However, as soon as they moved, Brandon and Carter stood up and directly protected Jiang Fan!

Zhou Yuande's reaction will only make them sure that the things in Jiang Fan's hands will definitely defeat Zhou's family!

It will even make Zhou Family pay the price Jiang Fan said!

"Brandon! What are you doing!"

Zhou Yuande was furious!

But Brandon just smiled!

"Mr. Zhou, just a piece of audio! What do you mean?"

"Huh! What audio? It must be this kid who wants to play mystery again! You give Jiang Fan to me, as long as you kill him, we can talk about the conditions just now!"

Zhou Yuande spoke anxiously!

He only wants to kill Jiang Fan now, but he has forgotten that what he has now, for the profit-seeking Brandon and others, will only prove that the things in Jiang Fan's hand are more valuable than this price!

For a moment!

Brandon and Carter, even Green, the color of greed in their eyes can hardly be concealed!

Green smiled even more pretending to be kind!

"Jiang Fan, this audio, why don't you play two paragraphs first, let us all listen to it!"


"This, this, me, I just said nonsense! No more, I don't have any more..."

Jiang Fan looked at Zhou Yuande with a murderous look, and suddenly spoke cautiously!

It seems to be shocked by Zhou Yuande!

"Huh! I just said this kid is playing mystery!"

Zhou Yuande smiled triumphantly!

But Green's faces moved slightly!

"Jiang Fan, as long as you let it go, I promise that no one can hurt you!"

Green's tone is lighter!

Now, his mentality to get this wealth is even more urgent than Brandon!

"Really, really?"

"Of course! We have a billion followers in the Bright Council. This is no joke!"

"Okay, I believe you, but, Lord Green, when this audio is released, the Zhou family will definitely chase me to the end of the world! You, can't you give me a token? It's best if you have something close to you that can prove that I am yours. people!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, Zhou Yuande and others' faces changed directly!

Although I don’t know what Jiang Fan’s content is, it’s definitely not a good thing!

Suddenly more murderous!

However, Brandon and Carter are firmly fixed on their side!

But at this moment!

"Bastard! You are a sinner, what qualifications do you have for Master Green's things! Your Lord is already a gift to you when talking to you!"

Adelaide had a look of disgust, and directly scolded!

But Green just waved his hand!

With a gentle face, he took out a brilliant silver cross!

"Jiang Fan, this was given to me by my teacher when I just became a pastor. After years of nourishment by the Holy Light in my body, it has been full of my breath. Anyone who sees him will know that you are mine. people!"

"This, this, sir, did you forgive my sin?"

Jiang Fan looked grateful, almost crying!

"Yes! Child, I forgive you!"

Green put his hand on Jiang Fan's head!

Look holy!

But his heart is full of disgust!

Damn it!

Had I not counted on you to bring me benefits, I would have sent you to the torture rack long ago!

You little **** had better not make any excessive demands, or I would have to kill you now!

However, Jiang Fan seemed to have received great honor, and his eyes were bursting with tears!

"My lord! I, I am so touched!"

"You are so great!"

"You actually forgave me!"

"Adelaide, right? We will be brothers from now on!"

"I want to believe in the God of Light! No! I am already the most pious believer of his old man! Uuuuuuu...I am so glorious!"

As Jiang Fan said, he unceremoniously picked up Green's sleeve and blew his nose!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Adelaide's eyes widened!


Is this kid crazy to wipe his nose on Lord Green?

Green was even more furious, and the holy light all over his body was surging!

But at this moment!

"On the day of the Battle of Hancheng, I was hunted down by Zhou Yancun and others. Fortunately, I was fast enough to escape. About my speed, Elder Brandon can prove it!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, wondering why Jiang Fan would say this for no reason!

But Brandon still nodded!

"Yes! If it's not for the half-step master, you will definitely not be able to catch him!"

Zhou's heart trembled!

Jiang Fan, has grown to this point?

But before they could think deeply, Jiang Fan had already continued to speak!

"But although I am fast enough, there are too many masters who chase me down!"

"In the end, Zhou Yancun caught up with him, was hit by him, and was seriously injured!"

"It's just that I also took the opportunity to put a bug on him!"

"Originally, my plan was to hide secretly by special methods, eavesdrop on their arrangements, and run away after the wind passes!"

"But then I heard that Zhou Yancun had everyone in groups of two in order to arrest me, and surrounded a large area where I was!"

"Zhou Yantang, you as the parties involved, I didn't lie about this, right?"

Jiang Fan looked directly at Zhou Yantang and others!

Zhou Yantang frowned. He didn't understand what Jiang Fan said about this. However, the Li family was also involved in this matter. There was no need to cover up, so he nodded directly!

It's a pity that he didn't know that this nod of his head proved the existence of the bug in disguise, and also proved the authenticity of Jiang Fan's next recording!

Sure enough, just look at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth!

"And when I was anxious, I heard such a frantic conversation!"

As Jiang Fan said, he took out his phone and clicked on the play button!

At the next moment, Zhou Yancun's voice has directly sounded!

"Find Alston and kill him!"

The first sentence is so amazing!

Everyone was stunned!

Green was stunned, and the Zhou family couldn't believe their ears!

Brandon and others in the George family are full of joy of eating big melons!

"Fake! This is absolutely impossible!"

Zhou Yuande is good, even Zhou Yantang and others all exclaimed!

However, Green and others just shuddered and continued to listen!

In the audio, the sound of breaking wind continued to sound!

Obviously someone is moving at high speed!

for a long time!

"you guys……"

This time it was Alston's voice!

Upon hearing this voice, Green's expression changed drastically!

Adelaide is even more shocked!

In the audio, as soon as Alstom spoke, Zhou Yancun's voice rang!

"Alstom! We are all looking for Jiang Fan, why are you still here in a daze?"

Everyone trembled!

Zhou Yancun actually went to Alstom!


In the audio, Alstom was about to explain Zhou Yancun's question, but at this moment!




The sound of silhouette movement, footsteps, and hand-to-hands sounded almost instantly at the same time!

next moment!


A bone crack suddenly sounded!

Accompanied by Alston's painful grunt!

Green's eyes widened suddenly!

Adelaide clenched his fist tightly!

As long as you are not a fool, you can hear that Alstom has been attacked!

"Holy Light!!"

In the audio, Alstom suddenly shouted!


At this moment, Zhou Yancun's voice followed!


The sound of the holy light burst!


The bone cracking sounded again, and Alstom gave another painful muffled grunt!

The next moment, his angry voice suddenly sounded!

"Bastard!! You shameless scumbag! Come back to the Lord's embrace with me!"

"No! Get out!"

Zhou Yancun's scream suddenly appeared!

next moment!


A loud noise!

The audio is over!

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