God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1182: Handsome in three seconds

And at this moment, under a fairly well-kept building, two steel giants with a height of more than ten meters are screaming and attacking each other frantically!

Of these two, one of them is very solid and full of power. It is Optimus Prime!

And the one who fought with him was a terrifying giant with a fierce appearance and red eyes!

This guy is what Jiang Fan never forgets, Megatron!

Near the two, there are more than a dozen Transformers fighting fiercely!

At this moment, Megatron clearly had the upper hand, and his right fist hit Optimus Prime’s stomach with three consecutive punches like a giant cannon!

The belly of the hit Optimus Prime is completely deformed!

At the same time, the electromagnetic cannon in his left hand suddenly lit up, and the next moment, a shot hit Optimus Prime’s shoulders, directly blasting Optimus Prime out!


Optimus Prime hit the building behind him, and the whole building trembled violently!

"Hahaha! Useless Autobot! Are you just this capable? It's just rubbish!"

Megatron laughed wildly!

And the group of Decepticons under him is full of morale, and they scream!

"Long live the king!"

"Hahaha! The king is too powerful!"

"The **** leader of the Autobot, it turns out to be such a rubbish!"

"Optimus Prime was attacked with a single shot before. It is not that he is weak, but our king, who is really too strong!"

"Yes! The first King Megatron in the universe!"

"The Autobot on the opposite side, quickly surrender and die!"

A group of Decepticons laughed wildly!

"Damn it! Megatron is too strong!"

"Optimus Prime actually lost!"

"Damn it! Even Bumblebee was seriously injured, let alone Megatron, we probably can't even beat Starscream under him!"

"It's over! We are doomed to fail!"

Contrary to the Decepticons, the morale of the Autobots plummeted, and a few even gave up resistance!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has already arrived on the battlefield!

As soon as he saw Megatron, Jiang Fan's eyes were red!

It was this **** who didn't give the slightest order reward, not to mention, but also blasted the iron overlord's armor that he had just received into pieces!

Even he was seriously injured!

For Jiang Fan, who doesn't take advantage or suffers a loss, Megatron is simply an unforgivable sin in such a thing!


Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

"Hahaha! My Megatron is—"

As soon as Megatron, who was laughing triumphantly, heard Jiang Fan's voice, what he was about to blow was directly in his throat!

He looked back, and suddenly let out a horrified scream of the little girl seeing the pervert!

"Jiang Fan?!!!"

"Yes! It's Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

When Jiang Fan admitted that many Transformers, especially the Autobots, were all stunned!

"Jiang Fan?"

"Is he the Jiang Fan that Bumblebee said?"

"This human energy index is not strong!"

"Only he can deal with Megatron?"

"Bumblebee is not just the sound card problem, it must be the brain that was tortured in it!"

"Yes! It's just nonsense!"

The faces of a group of Autobots are full of helplessness!

But contrary to them!

"You, you, how did you get out?!"

Megatron then took a step back fiercely, with a look of horror on his face!

Jiang Fan impressed him too deeply!

After living for so many years, I have never encountered this kind of stubbornness!

Especially when he thinks of the scene of Jiang Fan holding his feet crazily forgot to take pictures on the ground, he just feels that every piece of iron in his body is faintly painful!

I heard that the Hornet who had also escaped said that Jiang Fan had disappeared, and he had been stunned for a long time, but he didn't know that it took less than three seconds to pretend to be, and this Hunshi Demon was here again!


Are you specializing in me?

Megatron was terrified, but his men didn't know it!

"Bastard! What are you!"

"How dare you call yourself Lao Tzu in front of our king!"

"If you don't demolish you today, you don't know what a Decepticon is!"

"Decepticons! Get out! Smear this human being who dares to be disrespectful to the king!"

A group of Decepticons rushed to Jiang Fan arrogantly!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled grimly, took a deep breath, and suddenly rose to the sky!


Jiang Fan suddenly rushed to a height of more than ten meters, and then, under the blessing of the incomparably vast real energy, he was actually set in the air!

Being able to stay in the air, even flying, this is a sign that only the master can have, in addition to several abilities and magic!

Only the grandmaster’s vast sea of ​​innocence and energy can support human beings to break free from the shackles and soar into the sky!

And now Jiang Fan, in terms of the true energy content, is almost no different from the master!

At the moment Jiang Fan was frozen in the air, all the Transformers were stunned!

In the next moment, among all the Decepticon central control computers that rushed up, countless ear-piercing alarms had suddenly sounded!

"not good!"

"This kid's energy is growing like an explosion!"

"It's terrifying! The energy index now has surpassed my laser cannon!"

"The key is that his energy is distributed so evenly, almost scattered all over the body!"

"And we can only condense such terrible energy on weapons!"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

A group of Decepticons are almost running away!


"Run? If you dare to rush up, then stay!"

Jiang Fan suddenly shook his right hand!

In front of the three Decepticons who ran together, a huge tornado of storm suddenly threw up!

The three Decepticons shook their feet and wanted to change directions and continue to escape!

But they had just turned around, Jiang Fan's whole person had turned into a sharp sword, and he actually pierced through the chest and abdomen of the three Decepticons!


Three explosions in a row!

Jiang Fan actually penetrated the bodies of three Decepticons with his body alone!


Three loud noises came together suddenly!

In the next moment, the three Decepticons have been exploded into iron powder!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan stupidly!

Especially the Autobots who talked about Jiang Fan before, all looked at Jiang Fan in amazement, they couldn't believe their eyes!

too frightening!

This Jiang Fan's body is simply more powerful than a cannonball, and stronger than Universe Alloy!

Even Optimus Prime was stunned!

Even he is absolutely impossible to solve the three Decepticons so simply!

The key is that he also detected the energy in Jiang Fan's body just now!

It's terrifying!

Neither him nor Megatron can compare to them!

From just looking at Megatron's current appearance, he knew that he was absolutely afraid of Jiang Fan!

This is unprecedented for Optimus Prime!

Megatron is actually scared!

And I still fear a human being like Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan had already turned around and looked at Megatron with a smirk!

"Dear King Megatron, do you have any last words?"

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