God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1173: Don't be impulsive


There was silence at the scene!

Brandon, Carter, all the George family members were all stunned!

They knew this was a big melon, but they didn't expect this melon to be so big!

Big to explode!

Everyone in the Zhou family just felt cold all over!

As long as you are not a fool, combined with the first sentence of Zhou Yancun at the beginning, everyone knows that Alstom is definitely being tricked by Zhou Yancun!

It's just that no one paid attention. Just as the audio was playing, Jiang Fan had already retreated behind a group of judges!

"Zhou's family!"

After a short silence, Adelaide's eyes turned red in an instant!

Green stared at Zhou Yuande firmly!

Too courageous!

The Zhou family unexpectedly dared to kill the people of the Light Council!

And he is still such a distinguished judge Alston!

This is one of the most promising talents in the Bright Council!

"Zhou Yuande!"

Green suddenly roared!

A holy light blasted up directly!

Although Green was furious, he was very measured!

Alstom is dead after all, how to turn his death into profit is the most important thing!

But in front of so many subordinates, if you don't make a move, wouldn't it appear that you are incompetent?

And let the George family despise the strength of their Bright Council!

However, this holy light seemed magnificent, but its power was less than twelfth level. Zhou Yuande almost understood Green's meaning in an instant!

His heart relaxed, and the same infuriating anger was thrown out!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly screamed!

"Fuck! The Zhou family has done it! They want to kill people!"

With Jiang Fan's voice, everyone was shocked!

The content of this audio is too shocking, and the moment Green started, everyone's nerves were already completely tense!

Jiang Fan's voice howled, everyone's already tense nerves reached their limit!

Green and Zhou Yuande panicked and spoke almost at the same time!

"Don't be impulsive!"

Just now!

Green's holy light has collided with Zhou Yuande's true energy!


A loud noise!

The huge conference table suddenly exploded!

Debris flying all over the sky for a while!

And at the moment when everyone's attention was attracted, Jiang Fan's right hand silently swiped at the back of a judge!

Acupuncture secret method!

Immediately afterwards, he slapped the judge towards the Zhou family with a direct palm!

But on the lips, he directly exclaimed!

"Listen to Lord Green, don't be impulsive!"

At this moment, the sword was at a stretch. Seeing a person from the Illumination Council from the Zhou family, there were a few masters who almost didn't even think about it, they suddenly took action!

But at the moment they were the one who was in the wrong, and there were instructions from Green and Zhou Yuande. Although they shot, they were still trying to control their strength as much as possible.

But who would have thought that this hapless judge had already been acupointed, so he couldn't move at all!


There was a blast, and the poor hapless guy hadn't understood what was going on yet, and he had been bombarded by the Zhou family into a piece of debris!

Everyone was stunned!

"Zhou's family! You really want to stop talking! Adelaide! You're not a **** man! Come on with me if you have the kind!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared and rushed directly towards Zhou's family!

The Zhou family and Jiang Fan, that are true enemies!

Seeing Jiang Fan rushing up, he almost made a move without even thinking about it!

The infuriating spirit suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan just made a mistake and disappeared suddenly!

However, when he slipped, those infuriating anger had suddenly blasted at the group of people in the Light Council behind him!

"Zhou's family! You are looking for death!"

Adelaide finally reacted, and suddenly roared, an extremely violent holy light suddenly blasted out!

The judges behind him also grinned and suddenly shot!

That's it!

Green and Zhou Yuande were dizzy at the same time!

In the next moment, the attacks of both sides have completely blasted to one place!


With the explosion of energy collision, the two sides have directly fought together!


As soon as the Illuminati Council came up, it directly attacked the killer!

The Zhou family's fourteenth level hardly even had time to make a scream, and had been burned to ashes by the Holy Light!

"Zhou Sheng!!"

"Damn! The Council of Light!"

"Hit it! Kill them!"

"What about the Council of Light, kill!"

With two lives at the bottom, there is almost no room for a turnaround on both sides!

The battle was started almost instantly!

It's a pity that the Zhou family is too strong, and Adelaide can't support it at all!

Soon, another judge was directly bombarded!

"Master Green! What are you still in a daze! Do you want us all to die?"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

Green trembled and suddenly reacted!

Now that we have reached this level, we can only make a move first!

However, when he moved, Zhou Yanlu and Zhou Yanshang also rushed towards him!

The three of them fought together in an instant!

Brandon and Carter were stunned!

This, is this a fight?

This is so sudden!

What about good negotiations?

How about so many claims?

The grievance between them and the Zhou family, how could it be that the Illuminating Council first started it?

However, the two and a group of masters from the George family were still in a daze, and Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded!

"Brandon! What are you doing in a daze? Think about it with your dog heads! If our Council of Light is killed, you will definitely be killed!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Brandon and Carter's expressions suddenly changed!

Jiang Fan was right!

The negotiations are no longer expected!

Once the Zhou family kills the Illumination Council, their George family will not be the opponent of the Zhou family at all!


Brandon spoke suddenly without even thinking about it!

The next moment, a group of masters in the George family moved!

Zhou Yuande only felt cold all over!

That's it!

It is calculated!

He was definitely calculated by Jiang Fan!

This kid wants them to have the Zhou family and the George family and the Council of Light, go to war!

"Damn! Jiang Fan!!"

"Kill! Kill Jiang Fan first!"

Zhou Yuande roared suddenly!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan's voice rang again!

"Elder Brandon! Zhou's freighter and port are overseas! Outside of China, they are all believers of our God of Light!"

"The Zhou family wants to kill us today, so naturally our Bright Council doesn't have to be polite!"

"Today, as long as you help us destroy the Zhou family, we can grab those things by ourselves and divide the account by five to five!"

"Moreover, the Zhou family's overseas business is definitely more than that! At that time, it will all be ours!"

Jiang Fan spoke out!

Brandon and Carter are all dumbfounded!

So, don’t you help us negotiate?

Why did he become a member of the Illuminati Council again?

But it's not important!

The important thing is what Jiang Fan said!

The Zhou family has torn apart with the Guangming Council!

Then their overseas business-that, that is innumerable wealth!

For a moment!

Brandon, Carter, and even Green, everyone's eyes are red!

Originally, the three of them were very restrained, but now!


"Kill Zhou Family!"

"Don't keep one!"

With the extremely gloomy tone of the three of them, the entire battlefield was completely crazy!

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