God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1226: Choose the wrong profession


Jiang Fan was happy, but calmed down immediately.

In the fairy sword world, Yujianshu is only a means of attack, and Feixianshu is the real method that can fly the sword into the air!

Take a look first!

Swordsmanship: Use Qi to control the sword and kill the enemy in the air!

Remarks: After learning this skill, the host can volley the sword to kill the enemy! The lethality of Yu Jianshu is equal to the strength of the host itself!

Reminder: The current level can cast a range of 500 meters!


Although it can't fly with swords, but the 500-meter kill range...

Used to hunt down, it's absolutely amazing!

Jiang Fan will learn directly without saying a word!

Then he raised his hand and threw the Shuiyu Zimother Sword directly!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan only felt that his thoughts had been connected with the Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

With a thought, the Shuiyu Zimother Sword immediately used a set of swordsmanship to ward off evil in the air!


Jiang Fan laughed and looked at the Diamond Curse again!

King Kong Mantra: Recite this mantra silently, King Kong is not bad!

Remarks: Learning this skill can temporarily bless twice the defense! The effective time of this skill is three minutes in total, and it can be used for up to three people, but the time consumed by each person is included in the total duration!

Tip: The cooldown of this skill is twelve hours!

As soon as he saw this skill, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

With his current physical defense, the fourteenth level can't hurt him at all!

And once he blessed the Diamond Curse, even if he stood still, the fourteenth-level pinnacle couldn't hurt half of his finger at all!

This isn't counted as a body protector!

And the defense of the Diamond Curse doubled, but it is the totality of the calculation!

In other words, it counts the innocence of the bodyguard!

As long as this skill hits, almost no one below the master can hurt himself!

The key is that this skill can also be blessed by others!

The only drawback is that the duration is too short!

But it can save lives if used well!

The skills the two gave this time are all too practical!

After learning the skills, Jiang Fan was about to leave the space, but suddenly realized that he still had a guide bee, he immediately took a look!

Guide Bee: Buzzing~~~

Remarks: Using this item will generate a guide bee to quickly help the host to leave the maze-like scene or illusion!

This thing doesn't seem to be of much use?

Putting it away casually, Jiang Fan finally left the system space.

Everything went smoothly, Jiang Fan ran until nine o'clock in the evening before returning to Jiang's house!

Just as soon as I entered the house, two powerful auras suddenly rose at the same time!

Jiang Fan was not surprised and rejoiced, and went straight into the yard.

As soon as I entered, I saw a group of subordinates looking at the Douglas brothers and sisters with envy.

After the two of them came back from Citi, they have been in retreat and stability because of the benefits, and now they are obviously completely stabilized!

Christine's realm steadily stopped at the twelfth level, and Douglas also reached the peak of the eleventh level!

No. 2 and others looked very greedy.

They were all wondering when they could follow Jiang Fan out for a wave.

After all, the benefits are amazing!

"grown ups!"

Seeing Jiang Fan walk in, Brother Douglas suddenly bowed on one knee and saluted!

"Get up quickly, don't talk about these falsehoods!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, a burst of tenderness, and the two suddenly stood up involuntarily!

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad!"

"My lord, take us out anytime...hehehe..."

No. 13 smiled flatly!

"All opportunities! I will save you the right benefits in the future!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

No. 2’s ability is to control water, and there are actually a lot of water gods or monsters, and they will keep them when they meet suitable ones.

As for the thirteenth, his power is the "cutting" of the mysterious system!

This ability can be said to be very powerful, allowing the 13th to leapfrog and challenge the 14th-level opponent at the 13th level!

However, like Adolf, there are too few things that can make them quick, unless it is the unknown **** blood with all attributes in the thorn castle, or only the pure energy body demon crystal that Douglas has used.

But these things all need expensive points in exchange.

It seems we have to find a chance to destroy several parts of Solomon's Key...

Jiang Fan pinched his chin to ponder.

And at this moment!


An extremely powerful aura suddenly broke out from a small building in the backyard!

That breath has actually reached level fourteen!


This Necromancer with the highest value under Jiang Fan is finally ranked 14th!


Jiang Fan's voice was distorted!

The increase in the strength of the Necromancer not only represents the increase in the strength of his thugs, but also represents countless causal points!

After all, the business between Jiang Fan and the cultivator is currently all maintained by Curtis!

Although Justin was also a Necromancer, his level was too low. Although Curtis had given him some blood roots, his talent was limited and his advancement was too slow.


A black whirlwind suddenly appeared on the spot, and the next moment, Curtis had appeared next to Jiang Fan!

The necromancer's back molars are now showing up!

The others looked at him with red eyes!

Oh shit!

Choosing the wrong profession!

If you are also a necromancer, how much benefit do you get now?

This is fate!

Curtis was triumphant and even winked at Sadako!

Sadako shuddered, and immediately rushed back to the well of evil spirits without hesitation!

"Don't let it go! Seeing it scares Sadako!"

Jiang Fan kicked Curtis' ass, and then suddenly rubbed his hands with interest.

"Since you have improved, you will definitely be able to recruit more demons now, don't froze, you are ready to work!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's roar, the entire Jiang Mansion suddenly jumped!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Mr. Jiang!"

As soon as the phone was picked up, Lu Zhenglong's slightly solemn voice rang.

"Just now there was a report from my subordinates, a group of people came from the capital!"

"The capital? Which one?"

"It should be the Song family!"

"Song family?"

Jiang Fan hesitated for a moment, then suddenly smiled!

"It seems that the George family is really mad! But fortunately, if the Song family wants to attack me, they must have been paid generously. This money is not earned, I am sorry!"


A Mercedes-Benz business drove fast on the road. According to the navigation above, the destination was indeed Jiangzhai!

In the car, except for the driver, there were only three people.

One of them is Hong Bo, the steward of Song Minghe.

In addition, there is one man and one woman.

Both are in their thirties. The man wears glasses and looks gentle, but his eyes are extremely wrong!

And the little leopard-print skirt worn by a woman has a coquettish look!

These two people are the two fourteenth-level peaks of the Song family, Song Zhe and Song Rong!

At the moment, the two are flirting with laughter!

Hong Bo who doesn't care about his embarrassment!

"Master Zhe, we just broke into Jiang's house like this?"

Uncle Hong's eyes finally moved away from Song Rong's short skirt. After swallowing and spitting, he asked Song Zhe.

"Of course! Our time is precious, we can take care of that kid directly, there is still business to be done!"

"But, last time I came here, I always thought that kid had a problem, his confidence is too strong, and he has a lot of people..."

"Stop talking nonsense! You're a leader! Where can a minion talk so much!"

Song Zhe frowned directly!

"Yes Yes……"

Hongbo dared not say anything anymore, but a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes!

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