God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1169: The curtain slowly opened

"No problem! I must follow you honestly! Ah! By the way! When the negotiation is over, you can take me back to the city that never sleeps! Otherwise, stay here and I will definitely be killed by them!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly shouted!

Brandon is overjoyed!


Boy, you fell into the trap, but don't blame us!

But he was still impatient!

"Well, all right, I'll beg for you!"

Brandon said, already looking at Green!

"Mr. Green, let him go for the time being, he will still be useful when dealing with Zhou's family later!"

"What's the use of such a sinner! Brandon, give him to us immediately! Otherwise, you will be guilty of this sinner!"

Adelaide sneered directly!

It's just that when he said this, the faces of Carter and others suddenly sank!

Their George family are not those small forces!

It's a real monster!

Although it is not a world-class hegemon like the Bright Council, the high-end combat power is not bad at all!

And not to mention a judge like Adelaide, even Green would not dare to be so presumptuous to him!

"Adelaide, pay attention to your tone!"

Brandon's face was gloomy, and his eyes flashed murderously!

Even Green frowned!

When he reaches his position, he already knows that faith is not omnipotent. Sometimes, he must choose to converge!

"Well, Adelaide, whether Elder Brandon is guilty, it is not your turn to judge!"

Green finally spoke slowly!

Adelaide was taken aback!

Then his face was full of anger!

But he lowered his head!

"Sorry, my lord! It was me who passed!"

Green nodded, and then looked at Brandon seriously!

"Elder Brandon, this sinner killed Miller and indirectly killed Alstom. His sin must be purified by the flames of the trial house!"

"Of course! I understand! But..."

Brandon smiled, and suddenly approached Green and spoke in a low voice!

"Mr. Green, this kid is of great value, and I am willing to give up another 10% of the profit! And you can rest assured, this kid, our George family will not let him go!"

Green's eyes lit up suddenly!

Burning Jiang Fan to death, how can there be a big profit?

"Hehe, Elder Brandon, we feel your sincerity. Since the sinner will be judged eventually, what does it matter who judged it?"

"Haha, Mr. Green is really wise!"

Both of them are all smiling!

"Okay, then let's start!"

Green took the initiative!

"Okay! Please first!"

Brandon waved his hand very gentlemanly!

It's just that neither of them noticed the sneer at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth!

Be proud!

Your time is running out!


The crowd has come to an open-air cafe on the waterfront!

This cafe is located on the edge of a small cliff five or six meters from the sea, and at a glance, it is the blue sea!

And in the courtyard, there are beautifully designed tables and chairs, very emotional!

But at this moment, the tables and chairs in the center were all emptied, and a long conference table was placed directly!

Taylor, who came here in advance, has already wrapped this place for negotiation!

As soon as Brandon and others arrived, the roar of a car suddenly sounded!

At the next moment, seven or eight cars stopped nearby. Then, led by Zhou Yuande, a group of Zhou family members got out of the car one after another!

However, when the two sides saw the opposing lineup, they were all taken aback!

"Elder, there are actually two and a half step masters on the opposite side!"

"There are actually six peaks at level fourteen!"

"There are eight fourteen levels!"

"Why the Zhou family brought so many masters here!"

A group of George family members exclaimed one after another, and their eyes were full of caution!

And Brandon and Carter have frowned tightly!

Jiang Fan said before that after taking out the audio, the Zhou family is likely to kill people. Now it seems that this is not impossible!

Fortunately, they called Green, three to two, to cover it up!

And the Zhou family also looked solemn!

"Second Uncle, there is not only George's house opposite, but the costumes of those people are clearly the Council of Light!"

"The two families got together, and they didn't feel at ease!"

"Hmph, maybe I want to blackmail us!"

"Three and a half step masters, three fourteenth-level peaks, twelve fourteenth-level! If there is no Yanlu and Yanqi, we might be in trouble this time!"

"But two to three, the odds of winning are not great!"

A group of people frowned!

"It doesn't matter, the foundation of Western warriors is not stable. Although they can't fight two-on-three, they can definitely entangle them. If there are a few of them in Yantang, they are not afraid of the other party playing group attacks!"

"What's more, we are just to negotiate a peace, and the George family is not at peace. There is no reason to do it with us!"

"Let's go! Remember, stick to the bottom line, it doesn't matter even if you show killing intent! You can't fight anyway!"

Zhou Yuande sneered coldly!


The rest of the Zhou family's hearts were steady, and they immediately walked proudly towards George's house!

The two sides finally met!

And Jiang Fan, under the supervision of Eisen and Taylor, hid behind the crowd, away from the negotiating table, and comfortably sipped coffee!

"Mr. Zhou, hello!"

Brandon offered to extend his hand!

"Hello, Mr. Brandon! I'm sorry about Jacob!"

Zhou Yuande reached out and shook his hand, apologetic!

"Haha, it's okay, Mr. Zhou, sit down and talk!"

The two sides are almost like old friends who have not seen each other for many years.

All are frank and magnanimous!

However, just sit down!

Everyone's face changed!

"Mr. Brandon, we are very sorry about Jacob's affairs, so let's do it, in order to express our condolences, our Zhou family is willing to pay 10 million dollars as a little bit of heart!"

Zhou Yuande laughed!

"Ten million? Hehe, Mr. Zhou is really joking!"

Brandon sneered!

"Why, Mr. Brandon is too young?"

"That's not true, but in that case, why don't I give you 10 million and then kill your son?"

Brandon sneered!

"Bastard! What did you say!"

"How dare to talk to my Zhou family like this!"

"Just looking for death!"

A group of Zhou family stood up suddenly patted the table!

"What about your Zhou family!"

"This is not China!"

"Citi is the territory of our George family!"

A group of children of the George family also stood up!

However, Zhou Yuande smiled slightly!

Point directly at Zhou Yantang!

"Mr. Brandon, this is my son, you can try it! Kill him, let's clean up! If you can't kill it, it's fine, how about it?"


Brandon's face changed directly!

Especially the opponent has two and a half step masters! And the fourteenth-level peak definitely accounts for an overwhelming number!

The Zhou family is really not afraid of the real fire together!

This is the typical use of power to overwhelm people!

And Zhou Yuande already smiled triumphantly!

"Mr. Brandon, Jacob’s death was just an accident. Yancun wanted to fight the enemy together with him, but who knew that he suddenly ran to Yancun and was killed by Yancun by mistake, and because of him, Yancun Cun was also beaten to death by the Li family!"

"Speaking of which, our loss is also not small! Ten million, a lot!"

Zhou Yuande looked like he was winning!

The so-called death is inconsistent, that's how it is!

But at this moment!

"Haha, Zhou Yuande, are you sure that Jacob's death was an accident?"

Accompanied by this mockery, a man suddenly put down his coffee cup, slowly turned around, and smiled directly at everyone!

Exactly, Jiang Fan!

Now that everyone is here, let this scene officially begin!

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