Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!


It turned out that this name was actually picked up by himself for Jia Sixie!

But I was really excited when I thought that this book was named by myself!

According to historical records, it was from the year 533 AD that Jia Sixie began to compile "Qi Min Yao Shu". It took 11 years to complete this legendary masterpiece until 544 AD!

"Okay, big guy, you're busy with you, goodbye!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand directly as he spoke!

"Mr. wait! Let's talk about rice, and then we will talk about farming!"

Jia Sixie hurriedly shouted!

However, Jiang Fan has disappeared without a trace under the white light!


Back to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 5567 causality points!"

Damn it!

Actually gave so much!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

But if you think about it carefully, it's reasonable enough!

Qi Min's skills are far more important than other battles!

You know, since it was compiled, this book has been firmly grasped by the royal family of all dynasties for a long time, and used it as a secret book for the rich, and it has not ended up in the market at all!

There is even a saying "not available to people who are not in the court"!

The overall impact on later generations, these causal points, I am afraid they are all missing!

Oh shit!

The system must be drawn!

But at this moment, the system prompts have continued to sound!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being grateful to Jia Sixie-planting technique!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Jia Sixie's thanks-a classic handed down: Qi Min Yaoshu!"

Qi Min wants to do it!

I actually got this!

Jiang Fan immediately took out this thing in a hurry!

"Qi Min Yao Shu" is a thick ancient book with dense handwriting and many notes!

Qi Min Yaoshu (Handed down classic): Legendary treasure!

Remarks: The government of benefiting the people, the technique of training farmers and enriching the country! This is the original original magazine presented by Jia Sixie. It is intact and unique in the world!


Jiang Fan slowly exhaled his breath!

"Lanting Collection Preface" is just a gold-level treasure, this "Qi Min Yao Shu" is directly legendary!

And it also comes with a handed down classic description!

At that time, the news of "The Preface of the Lanting Pavilion" spread, and a group of "international friends" came to the door one after another.

And if this higher original "Qi Min Yao Shu" appeared, I am afraid the whole world would be crazy!

After carefully putting away this classic masterpiece, Jiang Fan turned to planting technique again!

Planting technique: picking up the scriptures, love and song, inquiring the veteran, and empirically acting!

Note: By learning this skill, you will master the planting techniques of all plants!

This skill...


Jiang Fan was directly excited!

Involuntarily laughed wildly!

In the next moment, he has pulled out a golden seed from his backpack!

This thing is derived from the world of "Rapunzel", sunflower seeds!

Sunflower Seeds: Gold-level props!

Attributes: undefeated flowers bloom, longevity will not die!

Remarks: This item has a total of four processes of budding, leafing, branching, and flowering. Before flowering, each process lasts for one hundred years!

System reminder: To plant this item, you need life skills-proficiency in planting!

Before Jiang Fan suffered from no planting technique, so he could only press this thing to the bottom of the box, but now, he can finally plant it!

Although it takes three hundred years to wait for it to bloom, I can't wait for it!

"System, give me a flowerpot! I'm going to plant it!"

Jiang Fan looked excited!

"Ding! System reminder! Ordinary flowerpots have no additional effects. If the host can get a suitable flowerpot in the Ten Thousand Realms, the planting process can be greatly shortened!"


The system means that this thing can be accelerated?

"Okay, don't plant it first!"

Putting everything away, Jiang Fan finally left the space with excitement!

At this moment, the staff in the restaurant are all gathered in the lobby, waiting with anxious expressions!

After all, a new boss, what if he dismisses all of his people?

Seeing Jiang Fan coming out of the kitchen, a group of people all looked at Jiang Fan!

"Don't be nervous, everyone!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and looked at the waiter who received him!

"Who is the original manager here?"

"Yes, it's me!"

A gentleman with glasses came out!

"what's your name?"

"Rich! Boss, my name is Rich!"

Rich looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

"Very well, you will take care of this restaurant in the future! All the staff remain the same!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone showed a relaxed expression!

However, this is not over yet!

"In addition, the restaurant will not pay wages from today!"


"White, work for nothing!"

"Is this boss a vampire?"

"Who can do this!"

The crowd was stunned!

A group of diners were stunned!

The employees are even more angry!

"Boss, if you don't pay wages, then no one will do it! Including me!"

Rich sighed and was about to resign!

Only at this moment!

"Yes, no wages are paid. Starting today, we will implement an internal benefit distribution system!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Everyone was stunned!

"Profits, distribution of benefits?"

"Yes! Starting today, 80% of the restaurant’s net profit will be given to you all!"

"You are ten people, one manager, two chefs, five waiters, one cashier, and one cleaner!"

"The manager has 10% of the net profit, the chef has 8%, and the rest have 7%!"

"A total of 75%, and the remaining 5% will be used as a reward! Every month, the best performing employees can get the remaining 5% of profits!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, everyone was shocked!

"God, my goodness!"

"This boss is too generous!"

"That, so to speak, does this restaurant belong to all of us!"

"Is this kind of distribution system a kind of legend, China's public ownership?"

"Great! I can't imagine that those of us who have been oppressed by capital can get the same treatment as Huaxia!"

"Long live the boss! Long live the people!"

Everyone screamed in excitement!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes is full of worship!

"Old boss, but how should the remaining rewards be divided?"

Rich was equally excited, but he still asked!

"Simple, we can use the customer's evaluation as a quantification. The chef can pass the dishes, the waiter can pass the attitude, the cash register can pass the account, and the cleaning can pass the environment!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The crowd was shocked again!

"This kind of evaluation system gives everyone a chance!"

"In this way, the scoring system of our customers directly affects their income!"

"The real customer is God!"

"The service attitude of this restaurant in the future must be surprisingly good!"

"And the dishes will definitely be affordable and delicious!"

"I have a hunch, this restaurant may be going to burst!"

A group of diners were amazed!

"Of course, if the attitude is not good, or the customers who deliberately bad reviews, do not count here!"

Jiang Fan smiled again!

All the staff were so excited that they couldn't speak!

This boss is great!

It is their great benefactor!

Become rich leader!

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