God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1194: Jack's Snow Cheese


The car is driving fast on the avenue!

This time, apart from Yuguangzi and Yuqingzi, Jiang Fan didn't bring anyone!

Just arrived at the airport!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"...Fifteen people sit on the dead box~~"

"Hey, roar, let's get a bottle of rum!"

"Come on, leave the rest to the devil~~"

"Hey, roar, let's get a bottle of rum!"


The system is actually singing again!

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

And the next moment!

"Ding! Please give Jack Sparrow a piece of snow cheese!"

"Ding! Accept this task, you have 30 minutes of preparation time, or you can choose to enter the reincarnation of the world at any time!"

Jack Sparrow?

Pirates of the Caribbean? !

Jiang Fan was excited!

I directly took out a small box that was square and square, and when the box was opened, it turned out to be a compass!

The compass that doesn't point north: It will give directions if you think about it in your mind!

Item level: legend!

Item status: Sealing!

System reminder: If you need to unlock the seal, maybe Tiadora the Witch will have a way!

Last time I entered this world, I got this legendary compass!

It's a pity that this thing is in a sealed state, this time, just to see if the seal can be unlocked!

"Wait for me on the plane!"

After Jiang Fan finished speaking, he rushed into the airport and found a cold drinks shop!

"Boss, pack a piece of snow cheese!"


Soon, the snow cheese has been packed!

Jiang Fan carried the takeaway and went directly to the bathroom!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! Coming soon-"Pirates of the Caribbean 2"!"

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 is mainly about Jack Sparrow not long after regaining the Black Pearl. He suddenly remembered a deal he had made!

The object of the transaction is David Jones, the captain of the flying Dutchman, known as the ghost ship, who is also known as the Hades of the Deep Sea!

Thirteen years ago, the Black Pearl had an accident and sank into the sea!

Jack asked David Jones to bring the Black Pearl back from the deep sea, and in return, in thirteen years, he will serve David Jones on the ghost ship for a hundred years!

But the ghost ship has the terrible ability to devour the crew!

Many crew members will be swallowed by the ghost ship for less than a hundred years, merge into the hull, and disappear completely!

Jack didn't want to fulfill the contract at all, so he stole the key drawing of David Jones' treasure chest, and planned to use David Jones' heart in the treasure chest to threaten the latter to cancel the transaction!

At this moment, David Jones’ crew, Wiltner’s biological father Bill, also brought a message from David Jones to give Jack an ultimatum!

Thus, a battle for the treasure chest of David Jones began!


Jiang Fan appeared again, already on top of a cliff!

Looking down from the cliff, there is a huge beach, and beyond, there is a boundless ocean!

And not far from here, on another hill connected by a suspension bridge, there are violent drums at this moment!

There is even a billowing smoke, rising into the sky!

Such a sight...

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

This kind of scene seems to have only one place in the second part!

That was when Jack and his party were caught by the local cannibals!

When Will Daddy Bill came to find Jack, he also pressed a black magic from Davy Jones on Jack's palm!

Let a black spot grow on the palm of his hand!

As long as the black spot exists, no matter where Jack escapes, he can't escape Davy Jones's tracking!

The only thing Jack can do is to take advantage of Davy Jones' taboo that he cannot go ashore within ten years, and sail close to the coast!

Unfortunately, in one login, all of them were captured by the local cannibals!

Part of the crew was eaten directly, and a group of people including the old sailor Gibbs and others were all raised!

As for Jack, he was regarded as a **** by the cannibals!

Unfortunately, the cannibals think that Jack's body is his imprisonment and want to release him completely!

And the only way to release him, um... is to roast him and eat it!

In fact, according to the movie, this is also a foreshadowing for the liberation of Tiadora!

The true identity of Tiadora is Calypso, the **** of the sea, and her mortal body at this moment is Calypso's cage!

This is surprisingly consistent with the way the gods were imprisoned by the cannibals!

It is very possible that Calypso had been witnessed by them when he was sealed!

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Jiang Fan, he is concerned about another thing!

It seems that after the end of the plot, it was Jack who took people to find Tiadora's plot!

And the way to lift the seal on the compass is also related to Tia Dorma!

It seems we have to find a way to increase the length of stay!


Taking out the bicycle, Jiang Fan stepped on his feet and galloped away in the direction where the drum sound came from!

Soon, a picture of a group of demons dancing wildly came into Jiang Fan's eyes!

I saw a group of dark-skinned cannibals painted with weird patterns and various implants on their faces. They were surrounded by a huge fire, beating drums and dancing like a great god!

And on the top of the fire, there was a man screaming screaming!

That man has a pair of iconic huge dark circles, it is Jack!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan was stunned directly!

Seeing what Jack looks like now, it is estimated that he must be familiar with it!

It's ready to eat!

Without a word, Jiang Fan suddenly rushed into the fire and rescued Jack in a hand!

All the cannibals were stunned!

But seeing Jiang Fan, Jack, who was dying, was overjoyed!

"Jiang Fan!"

"Thank God! You are finally here!"

"Help me! I feel my eggs are about to be cooked!"

"No! It, it seems to be already cooked!"

"Oh my God! Oh...Little Jack! I'm sorry, Dad!"

Jack is heartbroken!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

And a group of cannibals finally reacted!

They screamed, and then they all barked shark-like teeth at Jiang Fan!

This is the custom of cannibals, everyone polishes their teeth sharp and sharp!

And the next moment, a group of cannibals copied their weapons and rushed directly towards Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan just waved his hand, and a tornado suddenly rose on the ground, blowing a dozen cannibals into the sky in an instant!

All the cannibals were stunned!

Suddenly they all knelt on the ground and yelled!

"What are they talking about?"

Jiang Fan looks at Jack!

"They say you are the true **** and want to liberate you!"

Damn it!

The liberation of cannibals is to be eaten by them!

What the hell!

Without a word, Jiang Fan dragged Jack and ran away!

Jack was stunned!

"Jiang Fan, you are so strong, why do you want to run?"

"If you don't run, you can't do it. My strength can only be exerted on the sea. Just now half of the energy has been consumed, and I will die if I stay!"

Jiang Fan talked nonsense directly!

If he really gets rid of a group of cannibals, Jack is in no danger, and I am afraid he will have to hide on land for a lifetime!

He must be sent back to the sea to find Tiadora!

Otherwise, there will be no time to untie the seal of the compass!

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