God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1168: Tripartite gathering

"Rich, this is my contact information. Next, you will work together to formulate a reward and punishment system. If you don't do it well, or if you get too many complaints, the amount of punishment will be the year-end reward for everyone!

"Everyone! For our own business, work hard!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Yes! Boss, don't worry!!"

A group of employees seemed to have been beaten up and roared one after another!

The few George family masters who followed Jiang Fan were stunned!

Does this Jiang Fan want to plant the red flag all over Hawaii?

I am afraid that the employees of other hotels will have to rebel against him!

The consequences are still invisible, but this small restaurant called "Volcano House" might become the true king of Kapa Town in the future!

After leaving the restaurant, Jiang Fan immediately returned to the hotel and fell asleep!

And Brandon has arrived at the airport!

With a roar, an airplane from Britain finally landed slowly!

The cabin door opened, and Green with a smile on his face immediately stepped off the plane!

And behind him, there were more than a dozen entourages!

One of them had broken brown hair and gloomy eyebrows. However, like Alston, the collar of his white robe was actually embroidered with four small epees!

This person is Adelaide, one of the judges!

And behind him, there are also six fourteenth-level senior judges!

In the back, there is a group of people who serve Green, headed by the apprentice pastor Odom!

"Haha, Mr. Green, you are finally here!"

Brandon takes the first two steps!

And Green compared to a way of saying hello to the Council of Light!

"May the Lord bless you, Mr. Brandon!"

"Um...thank you!"

The members of the George family are obviously not too cold about the greetings of the Council of Light!

"Has the Zhou family arrived?"

Green asked!

"Not yet, and even if it comes, today is not the time to meet!"

"That's right! Those guys from the place where evil dragons are entrenched, if there is no need, I really hate meeting them!"

Adelaide interjected!


Do you want to see you lunatics and talk about it?

If it weren't for profit, would you be an Laozi willing to deal with you?

Where do you feel good about yourself?

Brandon sneered, but smiled on his face!

"Mr. Green, go back to the hotel first!"

"Okay! Please trouble Mr. Brandon!"

Soon, a group of people have arrived at the hotel!

Then start the meal under Brandon's arrangement!

At the same time, at Kauai Airport, another plane painted with the Zhou Group logo also came over the island!

"finally reached!"

Zhou Yuande looked at Kauai in the night and smiled coldly!

Soon, the plane landed, and Zhou Yuande immediately got off the plane with a group of people!

This time the negotiation and negotiation are dominated by him, but behind him, there are two men whose breath is looming, but they are more powerful than him!

These two people are the only two half-step masters among the three generations of the Zhou family, Zhou Yanlu and Zhou Yanshang!

And the two of them plus the Zhou Yandao of that year are even more known as the three talents of the Zhou family at that time!

It's a pity that with Zhou Yandao's failure to break through the master, everything is gone!

In addition to a few of them, Zhou Yantang and others, who had participated in the first battle of Hancheng last time, were also here!

And there are several normal fourteenth levels!

The Zhou family's position is simply a powerful exaggeration!

At this moment, there has long been a team waiting here!

After Zhou Yuande and the others got on the bus, they immediately went straight to Kapa Town!

"Tomorrow's negotiation, follow the plan drawn up by the family before!"

"The highest cannot exceed five percent of this standard!"

Zhou Yuande spoke slowly!


"But what if the Georges are not satisfied?"

Zhou Yanlu frowned and asked!

"No! They just need a story, a step! We give them the benefits, and then we make up a story, saying that Yancun killed Jacob by mistake, and this matter is over!"

"If they are still ignorant, then you two will teach them how to behave!"

Zhou Yuande smiled slightly!

Everything is under control!

"Yes! Second uncle rest assured, if the George family is not sensible, we will naturally deal with it!"

Zhou Yanlu and Zhou Yanshang also smiled proudly!



Jiang Fan woke up all at once, feeling refreshed!

Just after washing up and eating the breakfast delivered by the waiter, Aisen has walked in directly!

"Jiang Fan! Get your recording ready!"

"Are the negotiations going to begin?"

"of course!"

"Hehe, finally...it started..."

Jiang Fan smiled with great joy, but inexplicably, a trace of unspeakable fear suddenly appeared in Ai Sen's heart!

This fear doesn't know where it starts, but it's like ants knowing that it's going to rain!

Jiang Fan had already smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes, and walked out the door first!

Soon, Jiang Fan came to the lobby downstairs, but found that on the sofa in the lobby, Brandon was talking with an old man in a red robe with a smile on his face!

Behind the old man, the men with cross tattoos on their foreheads knew without asking that they must be the Council of Light!

If it were someone else, as the mortal enemy of the Illuminati Council, this would probably have already gone away!

But Jiang Fan actually smiled slightly and leaned forward!

"Elder Brandon, let's go!"

"Jiang Fan, are you ready for recording?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

Only at this moment!

"Jiang Fan?"

Green and the others across from Brandon were suddenly taken aback!

Then he looked at Jiang Fan carefully!

Immediately afterwards, everyone's expressions changed!

"Jiang Fan! It's you!"

Adelaide took a step forward suddenly, murderous surging!

He and Alstom are true friends!

And Alstom, it is precisely because of Jiang Fan that he returned to the embrace of the God of Light!

Now that this sinner dared to appear in front of him, it was just looking for death!

And Green's face is extremely gloomy!

Jiang Fan was in China before, and he still had nothing to do, but now, since he ran out by himself, don't blame them!

"Jiang Fan! Go back with me immediately and accept the purification of the **** of light!"

Green slowly stood up, and his unparalleled aura engulfed Jiang Fan for an instant!

"You guys, what do you want to do!"

Jiang Fan "trembling" all over, looking at Green and the others with "fear" on his face! (It’s not the protagonist, it’s acting! Acting! Acting! Telling important things three times!)

At the same time, he slipped his feet and hid directly behind Brandon, Carter and others!

"Elder Brandon! You, you must save me!"

"Don't let these lunatics take me away! Otherwise, otherwise I'll be dead!"

Jiang Fan screamed directly!

However, when he heard his words, Brandon looked happy!

I almost forgot before, the Illumination Council is also looking for Jiang Fan's trouble!

Now with the threat of the Council of Light, this kid can only use himself as a backer!

He tilted his head slightly and spoke quickly!

"Jiang Fan, the other party is the Council of Light, our George family, don't want to offend them!"

"Don't! Don't do this! I, I'll return all those antiques to you! Also, I will help you tore down a piece of Zhou's meat! Elder Brandon, you must save me! Now, only you can Save me!"

Jiang Fan was "trembling" with fright!

"Well, but the Council of Light is so powerful, unless you are by my side, otherwise..."

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