God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1185: Dare to threaten me at this level

The system prompts only these two sounds!

But Jiang Fan just smiled!

It doesn't matter if there is no reward this time!

I have already explained the stakes to Optimus Prime. Once Optimus Prime is sure that he is really not in that world, he will definitely do everything possible to regain the Rubik's Cube of the universe!

And next time I go, I'm afraid I don't have to speak by myself, he has to take the initiative to leave with the Rubik's cube!

Thinking of the Rubik's Cube's ability to continuously create thugs, Jiang Fan couldn't help but want to laugh!

calm down!

Look at the rewards first!

Mechanical Fighting: Give it a go! Motorcycle becomes sports car!

Remarks: By learning this skill, you will master the combat mode of all mechanical props or life forms, and perfectly match your own strength with it, and run smoothly!

In other words, this is just to make yourself more flexible to operate mechanical props?


"The perfect fit of one's own strength...this--"

Jiang Fan suddenly gasped!

This is a **** skill!

Not only can you operate freely, but the key is that according to the introduction of the system, you can superimpose your own strength with machinery!

If you can get the mech of the Iron Man World, or the Dinosaur Team, or even Gundam, even the first EVA machine that every man dreams of!

Then, when that happens, I will--


Jiang Fan kept exhaling and inhaling, finally suppressing the excitement!

calm down!

The world dimension of Gundam and EVA is too high. With the current self, even if you really receive an order, you have to be careful, I am afraid that you will not get any benefits at all!

Now we still have to continue to improve our strength!

Jiang Fan, who calmed down, returned to the real world and rushed to the Heisei Medical Center soon!

At this moment, although there are not many people around the Heisei Medical Center, the doorway is full of bouquets and candles!

These are all sent by the masses to pray for Jiang Fan!

At the door, Yue Jianhan was standing there motionless like a javelin!

Opposite him, there are a few men and women with gloomy looks!

These people are all medical condolences sent by Yaomen!

But in fact, their purpose can be known without asking!

Jiang Fan glanced at a few people, then rushed back to the hospital from the back door silently!

In the medical hall, Sun Chuanyi is pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back!

Although Jiang Fan said that he would be back within two hours at most, but he couldn't see Jiang Fan's bottomless heart!

"What about the WeChat campaign? How many are in the circle of friends?"

At this moment, the familiar tone suddenly sounded!

When Sun Chuanyi turned his head, he saw Jiang Fan with a smile on his face!


Sun Chuanyi is so excited!

Without saying anything, he hugged Jiang Fan directly!

"Teacher! You are back!"

"I'm going to be scared to death these days!"

"If it weren't for Xiaoyue Youyan's fierce look that didn't enter, the **** at Yaomen would have rushed in!"

The old man looked scared!

"It's alright, tell Xiaoyue, let people in!"


Sun Chuanyi agreed and hurried to the front door!

At this moment, the gate of the hospital!

"Yue Jianhan! It's been two hours! You still don't let go!"

A gloomy man spoke slowly!

This man is over forty years old, with a square face and a slightly fat body. It is Chen Zhi, the leader of the medicine gate this time!

Since arriving in Los Angeles a few days ago, they went straight to the hospital in the name of the medical team and wanted to meet Jiang Fan!

After all, only the sooner you see, the smaller the loss of the medicine gate will be!

It's a pity that not only Jiang Fan didn't see it, but he didn't even enter the gate of the medical hall!

And in the past few days, the Internet's fermentation of the Yaomen scandal has become more and more fierce!

Although Yaomen issued seven or eight statements in a row, saying that all of this was made by Qian Xiangchuan and his sons, and had nothing to do with Yaomen, but it was useless at all!

After all, Qian Xiangchuan can become the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall, which in itself is a **** material!

Yaomen almost turned into stinky **** now!

Even many previous partners had to issue a statement to clarify the relationship with Yaomen!

If you don't see Jiang Fan anymore, the whole medicine gate will soon be abandoned!

Chen Zhi is really anxious now!

Even today, he is ready to break through!

"That's right! Get out of the way quickly! Otherwise, we won't be polite!"

Another middle-aged woman with a mean expression also followed!

Her name is Cai Xiaolan, and her status in the medicine gate is also not low!

But when they heard the words of the two, Yue Jianhan looked indifferent!

"Without a master, no one can get in!"

"Asshole! We are from the medicine door!"

"Boy, even if you have Jiang Fan as your backer, you should think about it for your Yue family!"

"Knowledge, get out of the way!"

Cai Xiaolan and others were furious and roared one after another!

However, Yue Jianhan just looked at them blankly, not moved at all!

"Damn! Kid, you are an eleventh-level swordsman, really strong!"

"But I'm a full fourteenth level! I'll say it again one last time, get out of the way!"

Chen Zhi looked gloomy!

Has endured to the limit!

Even the whole body began to have a violent wave of infuriating energy!

But Yue Jianhan was expressionless, and slowly put his hand on the wooden box behind him!

As long as the master has orders, not to mention that the opponent is at the fourteenth level, even if he is a grandmaster, he will dare to draw a sword!

Seeing that both sides are on the verge of breaking out!

At this moment!

"Xiaoyue, the teacher let them in!"

Sun Chuanyi suddenly ran over!

Chen Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief!

The moment Yue Jianhan put his hand on the wooden box just now, he actually felt a kind of creepy!

The difference between the two sides is a full three levels, but I should feel this way, it's incredible!

This Jiang Fan can actually accept a monster like Yue Jianhan as a disciple. What about his strength?

Chen Zhi's heart sank for no reason!

And Yue Jianhan nodded, turned around and walked towards the hospital!

Chen Zhi snorted and beckoned. Suddenly, a group of people from the medicine gate stepped into the hospital!

However, as soon as they arrived in the hall, everyone was stunned!

I saw Jiang Fan sitting at the table, "sucking and sucking" hot porridge!

Seeing everyone coming in, he smiled and waved his hand!

"Come on? Sit down!"

"You! You really didn't get hurt!"

The expressions of Chen Zhi and others were ugly for a moment!

Especially Cai Xiaolan, pointed at Jiang Fan and roared directly!

"Asshole! You're obviously okay, but let us wait so long!"

"Do you know how much loss our medicine gate has?"

"Now, go out and clarify for us right away!"

"Otherwise, our medicine gate will definitely let you--"

Cai Xiaolan didn't finish her words, but she only felt a flower in front of her!

next moment!

Jiang Fan actually appeared in front of her like teleporting!

"So fast!"

Everyone's heart beats!

What a fast speed!

But they haven't waited for them to react!


A crisp sound!

Jiang Fan directly pulled Cai Xiaolan into the air with a big mouth, and flew out all of a sudden!


Cai Xiaolan rolled twice after landing, rolled her eyes and fainted!

"Bah! What is it! You dare to threaten me at this level?"

Jiang Fan looked disdainful!

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