God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1186: Is this a grenade in your hand?

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

"You, how dare you hit someone!"

"We are from the medicine gate!"

"We are here to help you heal your injuries!"

"You are simply avenging revenge!"

A group of people spoke angrily!

A few of them are even more breathtaking, and they are ready to show Jiang Fan a good look!

But Jiang Fan just sneered!

"I advise you not to act indiscriminately. The camera in this room can monitor your every move! At that time, I will put the video of you beating me on the Internet, aha! The medicine gate is really hot!"

"You, you are too shameless!"

Everyone trembled, and they all stared at Jiang Fan angrily!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! What the **** are you doing, it should be clearer than me! If you have something to say, it's okay to **** off!"

Jiang Fan returned to the chair, picked up the bowl and continued to drink porridge!

"Jiang Fan! We really didn't come to see you. The video, ordinary people can't see it, but we all know what you want, just say it!"

Chen Zhi spoke slowly!

"What I want, you should be very clear! It's better to talk about what you can give me!"

Jiang Fan wouldn't be so stupid that he took the initiative to speak, but instead threw the question back!

After all, when negotiating this kind of thing, whoever speaks first will fall behind!

Chen Zhi's pupils shrank, he glanced at Jiang Fan in shock, and finally gritted his teeth!

"What happened this time is because Qian Xiangchuan and his sons made their own decisions, and they have nothing to do with Yaomen! But after all, they used to be members of Yaomen, so we will give you some compensation!"

"And you are responsible for clarifying for us..."

Before Chen Zhi finished speaking, Jiang Fan waved his hand!

"Come on! See you off!"

Yue Jianhan immediately took a step forward and said coldly!

"Mr. Chen, please!"

"What do you mean?"

Chen Zhi was taken aback!

"What do I mean? Mr. Chen, are you stupid, or are you thinking as stupid as you? With such insincere terms, I advise you to get out of my anger when I am not angry!"

Jiang Fan looked impatient!

"Jiang Fan! Don't go too far! You are just a local snake in Los Angeles! You are nothing if you leave Los Angeles!"

"If you cooperate well now, we can still let go of the things you did before, but if you don't know each other..."

Chen Zhi's eyes were fierce, and his strength suddenly exploded!

In an instant, the incomparable fourteenth-level aura suddenly pressed directly against Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan lifted his right hand!

Then give it a light grip!

At the next moment, everyone clearly saw that the moment Jiang Fan made a fist, the air in his palm was actually like a solid body, twisting and deforming with the light!



A loud noise!

With Jiang Fan's fist as the center, a violent wind swept across all directions!

The whole hall that blows is crumbling!

Just squeezing a fist, there is such a power!

Compared with him, Chen Zhi, who burst out of breath, looked like a domestic cat roaring at the Tyrannosaurus!


A group of people in Medicine Gate swallowed involuntarily!

Chen Zhi didn't say a word, he just condensed his breath and became completely honest!


Is this a pinch?

People who didn't know thought he was hiding a grenade in his hand!

The point is, just squeeze a fist to have such power, if this fist hits someone...

In an instant, everyone turned pale!

Fortunately, I didn't break in at that time!

Otherwise, now, I am afraid that there is already an extra corpse!

"Mr. Chen, I don't mind being threatened by others, but the premise is that the other party must have that ability!"

"If I don't have the ability to threaten, it will only make me feel like I am dealing with stupid people!"

Jiang Fan took out a napkin and wiped the porridge stains at the corner of his mouth, before he watched Chen Zhi speak slowly!

"And the thing I hate the most is an idiot!"

Chen Zhi trembled all over and almost fell to his knees!

Okay, terrible look!

This Jiang Fan is definitely not as simple as Yaomen analysis!

This time, the whole medicine gate, I'm afraid it's gone!

"Mr. Jiang, I, I..."

Chen Zhi only felt that his throat was dry, and he regretted that he had taken this task!

But just as he spoke, Jiang Fan threw the napkin away!

The thin napkin looked like alloy in an instant, and with a harsh wind, it reached Chen Zhi's feet in an instant!



A crisp sound!

The napkin plunged deeply into the ground under Chen Zhi's feet!

Everyone turned pale!

How terrifying is the level of infuriating energy that can be cut through a hard marble floor with a napkin!

"This, how can this Jiang Fan be so tough!"

"The true Qi that can reach such a level, I have only seen it in a Supreme Elder!"

"But his old man is already at the level of a master!"

"Could it be that Jiang Fan, he, he, too, Grandmaster?"

Everyone in Yaomen was sweating for a moment and almost fell to his knees collectively!


If the young man in front of them is a grandmaster, he is definitely the youngest grandmaster in Huaxia's history!

In the face of such a character, let alone them, even if the master of the medicine door comes, I am afraid I have to show my favor!

That's it!

If the negotiation fails, if Jiang Fan's attitude angers Jiang Fan, then they will definitely have a dead end!

Even if Jiang Fan didn't kill him and went back to the medicine gate, the sect master couldn't spare them!

A group of people panicked completely!

But Jiang Fan smiled and spoke softly!

"Mr. Chen, I can give you a chance, a chance to prove that you are not an idiot! Cherish it!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone suddenly felt a sense of going from **** to heaven!

Jiang Fan actually gave them another chance!

"Yes, yes! Thank you, Mr. Jiang! Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

Chen Zhi was overjoyed and spoke directly without even thinking about it!

"Mr. Jiang, I was too naive before! In this way, in terms of monetary compensation, you can make a price at will!"

"In addition, no matter what your requirements are, you can tell me everything! There is nothing more I can achieve!"

"Even if I can't achieve it, I will meet with the sect master and ask him to help you achieve it!"

"If you are a little bit satisfied with the sincerity of our Yaomen, please take a look at Mr. Sun, who is also a member of the Yaomen, and help us!"

"Of course, if you don't want to help, we are the same! After all, this is our own sin, and now we are shamelessly asking you for help, which has already made us ashamed!"

Chen Zhi looked sincere, and the rest of the Yaomen came to be more respectful!

Sun Chuanyi was stunned!

It's the first time since I joined Medicine Gate so many years that I saw it, in front of a single person, it was so low, wagging his tail and begging for mercy!

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one would believe it!

And it is his teacher who does all this!

Contrary to him, as early as when Jiang Fan made a fist for the first time, Yue Jianhan was completely stunned!

too frightening!

That kind of infuriating fluctuation like a suppressed volcano makes the scalp numb!

Master has actually reached this level!

Wizards of Heaven!

This is the real Tianzong wizard!

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