God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1224: My eldest brother sword sage Jiang Fan

On the huge square of the Water Moon Palace, blood flowed into a river for a while, and the strong smell of blood rushed into everyone's nasal cavity!

But everyone didn't care about the pungent **** smell, they all looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

There were a total of more than forty black seedlings, of which more than half of them were level ten or above, but with Jiang Fan's sword spirit bursting out, there were only three people left at this moment!

Such a terrifying strength is simply unheard of!

"Too, too exaggerated!"

"Who is this person?"

"Central Plains Wulin can burst out such a sword aura, it seems that only Lin Tiannan, Lin Jiabao's fortress!"

"Is this person from the Lin family?"

"No! Except for Lin Tiannan, the Lin family has no such strength at all!"

"so horrible!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

Li Xiaoyao was even more stunned!

He knew that Jiang Fan was very strong before, and after being taught the nine Yin and Nine Yangs by Jiang Fan, this feeling became even stronger!

But he didn't know until now that Jiang Fan's toughness had already broken through his imagination!

Even if it is Jiujianxian, I am afraid that Jiang Fan is not terrible!

Zhao Linger's eyes widened even more!

The little girl looked blank, just looking at Jiang Fan silly.

The remaining black seedlings were pale, shaking like chaff!

The dozens of horrible sword auras just now were clearly just sent by Jiang Fan!

And once Jiang Fan really wants to kill them, it will never be more difficult than pinching a mosquito!

"You, who are you!"

The beard trembled all over, and finally couldn't help but ask this sentence!

But Jiang Fan hadn't spoken yet, Li Xiaoyao had already smiled triumphantly!

"You **** listen carefully! Tell you, he is my eldest brother, who is invincible in the world, Sword Saint Jiang Fan!"


You really know how to blow to Lao Tzu!

But in this world, does the Juggernaut bark so much?

In case the Dugu Sword Saint of Shushan hears, then he is not enough for others now!

I am afraid that the strength of the old guy has already broken through the twentieth level!

Even stronger!

However, this place where the bird does not **** will probably not come. The point is that a group of beautiful sisters in the Water Moon Palace are now looking at Jiang Fan with a look of admiration!

"Sword Saint Jiang Fan?"

"Isn't the Juggernaut called Dugu Yuyun?"

"Follow him! In my mind, from today onwards, the Juggernaut is the only one Jiang Fan!"

"Yes! Brother Jiang Fan is so handsome, only he deserves to be called by this name!"

"Brother Juggernaut, are you here to save us on purpose?"

"Brother Juggernaut, there is no reward for saving life, the little girl is willing to promise with her body!"

That's it!

This name is considered to be true!

And those black seedlings looked at each other, but all their eyes lit up!


Upon hearing this name, he is definitely a decent person!

Since he is a decent figure, it is easy to handle!

You know, these decent characters are all reasonable!

So many people died on his side, if he didn't give him a statement, his reputation would definitely be stinking!

At least it's a big bully!

The bearded gritted his teeth and plucked up the courage to speak!

"Sword, Senior Juggernaut! You, why don't you kill our children without asking indiscriminately?"


"Kill if you want to kill? What, do you have an opinion?"

Everyone is stunned!

The beard is completely messy!

This is so wrong!

In the rumors, decent people shouldn't always say something compelling first, this, that, this, but this kid, how can he be so rampant?

He... surely a decent person?

Oh shit!

do not care!

However, this time they were ordered by the leader of the worship of the moon to bring Zhao Linger back to Miaojiang. There is absolutely nothing to lose!

Since this kid is unreasonable, he can only bring out his patron!

"I, we are disciples of the Miaojiang Moon Worship Sect. The dispute with Xianling Island is our Miaojiang's own business. Please also ask Senior Juggernaut to look at the face of the leader and don't interfere!"

The beard's complexion sank, and he spoke slowly!

Everyone couldn't help shaking as soon as the three words of Baiyuejiao came out!

Moon worship is the largest sect in Miaojiang!

The Lord of Moon Worship is above everyone else!

In the Central Plains, except for the legendary Shu Mountain, which can fly a sword and fly immortal, almost no one is his opponent!

The face of the Lord of Worship, even if it is the Dugu Swordmaster, I am afraid I have to give it!


"Which green onion is taught by the moon? Get out!"


"The Lord of the Moon Worshiping the Lord does not even give it any face!"

"It's worthy of being a swordsman!"

"So handsome!"

"If Brother Sword Saint can stay on the fairy island, we won't be afraid of anything!"

A group of beautiful sisters are all excited!

And the bearded face is blue!

"Juggernaut! You dare to insult us by the moon worship, I--"


Before the beard finished speaking, he saw a sudden flash of white light in front of him!

In the next moment, his headkerchief has been split into two!

And Jiang Fan has spoken coldly!

"Say one more word, death!"

"You gotta get it~~"

The bearded people trembled their teeth, and turned around and ran away without saying anything!

But at this moment!

"No, you can't let them go..."

A trembling voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, an old woman with a cane and covered in blood reluctantly walked out!

This old woman is the loyal servant Jiang of Zhao Linger's mother!

It was she who protected Zhao Linger from escaping from Miao, and even used drugs to change her appearance, voice, and posture in order to avoid moon worship!

Finally all the way to Xianling Island, only then settled down, and Zhao Linger called her grandma since she was a child.

It's just that the black seedlings before knowing that she is the strongest, they accidentally attacked and injured her first!

At this moment, Jiang looked at Jiang Fan anxiously!

"Mr. Juggernaut, you can't let them go! Once these people return, then the location of our fairy island..."

The complexion of the others changed suddenly!

But Jiang Fan just shook his head coldly!

"It's useless, do you think it's just an accident that these people can find the fairy island? If you don't know your exact address, they will give Xiaoyao a special skybreaker to break the formation?"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was stunned!

Jiang's face turned pale and sat directly on the ground!


Zhao Ling'er looked anxious, and hurriedly supported Jiang's!

But Jiang Shi just looked helpless!

"Ling'er, I thought I would be able to grow up carefree, but now it seems impossible! Old man, I am really ashamed of my master!"

Jiang suddenly burst into tears.

"Grandma, don't say that. Without you, Ling'er would have died long ago..."

Zhao Linger hurriedly spoke.

The atmosphere is extremely dull for a while!

But Jiang cried bitterly for a while, suddenly remembering something, and looking directly at Jiang Fan pleadingly!

"Master Juggernaut, since you are Xiaoyao's eldest brother, can you help us on Xianling Island?"

Li Xiaoyao's eyes lit up when he heard Jiang's words!

But Jiang Fan shook his head directly.

Jiang's complexion moved slightly, and he hurriedly continued to speak!

"Don't worry, we won't let you help in vain. Xianling Island has accumulated a lot of treasures over the years, as long as you..."

"No! You misunderstood!"

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