God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1171: I proved to him that you are not stupid

Even Green, who has not spoken, couldn't help but speak!

"Mr. Zhou, are you questioning our IQ?"

Zhou Yuande's expression changed and he just wanted to explain, but at this moment, Jiang Fan was already possessed by Zuan, and opened his mouth like a gun!

"Zhou Yuande, you really have you, I have seen the shamelessness of the Zhou family!"

"It's okay for you to say these nonsense to disgusting people in China, now you regard the respected Brandon, Elder Carter, and Lord Green, whom everyone loves, as a fool?"

"Look at them carefully! Although they are a little older and have more wrinkles, they really look like a lack of heart, but you can't insult them like that!"

"Don't talk about them in this recording, just a three-legged cat like me can tell the authenticity!"

"Look at them carefully, do you look like a stupid? You can't think they look like that, just say that!"

"You are simply mad, you have no quality!"

"My temper! I tell you, if I could not beat you, I would have helped them teach you a long time ago!"

"You still don't admit your mistake, what are you waiting for!"

Jiang Fan looked righteous!

A group of people are all dumbfounded!

Especially Brandon, Carter and Green!

Jiang Fan is indeed speaking for them, but why is it so awkward to listen?

Is that really a compliment?

The Zhou family was even more stunned!

I just feel that Jiang Fan is here on their side!

"You, don't talk nonsense! Me, when did I say they are stupid!"

Zhou Yuande hurriedly defended!

"Then you say whether this audio is real or not! If you say that this stuff is fake, it means that they are stupid!"

"You shut up! They are not stupid!"

Zhou Yuande roared suddenly!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"OK! That is to say, you also admit that the audio is real! Very good! Let's talk about compensation!"

Jiang Fan said kindly and looked at Brandon's trio!

"Three adults, I have proved to Brandon that you are not stupid. Since everyone is in a normal mind, you can talk about compensation!"

"Huh? Oh, thanks, thank you?"

The three of them looked at Jiang Fan slightly sluggishly!

Jiang Fan's speech was too fast just now, and they didn't react at all!

Although I feel something is wrong, there is always a feeling of being scolded, but compensation is the most important thing!

"You're welcome! Then since everyone agrees that the audio is real, we can really start a discussion on the issue of compensation!"

Jiang Fan didn't give a group of people time to react at all, and spoke directly!

"I suggest that Zhou's overseas three ocean freighters, including all the routes, be used as compensation for this time!"

"In addition, the two ports in Dongying and Singapore leased for 15 years are also owned by the George family!"

"In addition to this, one billion dollars in cash is attached!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, everyone's eyes widened!

Staring at him with a **** expression!

Three ocean freighters!

Including the route!

There are two more ports!

Plus one billion dollars in cash!


Is this kid crazy?

Together, these have exceeded a full tens of billions of dollars!

even more!

The Zhou family only thought they were listening to a joke!

And Brandon has been completely dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan's appetite is too big!

This kind of compensation, even if it is him, is so special that he has never thought about it at all!

Green's heart is beating even more!

Such a large sum of money, but a full 40% belong to their Illuminati Council!

If this is discussed, his status will definitely rise up like a rocket!

It is very possible that His Majesty the Pope was happy and directly transferred him back to the Holy City and promoted him to the twelve cardinal!

And to that position, only one step away from the Pope!

For a time, Green had a good impression of Jiang Fan!

However, this is not over yet, Jiang Fan has already looked at Brandon with a smile!

"Elder Brandon, do you have anything to add?"


Brandon was startled!

Jiang Fan just said that he was angry!

After all, this is a negotiation between the George family and the Zhou family. What qualifications does Jiang Fan have to speak as a prisoner?

But now, seeing Jiang Fan's brutal asking price, he and Carter can't help but hand over the negotiation power to Jiang Fan!

As long as you can get these out, you can let me call your father!

Anything else to add?

Brandon screamed desperately in his heart!

But he resisted his excitement, pretending to be calm!

"This...cash seems to be a little bit less!"

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan snapped his fingers and looked directly at Zhou Yuande!

"Hey! Zhou Yuande, you heard that one billion dollars in cash is too little, so let's do it! You give one of your trading companies in Australia to Elder Brandon, and the other cash, five billion dollars!"


The Zhou family hadn't reacted yet, Brandon sprayed it directly!

Damn it!

Brother, I just said symbolically, don't take it seriously!

And the Zhou family was completely at a loss!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

for a long time!

"You, Jiang Fan, there is nothing wrong with your brain, right?"

Zhou Yuande opened his mouth in shock!

"You have a problem with your brain! Our conditions have been released! Just say whether you agree or not!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

"You dream!"

"This kid is crazy!"

"Even if the audio is true, even if Zhou Yancun first encouraged Jacob and then killed others, it would not be worth so much!"

People from the Zhou family clamored!

And Zhou Yuande even more calmly, speaking slowly!

"Jiang Fan! The condition you proposed seems to be fighting for benefits for the Georges family, but I think you clearly want us to negotiate a settlement!"

He suddenly looked at Brandon!

"Brandon, this kid is not a good thing! You let him go first, let's talk about the matter of peace!"

As soon as Zhou Yuande spoke, everyone on the scene, including Green, frowned!

Zhou Yuande was right. Jiang Fan spoke so loudly that he was indeed suspected of sabotaging the peace talks!

It's just that they just didn't even think about that because they were so lustful just now!

Brandon's heart moved and he immediately looked at Jiang Fan!

However, before he waited to speak, Jiang Fan sneered!

"Zhou Yuande, you are so anxious to push me away, I am afraid that I am here, you will inevitably pay such a price?"

"Huh! Jiang Fan, who do you think you are? Do you think that this audio alone can make our Zhou family give all this? You are too naive!"

Zhou Yuande smiled disdainfully!

However, Jiang Fan smiled even more happily!

Let the Buddha, a lion that had been sleeping for a long time, finally slowly exposed its fangs!

"Zhou Yuande, who told you that there is only this section of the recording in my hand?"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was stunned!

"Jiang Fan, do you still have recordings?"

Brandon looked surprised!

"Of course! And the following paragraph will definitely make the Zhou family give these things without hesitation! No! I'm afraid it's more than that!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

Zhou Yuande suddenly felt bad for a while!

Jiang Fan is a savvy kid who is scheming and cunning. The first audio that he released was so exciting. The following, I am afraid it will only be even more amazing!

Never let him out!

"Don't listen to him! This kid has a lot of lies! If you talk about things, catch him!"

Zhou Yuande roared suddenly!

next moment!


Zhou Yanlu and Zhou Yanshang have already made a sudden move!

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