As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, he didn't give Hanquan a chance at all and moved straight away!


Two explosions sounded almost at the same time!

In the next moment, the two younger brothers of Hanquan didn't even have time to let out the howls, and they suddenly exploded into a rain of blood!

Hanquan froze all over!

I can't believe my eyes! Just let the blood rain on his face!

He didn't even see how Jiang Fan moved!

I didn't even see how the two juniors were blown up!

In an instant, a chill suddenly rose from his heart!

Hanquan almost didn't even think about it. With a little tiptoe, he wanted to escape!

However, before he leaped up, a slender and powerful hand had been directly pressed on his shoulder!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan's ridiculous voice rang directly in his ears!

"Where do you want to go?"


Hanquan trembled all over!

I just feel that my scalp is going to explode!

However, at this moment of life and death, he was actually stimulated to his potential, and instantly shattered a piece of jade pendant!

The next moment, a water-blue protective array suddenly spread from him!

This is the strongest amulet he can make, enough to withstand the full blow of the fourteenth peak!

The talisman was excited, Hanquan suddenly felt relieved, bit his tongue violently, and was about to launch the blood escape technique!

Although Blood Escape will cause him to lose a lot of energy, and may even fall in his cultivation base, but now, he can't take care of it at all!

As for confronting Jiang Fan?

What a joke!

I can't even see the opponent's shadow at all. How to fight?

It's a pity, at the moment when the protective array just appeared!

Jiang Fan's hand suddenly pressed on it!

next moment!


With a crisp sound, the protective array that was sufficient to defend the fourteenth peak with a full blow, suddenly burst like a bubble!

But Jiang Fan's big hand had already driven straight forward, and he squeezed Han Quan's neck!

"I'm asking you, where are you going?"

Jiang Fan's voice sounded again!

"It's got it..."

Hanquan was so scared that his teeth trembled, and he couldn't speak at all!

too exaggerated!

This man's breath is obviously only thirteenth level!

But how could the burst of strength be so terrifying to this extent!

Is he a monster?

Do not!

With such a brutal and brutal method, he is simply a demon!

"Well, since you don't speak, then I have to hand you over to my men!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and pointed out at Hanquan's Dantian suddenly!


With a crisp sound, Hanquan's Dantian was directly and completely locked by the powerful and incomparable True Qi!

Not even a little energy can be used!

And Jiang Fan already threw Hanquan directly to No. 2 and No. 13 as if he had thrown a dead dog!

"I want to know all the news in his mind about the Casting Sect!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

No. 2 and No. 13 are excited!

Soon he dragged the cold spring to the dungeon!

It's just that as soon as the door of the dungeon opened, a sound inside rang!

"Hey! Number two, number 13! Let me out! Let me out!"

The master of this voice is actually Wei Ting!

The last time Zhou's family came over, if it hadn't been for Wang Yi to bring the goods into the well, I'm afraid he would have died long ago!

Originally, Wei Ting expected the Jiang family to release him, but he didn't know that he was locked up again in the end!

Although his injury is much better now, he is afraid of Jiang Fan's horror, but he dare not run out by himself!

But after all, with the friendship in the mine, Jiang Fan's team didn't lose to him these days!

In addition to not being able to go out, you can basically take care of everything!

"Stop screaming, your lord is on it! In case I think of you, tsk tsk, you will be beaten!"

No. 13 has a smirk on his face!

When Wei Ting heard that Jiang Fan was at home, he shook his whole body and closed his mouth honestly!

On the 2nd and 13th, they have already started to force a confession against Hanquan!

The crowd on the ground only heard a string of terrible screams suddenly resounding below!

Then less than ten minutes later, the 2nd and 13th with unhappy faces came out!

"Ask it out?"

"Yes, my lord! This product is too delicious. I can get it with a few whips. I can't wait to spray the chili water on it, so it's all about it!"

The two people on No. 2 are unhappy!

This is too spineless!

You're quite talking about it!

"Okay, most of the cultivators are rich in clothes and food. It's normal if you can't stand it. Let's talk!"

"Yes! But my lord, the strength of the Casting Sect..."

The faces of the two suddenly became extremely ugly!

"It's okay, say!"


Soon, the two of them told all the news they had asked!

This Hanquan is a disciple of Jin Daoren, the master of Casting Sect!

There are seven hall masters in the Foundry Sect from the sect master, including the mountain, melting iron, burning gold, forging embryos, quenching, forming tools, and foreign affairs!

And these seven hall masters are all characters above the fourteenth level!

There are even three masters who have reached the half-step!

And the master Jin Dao Ren has reached the limit of level fourteen!

You can become a master in just a little bit!

But these are obviously not enough to make them a first-class sect!

The greatest confidence of the Casting Sect is that there is a Supreme Elder who has reached the master level!

"Then, that old monster is still alive?!"

After listening to the words of the two, Yuqingzi and Yuguangzi were stunned!

Originally, they thought that the Supreme Elder of the Foundry Sect had died a long time ago, so they prepared to ask Jiang Fan for help!

But I didn't expect that the monster was still alive!

And the faces of the others are also hard to look!


As long as you have the Grandmaster level, even if it was once only a third-rate force, you can proudly enter the first-rate!

This is the strength of the master!

"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, we may not be able to stay here anymore!"

"Although we were all accidents, this followed you, but your kindness to us, to the sect, we will never forget the Jinglingzong!"

"I can't accompany Mr. Jiang in the future, please take care of Mr. Jiang!"

The two said, taking a deep kick, and they are ready to go back to die!

Jiang Fan's intrepidity has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so even if the opponent has a fourteenth-level limit, and three and a half-step masters, the two have absolute confidence!

But Grand Master, that is already a powerful figure who has surpassed his imagination!

Although it is only a tiny bit behind the fourteenth level limit, this tiny bit is an infinite moat!

There is a huge difference between the two!

If Jiang Fan were to go again, it would be tantamount to letting him go to death!

It's just that the sect has nurtured them for nearly a hundred years, and this kind of kindness, even if it is dead, must die in the sect!


"Heh~~ The strength is good! It's a bit tricky, but it's not a big problem!"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Jiang Fan didn't panic at all, but instead smiled indifferently!

"Ask, not a big problem?"

"A little tricky?"

"My lord, then, that's the master!"

"Yeah! Except for Grandmaster, no one can deal with Grandmaster at all!"

Everyone opened their mouths in panic!

This time the opponent is too strong, no one wants Jiang Fan to risk it!

Especially Yuqingzi and Yuguangzi!


"Huh! What about the Grand Master? Those who dare to bully me, let alone the Grand Master, he is the Heavenly Master, I will hit him to spit!"

Jiang Fan looked ruthless!

"Wang Yi! Get a car and go to the airport!"

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