God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1198: It depends on what you have

"Jiang Fan, then, what are you here for?"

Tiadora suddenly showed a weird smile!


Jiang Fan directly took out the compass and put it on the table!

"Although I got it, I can't use it. I hope I can get a way to use it!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Tiadora suddenly laughed!

"This is one of my few treasures. Of course, other people can't use it except those whom I recognize!"

"Then, dear Ms. Tiadora, how can I get your approval?"

Jiang Fan laughed too!

"Then it depends on you, what's up!"

As Tiadora said, a hand has been gently placed on Jiang Fan's strong chest!

Everyone raised their eyebrows!

Jiang Fan let out a dry cough and took a step back!

"Hehe, eldest sister, we have something to say, I'm dragging the family, it's not suitable for you!"

"Hate! You thought I was coveting you... Oh ha ha ha ha, of course, if you want, I can do it anytime~~"

Tiadora smiled charmingly!

But Jiang Fan's cold sweat is almost coming down!

This woman's teeth are too black!

It's almost the same as eating Golden Chicken Shoe Polish!

"Ahem, elder sister, what do you want?"

"Your strength, seems to be very good?"

Tiadora answered the wrong question!

Instead, he looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

Jiang Fan's eyes moved, and then suddenly he lowered his head and pressed it to Tiadora's ear!

"Dear Seagod Calypso, shouldn't you want it, let me find a way to release you?"


Tiadora's complexion changed drastically!

I can hardly believe my ears!

But she recovered her calm immediately!

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't make sense whether you admit it or not!"

Jiang Fan smiled lightly!

Tiadora's complexion changed, and finally gritted his teeth and spoke in a low voice!

"Yes! I am Calypso! As long as you can release me, I will help you lift the seal of the compass!"

The voice of Tiadora just fell!

"Ding! Tiatoma has released a side quest to you—The Salvation of the Poseidon! Will you accept it?"

Salvation of Poseidon: Collect the tokens of the nine pirate kings and release Calypso, the Poseidon!

Current progress:

Jack Sparrow’s Siamese Coin: 0/1

Hector Barbosa's false eyes: 0/1

Xiaofeng's jade knot rope: 0/1

Armand's shot glass: 0/1

Chavale's cards: 0/1

Mrs. Qing's glasses: 0/1

Jocard's Tobacco Knife: 0/1

Sumbaji Anglia's snuff bottle: 0/1

Eduardo Villanueva's glass bottle necklace: 0/1

Quest reward: Unblock "the compass that does not point to the north"!

Once the system is under the task, Jiang Fan only needs to pick it up, and it will be easy to unlock the seal!



Jiang Fan refused this task without hesitation!

Tiadora's face changed directly!

"Isn't this what you want? Why refuse!"

But Jiang Fan looked at Tiadora mockingly!

"Miss Poseidon, do you think I am a fool?"

"What do you mean?"

Tiadora was startled!

"Hey! Compared to releasing you, it's just a simple removal of the seal of the compass. This condition is too cheap, right?"

"Boy! This compass allows you to find everything you want! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine tool! I have been a sea **** for so many years, and there are not many babes equivalent to it! Don't know what it is!"

Tiadora's face suddenly sank!

But Jiang Fan just hooked the corner of his mouth!

"You said it yourself, after being a sea **** for so many years, you must have a lot of treasures! Just this one, not enough!"

"Boy! You are so courageous, you dare to take advantage of me!"

"Where, I just want to pursue a fair deal!"

"Fair? What qualifications do you have to talk to me about fairness!"

Tiadora suddenly looked fierce!


"Boy! Don't look at what you are! You are just a mortal, an ant!"

"Your strength is good! But since you know that I am the Seagod, you should understand how stupid it is to benefit from me!"

"Although I have been sealed for a long time, as a god, I am fully capable of killing you!"

"And after killing you, it's nothing more than finding another agent!"

"Boy! Remember! Without my favor, you would be nothing!"

Tiadora's eyes were full of fierce light, and there was even more contempt and contempt in his eyes!

He didn't even conceal his murderous aura at all!

"You are right! I fully believe that you have the power to kill me!"

Jiang Fan nodded seriously!

But Tia Dorma's pride hadn't faded, but Jiang Fan suddenly continued to speak!

"But respectable Miss Poseidon, if you call yourself so tough, why don't you get the nine tokens yourself?"

Jiang Fan smiled meaningfully, and even suddenly pointed to Jack Sparrow next to him!

"Now, look, there is a token in front of you! Just go get it!"


Tiadora's face changed directly!

But Jiang Fan just sneered!

"Tia Dorma, if you really have that ability, you will still be trapped until now? I believe you still have a lot of divine power, but I am afraid that you can't touch those tokens at all, right?"

"You **** ant! You have completely offended me! Now, I am going to turn you into a stench of mud! Let you--"

After being dismantled, Tiadora was furious!


"To shut up!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared unceremoniously!

"You, you, what did you say?!"

Tiadora was stunned!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled coldly!

"I told you to shut up! You bad breath god!"

"You, you, you, you, you—"

The blue veins on Tiadora's angry forehead violently, and even his hair began to sway!


"Tia Dorma, I advise you to be smarter!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"You should know that among all the humans you have ever encountered, I am definitely the strongest one!"

"In this matter, only if I take the shot, the probability that you can be released is the highest!"

"The reason why you have the courage to bargain with me now is simply because there is still Barbosa, who is about to revive you!"

"But, do you really think he really has the ability to release you?"

Tiadora was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"You, how do you know--"

"That has nothing to do with you! If you really want to leave this body cage, then you should know that I am the only one who can truly release you! No one except me!"

Jiang Fan's tone, with a firmness that even Tia Dorma could not refute!

"You, you greedy asshole!"

Tiadora trembled all over, and finally spoke viciously!

"Go ahead, what else do you want!"

"Then it depends on what you have!"

This sentence is exactly what Tiadora asked Jiang Fan at the beginning!

It's a pity that Feng Shui now turns around!

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