God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1233: With wings in it, it's a sculpture

"Me, my dog ​​bites you?"

Huang Zhiren was startled and suddenly laughed!

"Boy, if you said that you bit someone else, I believe it, but you didn't even get any blood out of your body. You **** told me my dog ​​bit you?"

The crowd also looked at Jiang Fan anxiously!

"Little brother, don't breathe, let's go!"

"Yes, we know that you are definitely not afraid of Huang Zhiren, but two fists are hard to beat four hands!"

"Rongfa Group has too many thugs!"

"Go away!"

The crowd kindly persuaded.

But at this moment, Huang Zhiren looked at Jiang Fan with a playful look.

"Boy, do you know, what happened to the last person who dared to talk to Lao Tzu like this?"

He suddenly looked ruthless!

"I not only interrupted his leg, but also knocked out half of his teeth! Don't **** shamelessly, get out of here!"

Huang Zhiren said, waving his hand impatiently!

But the gloomy color on Jiang Fan's face disappeared at this time, and instead he smiled!

"Interesting, in Los Angeles, no one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time! You are really brave!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, the crowd was startled!

"Well, what's the matter with this little brother?"

"It sounds like he has a big background!"

"No? Is it really the rich second generation?"

"I heard that the first person in Los Angeles also made a fortune by delivering food. Isn't it him?"

"Stop making trouble, how can you meet such a big man so casually!"

And Huang Zhiren was also stunned!

He looked at Jiang Fan carefully for a while, then suddenly nodded!

"There is a kind, even mader than Lao Tzu! Good! Lao Tzu will give you a chance, let's talk, what do you want to do?"

When he said this, his eyes were full of murderous aura!

This takeaway is so crazy!

Think you are a pirated Jiang Fan by wearing a takeaway suit?

No matter what this kid wants to do, I must let him know, and the consequences of his presumptuousness!

However, beyond everyone's expectations, Jiang Fan pointed directly at his feet!

"Simple! Let my dog ​​bite you too!"

Everyone was taken aback!

Looking along Jiang Fan's fingers, he discovered that there was a little brown Teddy at Jiang Fan's feet!

At this moment, this little guy was lying on Jiang Fan's legs, shaking his tail forcefully with a fawning expression!

Looking at this small and cute Teddy, even Huang Zhiren was stunned!

But he immediately laughed!

This little thing can't even bite his skin!

But on Jiang Fan's card, there is still a full 800,000!

When the time comes, pretending to be bitten and injured, I will find the money directly!

Hehehe, earn one million a day, dad will definitely praise himself!

"Hahaha! Just this little thing? Okay! I'll let it bite! Come on!"

Huang Zhiren smiled proudly!

"Go rich and honorable, it's rare to encounter such a stupid, as long as you don't kill him, you can play as you like!"

Jiang Fan smiled and touched Fugui's head, then pointed at Huang Zhiren!

Fu Gui looked at Huang Zhiren, and immediately licked his nose excitedly, and then suddenly jumped up in the unbelievable gazes of everyone!

An ordinary Teddy can only jump half a meter at most, but Rich and Noble jumped a full three meters high, and then spanned a distance of four or five meters, directly in front of Huang Zhiren!

"Well, is this Teddy?"

"A wing is a eagle!"

"Nima! Did I have a hallucination?"

"Now not only are the takeaways awesome, but even the takeaway dog ​​is hanging like this?"

The crowd's eyes widened in shock!

But the next moment, something that shocked them even more appeared!

Fugui's flutter brought a harsh wind, and then it almost hit Huang Zhiren's head like a shot ball!


Huang Zhiren's nose bone suddenly burst!

The whole person was even thrown over by the rich and honourable, and fell to the ground severely!

Immediately afterwards, Fu Gui suddenly opened his mouth wide and bit Huang Zhiren's **** with one bite!


Huang Zhiren suddenly let out a heart-piercing howl!

And the rich and honorable neck has been pulled hard!


Huang Zhiren's **** was a lot of meat, and he was directly dragged down by wealth!

"Oh oh oh yeah!!!"

Huang Zhiren's scream went straight into the sky, and the whole person fainted with his neck crooked!

But the second bite of wealth has already been bitten down!


Huang Zhiren, who had just passed out from the pain, was immediately awakened by the pain!

It was only at this moment that the two thugs behind him reacted, screamed, and grabbed Fugui directly!

It's a pity that the rich and honorable bite right now, and the little paw suddenly flicked at the two!

next moment!

"Bang! Bang!"

Two loud noises!

The two thugs spurted blood with their mouths full, and they were directly thrown out a full ten meters away by the rich and honorable!

The crowd was all dumbfounded!

"This, what is this special?"

"Mutated Teddy?"

"Could it be that this product was beaten with the Hulk serum, right?"

"Don't **** bullshit! Venom possession is not so fierce!"

"Could it be that this thing is an ancient Chinese beast?"

"Sure enough, it's a fierce pet, it's too scary!"

The crowd originally thought that Jiang Fan was just for the sake of face, which made the little Teddy bite Huang Zhiren symbolically. Who knew this thing looked like a Teddy, but it was actually a Tyrannosaurus!

Do not!

This thing, tyrannosaurus is even more terrifying!

Just seeing Huang Zhiren roll his eyes now, dying and dying, you know how terrifying this thing is!

"Help, help!!"


"I'm going to be bitten to death!!"

"Who can help me!!"

"I was wrong! Let me go! Oh oh oh... oh!!!"

Huang Zhiren now only feels that he is about to ascend to heaven!

I even vaguely saw the three-pointed angel beckoning to him!

I knew this Teddy, who didn't know what it was, was so cruel, let alone 800,000, even if he gave him 80 million, he wouldn't have the guts to let this thing bite!

"Little brother!"

"Takeaway boy!"

"Grandpa Takeaway! Please! Let me go!"

"I was wrong! Hurry up and let it stop! I'm really dying!"

"Uuuuu... please!"

Huang Zhiren's face was full of cold sweat, nose and tears, his entire face was distorted and deformed!

Desperately begged Jiang Fan!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan was not moved at all!

Just smiled and looked at Huang Zhiren tossing wealth and wealth, it looked like watching a beloved pet playing with a molar ball!

Seeing Jiang Fan with such abnormal eyes, Huang Zhiren's mentality completely collapsed!

"Grandpa! Ancestor!!"

"I beg you! Hurry up and let it stop!"

"As long as you let it go! Let me do anything!"

"I'm going to die, I really want to die!!"

"Oh~~~Mom! Mom!"

Huang Zhiren rolled his eyes and even twitched all over!


Jiang Fan finally snapped his fingers!

Licking his mouth still full of wealth, he finally stopped.

Jiang Fan had slowly arrived in front of Huang Zhiren, and slowly squatted down.

Looking at Huang Zhiren condescendingly, Jiang Fan smiled before speaking.

"Do you now know the consequences of arranging dogs?"

"I know, I know..."

Huang Zhiren collapsed and looked at Jiang Fan with horror.

"Very well, if you let me know if you walk the dog without tying the rope, it is your neck that my little baby bite off!"

Huang Zhiren trembled all over!

Nodding desperately!

At the same time carefully handed the bank card to Jiang Fan!

"Big brother, this, this is your money..."

Jiang Fan shook his head and stood up slowly.

"It's stained with blood, I think it's dirty, get another one and send it to me!"

"Yes, yes! But, me, where should I deliver it?"

Jiang Fan smiled and uttered two words gently.

"Jiang's House!"

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