, it is not a big problem. It is just that rice is easy to encounter in heavy rains or wind disasters. Fall down!"

"In addition to these main ones, there are other things like silicon fertilizer..."

Jiang Fan talked a lot!

The man's eyes are almost staring out!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes was even more admirable!

"Then, that, dare to ask sir, where are these fertilizers?"

"Well, you definitely don't have ready-made ones right now, so you can only make them yourself, but the amount of work is too big, so it's better to use crop rotation!"



Jiang Fan nodded!

"Each crop absorbs these types of fertility differently!"

"For example, you planted rice on this land this year, and it has grown well in the past few years, but later on, the yield of rice will be lower! Is that true?"

"Yes, yes! That's it!"

The man nodded hurriedly!

"This is because more fertility is absorbed, and the land lacks the fertility required by rice, so the yield is getting lower and lower!"

"In such a situation, you can plant other crops for a few years, such as cereals! And remember, learn how to return straw to the field, the rotten straw can increase the fertility of the field!"

"This is the land of crop rotation!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

And the man was dumbfounded!

After a long time, he suddenly bowed to Jiang Fan with tears in his eyes!

"Thank you, Mr., for your enlightenment! Mr.'s remarks made Si Xie's speech clear! Mr. Si Xie is so kind and unforgettable!"

"you are welcome!"

Jiang Fan answered casually, but he was stunned immediately!

"Sixie? Jia Sixie?!"

Jiang Fan looked at the man in front of him incredulously!

"Yes, sir actually knows me?"

Jia Sixie looked shocked!

"I'm here to find you!"

Jiang Fan never expected that the dark-skinned person in front of him, just like a normal old farmer, was actually the author of the famous "Qi Min Yao Shu", the real tycoon of agronomy, Jia Si Xie!

Conscience up the system!

It is the first time that Teme sends itself to customers!

But immediately, he threw the matter behind his head and quickly helped Jia Sixie!

"Get up! Get up!"

If Qin Shihuang is changed, Jiang Fan will let him worship!

But in the face of this big man, Jiang Fan is really afraid of losing his life!

"Qi Min Yao Shu" can be said to have benefited the past and the present. Without this big man, the future generations would not say how many people would starve to death!

I am afraid that history will have changed by then!

The emperor and hero are great, but they only benefit the generation of a country! And only characters like Jia Sixie and Yuan Longping are the real Zebei common people! Fukuzawa offspring!

Of course, the two made the same mistake and made some beasts too full!

At this moment, Jia Sixie looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Unexpectedly, Mr. actually knows me! It's a blessing for Jia Mou Sansheng!"

"Ahem, this, you are so kind!"

Jiang Fan is very embarrassed!

I'm still pretending to be in class here!

Unexpectedly, pretending to be a real boss!

However, this is the benefit of the traverser, even the big guys are stunned by his own modern guidance!

The most important thing is that the reason why Jia Sixie put forward the concept of rotating crop varieties in "Qi Min Yao Shu" turned out to be because of his own guidance!

Great Klass!

"Ah! By the way, I will sell you the takeout first!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took out the food directly!

Suddenly, a big pot of fragrant rice suddenly appeared in front of Jia Si Xie!

"My God! This, this is rice? How can it be so white and so fragrant?"

"It's the most perfect rice! I can't help but want to eat it if I smell it!"

Jia Sixie was stunned!


"This was originally for you! Please use it!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Then, then I'm not welcome!"

Jia Sixie couldn't care about anything else, took the rice spoon that Jiang Fan handed over and ate it!

"Sweet and soft! Lips and teeth leave fragrance!"

"This rice, this rice is too delicious!"

"I never thought that there would be such delicious rice in the world!"

"With just one mouthful, it's as if you have escaped from the hustle and bustle of officialdom and returned to the field of childhood!"

However, after Jia Sixie finished eating, tears burst into his face!

Jiang Fan was surprised!

"what happened to you?"

"It's okay, I just sigh, I can eat such delicious rice, but in the world, there are hundreds of people who are starving!"

Jia Sixie sighed long!

"It's okay, you have finished writing "Qi Min Yao Shu", and there will be a copy of it by hand. Everyone will know how to farm, breed, and brew and process. Then there will be something to eat!"

Jiang Fan laughed!


"Qi Min wants tricks?"

Jia Sixie's face was blank, but there was a faintly flickering emotion in his eyes!

"Yeah! It was you who wrote it-shit! You haven't written yet?"

Jiang Fan suddenly reacted!


"Qi Min wants skills! Qi Min wants skills!"

"Yes! Mr. is right!"

Jia Sixie was excited!

Undisguised ambition appeared in his eyes!

"My footprints have been on both sides of the Yellow River over the years. What I think, what I see and hear is not related to agriculture! If it can be organized into a book, it will definitely benefit the people!"

Jia Sixie trembled with excitement!

Suddenly hugged Jiang Fan!

"Thank you sir! Thank you sir! Just listen to sir! After I write these experiences into a book, it will be called "Qi Min Yao Shu"!"

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