God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1199: Salvation of Poseidon

Tiadora stared at Jiang Fan, and in those eyes, a strong murderous intent was brewing!

"Boy! Remember, you will pay for your greed sooner or later!"

"That's the future!"

Jiang Fan shook his head with a smile!

"Dear Poseidon, the question now is, what price do you have to pay!"


Tiadora trembled with anger!

But after all, she still didn't have the courage to resist, but with a cold face, she pointed to the whole room!

"In this room, there are seven items worth the same as this compass!"

"As long as you can release me, in addition to helping you unlock the seal of the compass, you can still choose one more thing in this room!"

"Of course, as to whether you can find those high-value items, it depends on your luck! And no matter what you choose, you are not allowed to go back!"

However, Jiang Fan shook his head!

"No! I want to choose... ten!"


Tiadora's eyes widened suddenly!

Then categorically refused!

"Impossible! Two at most!"

"Ten pieces!"

"Just two!"

"Dear Seagod, when you are released, these things should be of no use to you, right? Nine pieces!"

"Even gods need a lot of treasures to decorate the facade! Three pieces!"

"Why don't we take one, six!"

"Impossible! Up to five pieces! But you must release me as soon as possible!"


Jiang Fan finally nodded!

And the prompt of the system also sounded again!

"Ding! Tiatoma has released a side quest for you-Salvation of Poseidon! Will you accept it?"

Salvation of Poseidon: Collect the tokens of the nine pirate kings and release Calypso, the Poseidon!

Current progress:

Jack Sparrow’s Siamese Coin: 0/1

Hector Barbosa's false eyes: 0/1

Xiaofeng's jade knot rope: 0/1

Armand's shot glass: 0/1

Chavale's cards: 0/1

Mrs. Qing's glasses: 0/1

Jocard's Tobacco Knife: 0/1

Sumbaji Anglia's snuff bottle: 0/1

Eduardo Villanueva's glass bottle necklace: 0/1

mission rewards:

1. Unblock the "North Pointer"!

2. Randomly select five pieces of Tiadora's private collection!

Task Remarks: The grades of the private collections of Tiadora are drawn, ranging from Dark Iron grade to Legendary grade!

Random selection from Dark Iron Level to Legendary Level!

Jiang Fan's eyes almost shined in an instant!

Not to mention anything else, as long as there is a good luck to collect the legendary level, it will be completely profitable!

Even the gold level is a big profit!


This time Jiang Fan chose to accept it without hesitation!

"Ding! Mission successful!"

"Ding! System prompt! This task is a designated task, and the host can choose to enter this world at any time to perform the task!"

"Ding! System prompt! If the host does not complete this task before the third transfer task, the "northern compass" will disappear completely!"


This means that you must have given this task before turning three!

Damn it, the system really doesn't allow any loopholes!

Jiang Fan's eyes darkened slightly!

According to Jiang Fan's previous plan, this task has been delayed!

Just drag it to your 20th level!

When the time comes, not only will the compass be unblocked, but also when Tiadora turns back to the sea god, he will wipe her neck and let her blood out!

That's right!

Jiang Fan's plan is not only the reward of the task itself, but also the blood of Tiadora!

Anyway, just by looking at the woman's undisguised murderous intent at this moment, once she regains her freedom, I am afraid the first thing to do is to kill herself and **** all those treasures back!

It's better to wait until you are strong, go through the task and kill the gods, and do it together!

Unfortunately, it now appears that there is little hope of killing Calypso!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's stay time has also reached its limit!

He stepped back abruptly and waved his hand directly at the crowd!

"Everyone, I have to leave beforehand!"


"Jiang Fan, where are you going?"

"Stay a little longer!"

Jack and a few people are trying to stay!

But Jiang Fan just waved his hand!

next moment!


A white light suddenly shed!

Jiang Fan is gone!

And Tiadora's eyes widened suddenly!

Surprised to see where Jiang Fan disappeared!

After a long time, she suddenly laughed gloomily!


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 898 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Jack Sparrow's gratitude-Siamese coin!"

Jiang Fan was startled!

Then suddenly there was a smile!

Jack, what a smart Jack!

It seems that he has guessed his deal with Tiadora!

That's why I deliberately gave myself that pirate token of my own!

As long as he does not show up, even if Barbossa helps Tiadora collect the remaining eight pirate king tokens, it is useless!

good friend!

I remembered this favor!

Jiang Fan collected the coins, left the system space directly, and returned to the plane!

The gate of Jinglingzong is located in Yongshan Mountain, and it is four hours' journey from Luocheng to Yongshan Mountain!

With a roar, the plane finally set off!

And at this moment, the capital!


Dangyang Mountain!


With the roar of cars, the two cars stopped directly at the foot of Dangyang Mountain!

The door opened, Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande got out of the car at the same time!

The two looked at each other, and then both began to climb in silence!

Soon, the two had reached the top of the mountain two kilometers above!

And here, amidst the mountains and fog, there is an extremely large group of buildings!

All the buildings are made of stone, and at the entrance, there is an archway with only a big "week" on it!

Here is where the Zhou family ancestors retreat!

And not only the ancestors of the Zhou family, but all the powerhouses of the Zhou family, all retreat here!

And at this moment, beside the archway, there is actually an old man with a withered figure, who is half leaning against the archway and taking a nap!

Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande looked at each other. In the end, Zhou Yuanwang coughed slightly and spoke to the old man in a low voice!

"Yuanhe, we want to see our ancestors!"

Zhou Yuanhe suddenly opened his eyes when the voice came to his ears!

And in his pupils, two subtle air currents, one black and one white, flashed past!

"The ancestor retreats, before leaving the customs, no one will see!"

Zhou Yuan and yawned lazily!

"Yuanhe, something big happened to the family, it really needs the ancestor to decide!"

Zhou Yuande also spoke with a smiling face!

"Something happened? What can happen?"

Zhou Yuanhe smiled disdainfully!

"This... we and the George family, and the Council of Light, are feuding!"

Zhou Yuanwang spoke honestly!


Zhou Yuanhe was stunned!

And Zhou Yuande has quickly said the story briefly!

After listening to the story, Zhou Yuanhe's expression suddenly sank!

"Zhou Yuanwang! Why are you the head of the family? You actually made this kind of thing?"

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