God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1183: I don't want to amputate

"you you……"

Seeing Jiang Fan walking slowly towards him, Megatron's voice trembled!

This Jiang Fan, just disappeared for a short while, he actually became stronger than before!

No, it's not just stronger, it's like a different person!

Megatron was full of glass of water, and only felt that his radiator was about to fail!

The CPU is going to burst!

damn it!

How to do! How to do!

The current self is definitely not Jiang Fan's opponent!

However, Lao Tzu is the number one villain in the world!

Oh shit!

You really thought I was so bullied!

Megatron's eyes suddenly fierce!

Staring at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"Boy! I'm Megatron!"

"The one and only King Megatron in my universe!"

"Your energy index is indeed terrible! Even stronger than before!"

"But do you think I am really afraid of you!"

Megatron's voice was full of arrogance!

At the same time, he rose up into the sky, directly turning into an extremely hideous fighter!

A group of Decepticons finally got excited again!

"Hahaha! The king is angry!"

"This kid is absolutely dead!"

"Great King! Kill him!"

"Boy! Our lord's particle cannon is enough to smash a town! You are ready to die!"

"And depending on the current state of the king, he must be ready to hold back his big move!"

A group of Decepticons laughed wildly!

And Megatron, with a sneer, said the last sentence!

"Boy—you wait for me!"



A white wave of air flashed, and Megatron had disappeared without a trace!

Everyone was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the direction where Megatron disappeared!

Even Jiang Fan was stunned!

for a long time!

On the Decepticon side, Starscream, barricades, whirlwind, and noisy Decepticons finally couldn't help but speak!

"Does this trick of the king take so long to accumulate energy?"

"It should be, very strong, right?"

"But, to say something that shouldn't be said, why do I always feel that the king has run away?"

"Starscream, don't talk nonsense, according to my understanding of the king, he must have gone away!"

As the voice fell, a group of Decepticons suddenly broke away without saying a word!

The Autobots are messed up!

Optimus Prime is even more at a loss!

The Decepticons, who had already gained the upper hand and were about to kill them all, turned out to be led by Megatron!

This is too nonsense!

Even on the planet Cybertron, nothing like this happened!

And the cause of all this is actually that tough man who looks up to the sky and looks like a master!


It's so awesome!

Optimus Prime looked at Jiang Fan with a look of admiration, and the shock made his central control computer almost crash!

As for the rest of the Autobots, they are even more unbelievable!

too exaggerated!

Comparing with Jiang Fan, they are simply a group of squads!

The point is that they actually licked their faces before and questioned Jiang Fan's strength!

This slap in the face is almost like a thousand-ring firecrackers!

However, no one noticed that Jiang Fan's face was getting worse and worse!



You are really shameless!

Just say run!

You are the number one villain!

Learn from Voldemort, learn from the Green Goblin, no matter how much you learn from Naruto!

What if you can't beat it, die!

Run Nima!

What about the dignity of your villain?



Jiang Fan gritted his teeth bitterly, and here, Optimus Prime finally got up!

"Jiang Fan! I am the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime! Thank you, thank you!"

Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Megatron, if you can run again next time, I will give you your last name!

Sooner or later, I have to dismantle the goods, but now, I still have a relationship with Optimus Prime first, and then give the takeaway to the Hornet!

"You're welcome, maintaining justice is what I should do!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"By the way, where's the Hornet?"

"He was badly injured...please follow me!"

Optimus Prime brought Jiang Fan directly to a place near the ruins as he said!

At this moment, Bumblebee is lying on a relatively flat concrete road, and the ambulances around are waiting for several Transformers, looking at him with a sigh!

Bumblebee now, the entire lower body has disappeared, and the vicinity of the wound is actually full of rust marks!

"No way! Bumblebee, you have to amputate quickly! Otherwise, the injury will transfer to the upper body and you will be in trouble!"

The ambulance frowned!


Everyone was taken aback!

"That's right! The hornet is a corroded cannon. If you don't amputate your limbs quickly, the rest will be corrupted too!"

The ambulance nodded!

"Then, what will I become after that limb is amputated?"

Bumblebee asked hurriedly!

"You are now a four-wheeled sports car. If you drop two wheels, then it's a motorcycle!"

"No! I don't want to become a motorcycle!"

Bumblebee burst into tears!

"I am a car! I don't want to become a motorcycle! There are only two wheels, how can I find a girlfriend in the future!"

"Uuuuu...help me!"

The bumblebee cried abnormally sad!

"Bumblebee, stop crying!"

"Being a motorcycle also has the benefits of being a motorcycle!"

"Yes, you won't be afraid of traffic jams in the future!"

"Low displacement and low consumption!"

"I can only blame you for your bad life. When we return to the Universe Rubik's Cube, see if we can help you recover!"

A group of Transformers are comforting!

At this moment, Jiang Fan finally arrived!

"Huh? What happened?"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"Jiang Fan!"

When I saw Jiang Fan, Bumblebee was suddenly excited!

Speak to Jiang Fan with the FM sound of his unique radio!

"Jiang Fan! You can even fight Megatron, you can definitely save me!"

"Help me! I don't want to amputate, I don't want to become a motorcycle!"

"Woo, I finally grew up like this, if I become a motorcycle, how can I be worthy of my parents!"

Bumblebee's crying face is full of glass of water!

"Okay, okay, don't cry, I'm here to deliver you takeaway this time!"

As Jiang Fan said, his right hand shook, and a full twenty large iron pots appeared on the spot!

As soon as these iron pots appeared, all the Transformers couldn't help swallowing lubricating oil!

It's so fragrant!

The Bumblebee sniffed vigorously, then involuntarily stretched out his hand, directly took up an iron pot and stuffed it into his mouth!

"Ah! Too, so delicious!"

"More enjoyable than gasoline drinks! Sweeter than solid-state nuclear batteries! More refreshing than liquid nitrogen!"

"This, the rich iron flavor, is too pure and delicious!"

"It's so delicious that my car lights are going to blow up!"

"I feel that my whole body is resurrecting!"

"All the damage is being repaired!"

"This, this is incredible!"

After eating twenty iron pots, the lower body of the Hornet was actually repaired to the naked eye!

Soon, a Bumblebee that is taller and smoother than before has been completely reborn!

Even his sound card has been repaired!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Bumblebee is extremely excited!

The rest of the Autobots have been stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

This human being is amazing!

It's fine to scare away Megatron, and now it violates the laws of the universe and rebirth the Hornet!

You know, in their cognition, only the Cosmos Rubik's Cube has this ability!

But before they continued to be excited, Jiang Fan had already spoken directly!

"Don't get excited, let me ask you, didn't I tell you the location of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube before? You didn't get it?"

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