God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1227: Dry wood and raging fire is a verb

In the Song family, the relationship between men and women has always been messy!

The two are distant cousins ​​who are incapable of fighting, and each has a family, but they often fool around in the name of missions!

It can be said that it is the complete shame of the Song family!

It's just that the two of them are really outstanding, and they were taken under the banner of Song Minghe!

Soon, the business Benz has come to the gate of Jiangzhai!

And Song Zhe and Song Rong could not wait to mess around in the car!

"Master Zhe, here it is!"

Hong Bo opened his mouth cautiously!

"Slot! Since it's here, why don't you go and kill Jiang Fan?"

Song Zhe stunned him back with a word!

"Yes, but..."

When Hong Bo came last time, he was almost frightened by Jiang Fan. Now when he heard Song Zhe's words, he suddenly hesitated!

"What are you afraid of! You are the pinnacle of the fourteenth level! Hurry up! We may not be able to deal with it again!"

Song Rong was also dissatisfied!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Hongbo agreed and got out of the car immediately!

It's just that he didn't wait until he reached the door, but the door of Jiang's house suddenly opened, and then Jiang Fan walked out with a sneer on his face!

At first sight of Jiang Fan, Hong Bo only felt that the scene of being humiliated by Jiang Fan appeared instantly, and his face was even more hot!

"Jiang Fan!"

Murder in the eyes of Bo Hong!

The fear of Jiang Fan was even left behind!

But Jiang Fan just sneered!

"I remember I said, let you stay away, you dog minion really doesn't have a long memory!"


Hong Bo was shaking all over!

But he immediately gave a gloomy smile!

"Jiang Fan, last time, it was because of the eldest lady who was there, and I threw a rat avoidance device, which didn't do anything to you! This time, I must make you regret your being!

"Haha, just rely on you?"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously!

That expression is like looking at a bubble of shit!

Hong Bo felt that his brains were almost familiar for a moment!

Jiang Fan is too provocative, and too good at talking!

Bickering will definitely anger yourself to death!

That being the case, then everything depends on the fist to speak!

Uncle Hong's foot moved, and he appeared in front of Jiang Fan, and then he slammed up with a punch!



A crisp sound!

Jiang Fan backhanded a big mouth, and then sent the first one, and directly touched Hong Bo's face!


With a scream, Hong Bo flew upside down, hitting the Mercedes-Benz business behind him!


The Mercedes-Benz business suddenly rose into the sky, straddling a distance of more than ten meters, and then hit the ground heavily!


The car that took oil leakage as its responsibility suddenly overflowed with gasoline and burned directly!

Hong Bo was beaten and forced!

He was inlaid on the door of the car. Although the surrounding fire was raging, he couldn't take care of it anymore. He just looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!


When Jiang Fan came by himself last time, although Jiang Fan was rampant, he was very sure that he could definitely kill Jiang Fan easily!

But this time, how could Jiang Fan's strength be so strong!

That slap in the face can be seen clearly by myself, but there is no way to avoid it!

How long has it been?

Is this kid a monster?

And at this moment!


The Mercedes-Benz business shook suddenly, and the whole car was blown to pieces in the next moment!

And in the flames, the embarrassed Song Zhe and Song Rong finally rushed out!

Just now, the two of them were doing a lot of firewood, and they were playing happily!

But who would have thought that the adjective "Qian Chai Li Huo" has turned into a **** verb!

It's actually on fire!

Bo Hong's collision, coupled with the fire, almost didn't scare Song Zhe into a sheep's tail!

"Song Hong! What the **** is going on with you? I asked you to kill Jiang Fan, what did you do when you hit Laozi's car!"

Song Zhe was furious!

And Song Rong also looked extremely upset!

"No, it's not me! Yes, it's Jiang Fan!"

Hong Bo hurriedly pointed at Jiang Fan!

The two of them looked in the direction of Hong Bo's fingers, and they were suddenly startled!

And immediately after, Song Rong saw Jiang Fan's appearance, and suddenly looked greedy!

So handsome!

So strong!

Such a handsome and strong macho is rare in the world!

If you can post with him, it would be...

At the thought of this, Song Rong's excitement suddenly couldn't close her legs!

She had only heard of Jiang Fan before, but she didn't expect that the real Jiang Fan was so good!

And when he saw Song Rong's expression, Song Zhe's face suddenly became gloomy!

Oh shit!

This slut!

The duration of oneself can be as high as three full minutes!

This woman actually dared to think of Jiang Fan's little white face!


"Jiang Fan! Ben will give you a chance, and you will be caught immediately! Otherwise, you will not stay in Jiang's house!"

Song Zhe pretended to be forced and spoke proudly!

"Catch it with your hands? Don't keep the chickens and dogs? I have no grievances with your Song family, why do you want to kill such a dead hand?"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"Huh! What about no grievances and no enmity! I'm afraid you don't know? The George family has given us countless benefits to the Song family, just to catch you alive!"

"But the George family only said that they wanted you to live, but they didn't say that they couldn't abolish you!"

"Anyone who is acquainted should be obedient, otherwise I will cut off your limbs first!"

Song Zhe sneered!

"Oh~~ What are you doing? Don't scare the little brother!"

Song Rong cast a dissatisfied look at Song Zhe, and then looked at Jiang Fan with a smile on her face!

"Little brother, you'd better be obedient! If you don't resist, the sister can give you...hehe, you know~~"

Jiang Fan felt a chill when Song Rong saw him, and he suddenly lost his mood!

"Very well, since you are willing to be dogs for the George family, everything is easy!"

Jiang Fan's face sank, and he hooked his finger at the three of them!

"Let's go together!"


"Boy, you are crazy enough!"

"Today you will abolish your martial arts and break your limbs!"

The expressions of the three changed at the same time!

Then suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

This time, Hong Bo was full of confidence!

He alone may not be Jiang Fan's opponent, but with three fourteenth-level peaks, Jiang Fan is definitely dead!


Pay the price for your madness!

Hong Bo looked excited!

However, the three of them just rushed to Jiang Fan's side!

He saw that Jiang Fan suddenly rounded his arms with a speed that was clearly visible but could not be reflected by them, and then he drew up against the three of them fiercely!


Three consecutive big mouths were drawn directly to the faces of the three!

This time Jiang Fan's hand strength is completely different!

Hong Bo felt that his brains had been drawn out for a moment!

Song Zhe was blown to pieces by the smoked glasses, and the pieces of glass stuck all over his face!

Song Rong's entire face was completely deformed, and even the newly applied hyaluronic acid on her face was taken out!


The three people roared wildly in their hearts!

How could this kid be so strong?

Is he already a half-step master?

It's just that this idea just started, and the next moment, the three of Hongbo's brains were dizzy, and they had completely lost consciousness!

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