Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer? !

its not right!

Li Xiaoyao is not yet ready to learn this skill!

Is this the reward for doubling the system?

Let the skills that shouldn't appear now appear in advance!

However, this skill is also a bit of the opponent's things, he has the king of thieves, so he can't use it at all!

However, as soon as he saw the introduction, Jiang Fan was stunned!

Flying Dragon Cloud Explorer: This is the skill that our old Li family will take on behalf of Snitch!

Note: This skill does not have any attack power, but after learning, there is a certain chance to randomly obtain items from the opponent!

Tip: This skill is not restricted by level!


Jiang Fan cursed in a flabbergasted word!

Not restricted by level! !

In other words, if conditions permit, even if the opponent is level 100, he can use this skill to get things from the opponent!

Magical skills!

It is definitely a real magical skill!

But Jiang Fan immediately calmed down. Like the situation just now, he was 100% dead after being discovered!

And this skill is so abnormal, I am afraid that the success rate is not generally low!

Forget it, anyway, I have a thought!

Jiang Fan chose to study without hesitation!

Out of the system space, Jiang Fan immediately continued to run the list with his car, but it was less than half an hour!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Nani? !

Here again?

Jiang Fan was still in a daze, and the system's prompt sound continued to sound!

"Little plum, high-spirited, wants to learn from the sword fairy to climb into the sky."

"Three poles in the sun do not awaken, and every day I am happy in my dreams."

"Lu Dongbin, riding in the wind, slaying the group of demons with a dragon sword on his shoulders;"

"Compassion, saving the suffering and preaching the magic way, has been marked by the name of eternal life."

"Han Xiangzi, pin Yuxiao, throw it away from the family with aspiring to learn and cultivate;"

"Snowy embraces the blue pass, it is difficult to ride a horse, Zeng Du Wen Gong went to Jiuxiao."

"Uncle Cao Guo, love Xiaoyao, don't love Ronghua unloading brocade robe;"

"Everything in the world is good practice, holding Yunyang immortal board in hand."


Damn it? !

Why is this limerick again!

Could it be that this time...

"Ding! Please give Li Xiaoyao another Mala Tang!"


This kid is addicted to spicy spicy food?

Forget it, keep sending it!

Jiang Fan quickly came to the Mala Tang shop, and after another round of preparations for him to use the speed of pedaling to ravage his fans, Jiang Fan finally ran out!

Drilling into an unmanned alley, Jiang Fan suddenly let out a low voice!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"The Legend of Sword and Fairy"!"


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan has appeared on a huge island!

And just not far from him, there is a pond full of lotus!

There are bridges built on the pond according to the nine palaces and eight trigrams, but there are a few connected locations, but they are full of broken stone statues!

Upon seeing this scene, Jiang Fan already knew where he was!

Fairy Island!

At the same time, a large number of screams and screams rang out in the distance!

Jiang Fan frowned, suddenly rose into the air, and swept directly in the direction of the sound!

Soon, a group of buildings full of oriental colors and beautiful, with curved eaves and buckets are already in sight!

However, at this moment, many of the buildings have been broken, some have even been blasted into ruins, and a few are raging in flames!

And just outside the largest building, a group of people are fighting together!

These people are divided into two parties, one is actually dozens of black seedlings, and the other is all women...

Do not!

There is a man!

To be precise, it is a teenager!

Jiang Fan saw Li Xiaoyao in the crowd at a glance!

He was holding a long sword at the moment, fighting with a black seedling with all his strength!

But it seems that sooner or later he will lose!

And beside him, there was a beautiful girl who was timid.

That young girl was exactly the age of Jade Jade (16 years old), with long hair like a waterfall, and her skin like fat, especially her eyes, as clear as a starry sky!

And her temperament is even more calm as an empty valley and orchid, and like a daisy in the mountains, making people just look at it from a distance, and they feel relaxed and happy.

With such beauty and temperament, there is only one person in the entire fairy sword world.

Zhao Linger!

Even Jiang Fan felt slightly lost when he saw her.

But Jiang Fan will wake up immediately!


"Big Brother Jiang Fan!"

Upon hearing Jiang Fan's voice, Li Xiaoyao was overjoyed!

And Zhao Linger on one side also looked towards Jiang Fan!

Just looking at it, she suddenly lost her senses!

Okay, so handsome!

It's like walking out of the painting!

The point is, the temperament of this man is really amazing!

He is slowly falling from the air at this moment, just like the emperor is coming to the world!

Full of domineering!

But at the moment when the two of them were stunned, the Heimiao who was opposite Li Xiaoyao grinned, his waist knife suddenly slashed at Li Xiaoyao!

Seeing, Li Xiaoyao was about to die on the spot!

At this moment!

Jiang Fan's finger that fell slowly suddenly flicked!


With a muffled sound, the man's forehead was directly pierced by Qi Jin!

At the same time, Jiang Fan flicked his right hand, and suddenly more than a dozen sword qi bursts out, and the heavy rain generally blasted over the group of black seedlings!

"Sword Qi?! A master of the Central Plains!"

The complexion of a group of black seedlings suddenly changed!

As early as when Jiang Fan appeared, these black seedlings had already noticed.

It's just that Jiang Fan's aura is really weird, he is obviously only thirteenth level, but it feels like a dormant behemoth, so they don't want to take the initiative to provoke!

Seeing Jiang Fan's move now, one of the bearded Hei Miao suddenly looked fierce, and suddenly raised his hand, directly throwing out a dozen weird little bugs!

Gu worm!

As soon as these Gu worms appeared, they rushed up to the sword qi!

And the corners of the bearded mouth have a sneer!

This young man who appeared suddenly is indeed a bit weird, but those Gu worms were specially trained by him, indestructible, King Kong Gu!

These Gu worms are extremely hard, and the 13th-level sword qi will only be broken alive by the Gu worms!

As soon as the Gu worm fell on Jiang Fan, it would get into his skin and flesh and eat up his brain all the time!

Seeing that Gu worm and Sword Qi were about to collide, the beard even started to grin!

But the next moment, his smile froze directly on his face!


Accompanied by countless crisp sounds, those Gu worms were blown to pieces by the sword qi as soon as they came into contact with them!


Everyone was stunned!

That's King Kong Gu!

Not to mention the 13th-level sword aura, even the 14th-level sword aura, at most, they will shake them to death, instead of directly exploding the Gu worm as it is now!

Is this kid better than the fourteenth level?

At the thought of this, all Heimiao's hearts were chilled!

The big beard was even more shocked, and then suddenly screamed!

"Everyone! Rewind!"

But it's too late!

Jiang Fan's sword aura flashed past the necks of a group of black seedlings in an instant!

next moment!

"Plop! Plop! Plop!"

The sound of falling to the ground is almost everywhere!

Like the god-level takeaway from the world, please collect it: ( The literature of the god-level takeaway from the world is the fastest to update.

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